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The experience of modern medicine tests that :

Explore the science of hygiene, its role in public health, and methods to preserve individual health. Learn about preventive actions, environmental protection, and the impact of hygiene on various diseases.

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The experience of modern medicine tests that :

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  1. Hygiene as a science. Prophylactic direction of medicine. Methods of hygienic researches. Hygienic role of climate and weather, peculiarities of their influence to the health of people.

  2. Hygiene is a science about preservation and strengthening of public and individual health by realization of preventive actions. There are two ways to improve health of people: -Protection and improvement of an environment;- Preservation and increasing of resistibility of an organism.

  3. The experience of modern medicine tests that : • the professional competence of a doctor is formed by two kinds of medical knowledge and two basic methods of medical activity. The first kind of knowledge is prophylaxis of illnesses, preservation and im­provement of population health. The second trend is treatment of diseases. The knowledge of hygiene allows a doctor of any specialty (therapeutist, pediatrician, surgeon, stomatologist) to implement correctly preventive measures, to increase health of population.

  4. Among many diseases the following are allocated, first of all: • Occupational diseases and poisonings caused by pathogenic influence of conditions and factors of work; • Illnesses connected with irrational nutrition (avitaminosis, obesity, etc.), with the use of substandard food (food poisonings, infections, etc.); • Diseases connected with the use of drinking water, not adequate to hygienic requirements on chemical and bacterial structure;

  5. (Con) • Illnesses arising from influence of radionuclides due to wrong organization of work with radioactive substances or pollution of the environment with them; • The diseases of children and teenagers (underweight, disorders of locomotive system, etc.), caused by unfavorable conditions of training and education (to be continued)

  6. con • Illnesses of respiratory tract as a result of intensive pollution of atmospheric air; • Infectious and parasite illnesses, occurring and spreading due to sanitary conditions of the environment; • Illnesses connected with influence of unfavorable hygienic conditions of dwelling.

  7. Beside that there is a large group of ecologically caused diseases – allergy, malignant tumors, genetic and reproductive disorders, etc.

  8. The main sections of Hygiene: • Communal (municipal) Hygiene • Hygiene of Nutrition • Occupational Hygiene • Military Hygiene • Hygiene of Children and Adolescents • Psychohygiene • Personal Hygiene • Hygiene of Medical institutions

  9. Etymology of the word “Hygiene”: • Hygiene is a branch of medicine, which studies the influence of factors of the environment, living and working conditions on the population's health, creates hygienic norms and rules to preserve health, to increase working capacity and life span.

  10. Sanitation • Sanitation is a practical appliance of hygiene in our life. Sanitary-Epidemiolo- gical Station is a service (governmental institution) which controls if hygienic norms are in use in our daily activity.

  11. Etymology • The word "Hygiene" comes from the Greek word "Hygieinos", it means carrying health. According to Greek mythology God of medicine

  12. History • Aesculapius had two daughters. The elder daughter was named Panacea.She initiated the therapeutic trend in medicine. The junior daughter was called Hygeia. She promoted prophylactic trend of medicine.The ancients honored Hygeia as Goddess of health. The well-known English scientist E.A. Park speaking of hygiene said: "The main task of this science consists in making the human development the most perfective one, but a decay of his life the slowest one and his death the most remote one".

  13. Nykolay I. Pyrogov said: • “I believe in Hygiene. The future of medicine belongs to prophylaxis, it’s a real progress of medical science.” • Therapeutic medicine is a science about etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic and treatment of diseases.Hygiene is a science about health of healthy people. Because of this, there are two types of doctors: attending doctors (therapeutists, surgeons, neurologists, obstetricians etc.) and doctors-hygienists, i.e. doctors who are engaged in prophylaxis.

  14. obstetrics [ ] (functioning as sing.) the branch of medicine concerned with childbirth and the treatment of women before and after childbirth • sanatorium [ ] or sanitarium , -riums or -ria [] 1) an institution for the medical care and recuperation of persons who are chronically ill 2) a health resort 3) a room in a boarding school where sick pupils may be treated in isolation • Etymology: from New Latin, from Latin sānāre to heal

  15. There are also two kinds of medical establishments: • therapeutic ones (polyclinics, hospitals, clinics, therapeutic dispensaries)and prophylactic ones (sanitary-epidemiologic stations, sanatoriums and preventoriums, prophylactic dispensaries).

