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Exploring Common Core State Standards in High School Mathematics

Discover model pathways, align standards, and deepen understanding of critical areas in Common Core State Standards for Mathematics for high school. Explore clusters of standards in a coherent curriculum.

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Exploring Common Core State Standards in High School Mathematics

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  1. Module 1:A Closer Look at the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics High School Session 2: Matching Clusters of Standards to Critical Areas in one HS course

  2. In this session you will • Become familiar with model pathways which were developed to address standards progressively across high school courses • Deepen understanding of the mathematical concepts in the critical areas of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Mathematics • Align “clusters of standards” with the critical areas

  3. The Instructional Core Principle #1: Increases in student learning occur only as a consequence of improvements in the level of content, teachers’ knowledge and skill, and student engagement. Principle #2: If you change one element of the instructional core, you have to change the other two. Richard Elmore, Ph.D., Harvard Graduate School of Education

  4. Organizational Elements CULTURE STRUCTURES POLICIES, PROCESSES & PROCEDURES STAKEHOLDERS RESOURCES HUMAN, MATERIAL, MONEY Adapted from the Public Education Leadership Project at Harvard University

  5. Focused and Coherent For over a decade, research studies of mathematics education in high-performing countries have pointed to the conclusion that the mathematics curriculum in the United States must become substantially more focused and coherent in order to improve mathematics achievement in this country. To deliver on the promise of common standards, the standards must address the problem of a curriculum that is “a mile wide and an inch deep.” - Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, page 3

  6. Coherence Content standards and curricula are coherent if they are … articulated over time as a sequence of topics and performances that are logical and reflect … the sequential or hierarchical nature of the disciplinary content … What and how students are taught should reflect not only the topics that fall within a certain academic discipline, but also the key ideas that determine how knowledge is organized and generated within that discipline. - Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, page 3

  7. Reminder … • Conceptual categories: themes that connect mathematics across high school and contain a set of domains • Domains: overarching “big ideas” that connect topics across high school courses • Clusters: groups of standards that describe coherent aspects of the content category within a domain • Standards: define what students should know and be able to do at each grade level • Critical Areas: units that organize the standards within courses as recommended in Appendix A

  8. Remember… • The course structures in Appendix A illustrate possible approaches—models, not mandates. • The standards are required; however, the organization and course structure are not. • In Appendix A, there are pages that show how standards are organized within each course. • There are also pages that show how the standards are organized over three years of courses (Session 3).

  9. High School Courses Critical areas or units Clusters of standards Standards Instructional notes

  10. Algebra I Critical area/or Unit and Overview Clusters Standards associated with clusters Instructional Notes

  11. Critical area/Unit and Overview Mathematics I Clusters Standards associated with clusters Instructional Notes

  12. Task: Matching Clusters and Critical Areas • Read through the clusters for your selected course. • Examine each cluster. Discuss with your partner how you interpret the cluster. • Decide which critical area the cluster would address. • On large chart paper, using scissors and tape, organize the clusters by critical area. • NOTE: Some clusters may fall in more than one critical area.

  13. Match Clusters with Critical Areas:Using the worksheet (Option 1) Match clusters to critical areas (cut out available handout B)

  14. Match Clusters with Critical Areas (Option 2) Traditional Algebra I Write clusters here. Write clusters here.

  15. Small Group Discussion :Matching Clusters with Critical Areas: • How do the clusters of standards illuminate the concepts in the critical areas? • What did you learn about each of the mathematical big ideas in the critical areas? • How does this content compare to the course you currently teach? • In general, how much alike or different is this from the course you teach now?

  16. Whole Group Discussion • Were you able to match each cluster of standards with one of the critical areas? • What challenges did you have in matching the clusters? • What questions arose for you and your team about the organization of the standards? • How do the clusters illuminate the concepts in the critical areas? • In general, how much alike or different is this from the course you teach now?

  17. Reflection Questions • How will your knowledge of the standards in the model courses inform your curriculum and guide your instruction? • What will be some major changes? • What questions do you still have about course structure?

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