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Malware Creators Are Quite Clever, You Know...

Malware Creators Are Quite Clever, You Know. Brian Long Brian Long Training & Consultancy Services brian@blong.com http://blong.com. Malware. Malware = software that has malicious purpose or behaves maliciously: Worms Viruses Adware Spyware Exploit tools Backdoor servers Spreaders

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Malware Creators Are Quite Clever, You Know...

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  1. Malware Creators Are Quite Clever, You Know... Brian Long Brian Long Training & Consultancy Services brian@blong.com http://blong.com

  2. Malware • Malware = software that has malicious purpose or behaves maliciously: • Worms • Viruses • Adware • Spyware • Exploit tools • Backdoor servers • Spreaders • Rootkits

  3. Malware • Malware typically arrives through some exploit • Backdoors are planted • Stuff may get broken • Data may be stolen • Host facilities may be consumed parasitically

  4. Malware • Continued existence and stealth achieved through rootkits • Terminology dates back some way with Unix • Rootkits hide stuff • Files • Directories • Registry keys/entries • Processes • and so on

  5. Malware • Rootkits are low-level, high-tech nasties • Some use kernel-mode code installed through a driver • Some achieve what they need to at user mode • Various approaches implemented successfully • Regular toolkit will not see rootkits • Rootkit deployment is increasing rapidly

  6. Case Study • Live web server • Locked away in a shed somewhere • Only access via Remote Desktop • Something seemed funny, hence the call • Dodgy IP activity, but… • …nothing visible

  7. Case Study • Turned out to be a skilled hacker’s P2P system • 26.5GB of music and video files being distributed around an IRC crew on the quiet • Rootkit installed • Disk space faked • Everything hidden • Customer very surprised to see it all spill out into the open

  8. Malware • Common implementation language is Delphi • If not, C++ or assembly language • With lots of inline assembly • Microsoft are getting on the case:http://research.microsoft.com/rootkit • Sysinternals.com are getting on the case:http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/rootkitreveal.shtml

  9. B.L.E.A.C.H. • Infected by adware? Having trouble removing spyware? Suspect you have some malware? • You need to clean your system with BLEACH*. • BLEACH* is the quick and effective way to rid yourself of unwanted and malicious software on your Windows desktop, LAN servers and Web servers. • Enquiries to brian@blong.com *Brian Long Elbows Away Computer Hackers

  10. Thank you Brian Long brian@blong.com http://blong.com p|-|34|2 |v|’/ 1337 $|<!11z

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