  16. Kinds of prophylaxis are: • Primary prophylaxis • Secondary prophylaxis • Tertiary prophylaxis

  17. Primary prophylaxis Is carried out individually among healthy people. Its aim is to prevent the disease. This is the highest form of prophylaxis. It includes hygienic and special measures.

  18. Hygienic measures mean a healthy way of living and carrying out prophylactic inoculations (specific prophylaxis).

  19. Special measures are carried out by doctors, who are experts in their own field, with the purpose of prevention of some kinds of disease.

  20. Secondary prophylaxis is carried out among persons, who are falling ill, on the individual base. Its aim is to prevent the relapses, complications and transition from acute state to chronic form of disease. N.B. An acute disease is easier to treat than a chronic one.

  21. The categories of chronic disease are: 1) illnesses without symptoms 2) chronic illnesses, which are growing progressively worse 3) invalidating chronic illnesses 4) incurable hereditary diseases

  22. Water as a factor of health. Hygienic significance of water. Requirements toquality of drinking water. Hygiene of water supply. Methods of water quality improvement.

  23. Main functions of water • Physiological: - for assimilation, dissimilation, resorption, elimination, and thermoregulation; - solvent for nutritious substances; - as plastic material; • Sanitary; • Household;

  24. Main functions of water (con) • Industrial, agricultural • Health-improving; • Recreational

  25. Physiological significance of water • Fatty tissue consists of 30% of water. • White matter of brain and liver contains 70% of water, • skin about 72%, muscles - 76%. • About 79% of water is in heart and 83% in kidneys. Grey matter of brain contains 86% of water and eyes - 90%.

  26. Physiological significance of water • Blood and lymph are water solutions of complex chemical compound. • The human body consists of 65 - 70% of water on an average.

  27. Kinds of water supply • Decentralized or local; • Centralized or water pipe (hot and cold running water, tap water)

  28. Water hygienic requirements • Water should have perfect organoleptic and physical qualities; • Water should have optimal chemical composition; • Water should not decrease biological value of food; • Water should not be hard; • Water should not include radiological and toxic substances (no higher than maximum concentration limit); • Water should not include pathogenic germs.

  29. Water transmitted diseases • 1.Bacterial infectious diseases (cholera, typhoid, salmonellosis, dysentery, paratyphoid, brucellosis, plague, leptospirosis, etc.); • 2. Viral diseases (viral hepatitis, poliomyelitis, enterovirus diseases); • 3. Protozoan diseases (balantidiasis, amebic dysentery); • 4. Helminthiasises (ascaridiasis, diphyllobothriasis, schistosomiasis, etc.); • 5. Diseases due to water chemical composition

  30. Diseases due to water chemical composition: • As a result of high water hardness (urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, podagra) or low water hardness (cardio-vascular diseases, osteoporosis); • As a result of high quantity of nitrogenated compounds (hydro-nitrate (well-water) methemoglobinemia); • biogeochemical endemia (caries, fluorosis, endemic goitre, molybdenic arthritis, Kashin-Bek disease (strontium endemic osteoarthritis), boric enteritis); • Presence of toxic chemical substances ("ungulate disease" (As), lead poisoning (Pb pipes), Minomata disease (Hg), Cd poisoning)

  31. Zones of sanitary maintenance The zone of sanitary maintenance ofwater supply source is specific territory concerned with waterworks intake • 1. Clozed zone - includes area of water source and main waterworks intakes. This zone is enclosed and supervised • 2. Restricted zone includes area of water source up and down stream (some kilometers) • 3. Observational zone(tens km)


  33. Outline of the lecture: 1. Scientific bases of balanced nutrition /Теrminological review/ 1.1. Concept of Adequate Nutrition 1.2. Concept of Balanced Nutrition 1.3. Concept of Rational Nutrition 1.4. Biomedical Significance of Food (Functions of food) 1.5. The basic kinds of nutrition 1.6. Biological action of food 1.7. Classification of Nutritive Substances (The basic kinds of food substances) 1.8. Classification of the Food Products (Aliments) by origin 2. Hygienic significance of separate components of nutrition 2.1. Biomedical Value of Proteins. Diseases due to Protein Insufficiency & Excess 2.2. Biomedical value of Fats. Diseases due to Fat Insufficiency & Excess 2.3. Biomedical value of Carbohydrates. Diseases due to Carbohydrate Insufficiency & Excess. 2.4. Biomedical value of Minerals. Classification of Minerals. 2.5. Biomedical value of Vitamins. Classification of Vitamins. 3. Sanitary-and-Hygienic Expertise of Food Products (Aliments) 4. Hygienic foundations of Alimentary Diseases Prevention and Food Poisonings Prevention. 4.1 Classification of Alimentary Diseases & Food Poisonings 4.2. The basic directions of Alimentary Diseases & Food Poisonings Preventions

