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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средней Общеобразовательной Школы № 15» г Балашова Саратовской обл. Outstanding people of Russia. Выполнила: Ученица 10 «б» класса Окорокова Ю. Проверила: учитель английского языка Артамонова Л. Н. г Балашов 2009/2010 учебный год.
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средней Общеобразовательной Школы № 15» г Балашова Саратовской обл. Outstanding people of Russia Выполнила: Ученица 10 «б» класса Окорокова Ю. Проверила: учитель английского языка Артамонова Л. Н. г Балашов 2009/2010 учебный год
Mikhail Lomonosov Exclusively versatile person. It was engaged in chemistry, physics, geology, mineralogy, geography, history. Liked to write verses, translated works of foreign scientists on Russian.
Alexander Pushkin The founder and the ancestor of the Russian literature, it and nowadays the most popular, favourite and readable poet of our country. All new and new generations re-read it is products, finding the «the Captain's daughter », "Evgenie Onegina", « the Copper horseman ».
Agnia Barto Детская поэтесса The children's poetess. It has devoted all life to children, their formation and problems.
Peter Chajkovsky The greatest Russian composer, is the author of the famous products: "Nutcracker", «Swan lake », « the Sleeping beauty ».
Lev Tolstoi You do not cease to admire with talent of the great Russian writer. Great gift and huge feeling of a word it has been incorporated in this person. It is products by the right were included into a treasury of the Russian literature. The most known "War and peace".
Ilya Repin The Russian painter. Opened contradictions of the validity, worked above a theme of revolutionary movement.
Yuri Gagarin The first cosmonaut in the world. Has flown about the Earth for 108 minutes.
Yuri Nikulin The circus performer and cinema, the hero of films: "Self-racers", « the Diamond hand », « Operation Ы » and other adventures Shurika.
Evgeni Leonov The well-known actor of the Soviet union, was removed in many films, most known of them: « Gentlemen of success », « Striped flight », « the Ordinary miracle ».
Vladimir Vysotsky This name is familiar to each Russian person. It is voice with rough, simple guitar search were heard everywhere. Vysotsky's songs intelligible, simple, are close and clear all.
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