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How Can Data Analytics Boost Human Resource Management

The essence of any successful business lies in recognizing the pivotal role of its people. Itu2019s no longer a new concept, and an anonymous industrialist has very well said, u201cA companyu2019s success is directly proportional to the investment it makes in its employees.u201d <br>read more @ https://hrtechcube.com/

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How Can Data Analytics Boost Human Resource Management

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  1. How Can Data Analytics Boost HumanResource Management Dataanalyticshavetransformedhumanresourcemanagement. Discover why it's essential for companies to use HR metrics and analyticstomakeinformeddecisions.

  2. Theessenceofanysuccessful businessliesinrecognizingthe pivotalroleofitspeople.It’sno longeranewconcept,andan anonymous industrialist has very wellsaid,“Acompany’ssuccessis directlyproportionaltothe investmentitmakesinits employees.”Theindustrialistwas speakingfromagutperspective Tip:Uselinkstogotoadifferentpageinside yourpresentation. How:Highlighttext,clickon thelink symbol onthetoolbar,andselectthepageinyourpresentation youwantto connect.

  3. Currently,humanresource managersplayacriticalrolein managing a company’s most valuableasset–itsemployees – and providing insights to upper management. However, withtheadventoftechnology, theroleofHRleadershasnot onlychangedbutalsogaineda freshperspective

  4. FiveKeyAreas

  5. 1.EvaluatingEmployee Performance Traditionalperformanceevaluationsareoftenbasedon simplistic metrics like gross sales numbers, which can overlookimportantfactorslikementorshipor relationship-buildingskills.Byapplyingdataanalyticsto the process of evaluating employee performance, HR can identify trends and factors that might otherwise go unnoticed, leading to more accurate and effective performanceevaluations.

  6. 2.DeterminingRaisesand Promotions Usingdataanalyticstodetermineappropriatepay raises and promotions can help prevent valued workers from slipping through the cracks. By analyzingperformance-baseddata,HRcanensure thatworkersarebeingcompensatedfairlyand recognizedfortheircontributionstothe organization,whichcanincreaseemployeeloyalty andperformance.

  7. Byexaminingdataonemployeeengagementand satisfaction,HRcanidentifypatternsthatmight beleadingtohighlevelsofemployeeturnover.By addressing underlying issues and improving employee engagement and satisfaction, HR can reduceattritionratesandincreaseretention, whichcansavetheorganizationmoneyand improvemorale. 3.ControllingAttrition, IncreasingRetention

  8. 4.EvaluatingEmployeeEngagement: Engaged employees tend to be more excited abouttheirjobandperformbetterthanaverage, and they are less likely to look for new career opportunitiesoutsidethecompany.

  9. Dataanalyticscanbeusedtomeasurethegrowth anddevelopmentofindividualsanddepartments, particularlyintrainingprograms.Byusing hypothetical situations and AI technology to customize training programs based on employee feedback,HRcanimproveemployeeskillsand knowledge, leading to increased productivity and jobsatisfaction. 5.MeasuringIndividualandGroup Development:


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