  34. LECTURE 4 Labor and health. Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Physiology. Classifica-tion of harmful factors of the working process and industrial environment. Hygienic characteristic of physical, chemical and biological factors of industrial environment.

  35. Hygiene of labour - is a branch of prophylactic medicine that studies conditions and character of the work, their influence on the health and functional state of the human; it develops scientific basis of hygienic regulation of factors of working environment and production.

  36. Classification of harmful occupational factors: • Physical factors • Chemical factors • Biological factors • Not correct organisation of work (too intensive work, absence of breaks in work …) • Bad sanitary conditions of work (bad ventilation, bad lighting, absence of toilet, absence of hot and cold water)

  37. Physical factors: • microclimate (temperature, humidity, air movement, temperature radiation) • nonionizing radiation (electrostatic field, permanent magnetic field, electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency (50 hertz), ionizing radiation

  38. Physical factors: • industrial noise, ultrasound, infrasound • vibration (local, general) • lighting (natural; artificial – insufficient, direct and reflected shine, fluctuation of lighting).

  39. Chemical factors: • substances of chemical origin, • substances of biological character that were obtained due to chemical synthesis, • substances that should be controlled due to chemical analysis.

  40. Biological factors • micro-organisms - producers, viruses, and spores, pathogens.

  41. protozoan [] , -zoa [] or -zoans 1) Also called: protozoon [] -zoa any of various minute unicellular organisms formerly regarded as invertebrates of the phylum Protozoa but now usually classified in certain phyla of protoctists. Protozoans include flagellates, ciliates, sporozoans, amoebas, and foraminifers also protozoic 2) of or relating to protozoans

  42. Hygienic norms of working conditions (maximum permissible concentration, maximum permissible level, etc): are the levels of harmful working factors which cannot cause diseases or disturbance in health, which can be indicated by modern research methods, during the work or remote life periods of the present and subsequent generations. The norms are measured for daily work (except days off) during 8 hours, but not more than 40 per week.


  44. List of the main occupational diseases

  45. Kinds of prophylaxis • Prevention (prophylaxis) of the occupational pathology is the system of state, medical and public measures aimed at improvement and preservation of the workers’ health at industrial or agricultural enterprises. • Primary (initial) prophylaxis includes prevention of diseases, influence on the factors that cause illness and risk factors that stimulate it. • Repeated (secondary) prophylaxis aims at prevention of development and aggravation of the disease, elimination of negative influence of the environmental factors and systematic treatment of the patient.

  46. Tertiary prophylaxis • includes medico–prophylactic technologies aimed at removing negative consequences of the disease (relapses, complications, temporary and permanent disability, death). Also this kind of prophylaxis contemplates improvement of patients’ life quality (prosthetics, removing of pain syndrome

  47. The list of professions that require medical examinations of the workers: • The workers of all professions who are under 21 years old. • The workers of all professions who work being influenced by harmful substances and negative working factors. • The workers of all professions who work underground. • The workers of all professions who work at hydrometeorological stations, communication services located in polar, mountainous, arid (desert) regions or other back or uninhabited lands, in difficult climatic conditions.

  48. The list of professions that require medical examinations of the workers: • The workers of all professions who work at high altitude. • The workers who work at electrical installations with the voltage more than 1000 V. • The workers of all professions who work in the forestry and timber enterprises. • Machine operators who deal with the devices under pressure.

  49. The list of professions that requires medical examination of the workers: • Boiler plant workers • Workers who deal with explosive substances or who work at highly explosive or fire-hazardous enterprises • Work with machinery • Work connected with means of transport.

  50. Pediatric hygiene • Pediatric hygiene – is the main prophylactic science that researches the influence of factors of environment, academic (studying) and upbrining conditions on children’s health. • An object under study is children’s organism from the birth to the end of period of growth.

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