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Beam Energy Scan Program at RHIC . Michal Šumbera Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, Řež / Prague. PHOBOS. BRAHMS. RHIC. PHENIX. STAR. AGS. TANDEMS. R elativistic H eavy I on C ollider Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Upton, NY. Animation M. Lisa.
Beam Energy Scan Program at RHIC Michal Šumbera Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, Řež/Prague
PHOBOS BRAHMS RHIC PHENIX STAR AGS TANDEMS Relativistic Heavy Ion ColliderBrookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Upton, NY Animation M. Lisa World’s (second) largest operational heavy-ion collider World’s largest polarized proton collider
Recorded Datasets Fast DAQ + Electron Based Ion Source + 3D Stochastic cooling
Remarkable discoveries at RHIC • Perfect liquid BRAHMS, PHENIX, PHOBOS, STAR, Nuclear Physics A757 (2005)1-283 • Number of constituent quark scaling PHENIX, PRL 91(2003)072301; STAR, PR C70(2005) 014904 • Jet quenching PHENIX, PRL 88(2002)022301; STAR, PRL 90(2003) 082302 • Heavy-quark suppressionPHENIX, PRL 98(2007)172301, STAR, PRL 98(2007)192301 • Production of exotic systems • Discovery on anti-strange nucleusSTAR, Science 328 (2010) 58 • Observation of anti-4He nucleusSTAR, Nature 473 (2011) 353 • Indications of gluon saturation at small xSTAR, PRL 90(2003) 082302; BRAHMS, PRL 91(2003) 072305; PHENIX ibid 072303
QCD Phase Diagram Crossover ~21012K 1st/2nd order Particle Physics
leading particle suppressed hadrons q q ? Scaling AA to pp (or central to peripheral) Phys.Lett.B243 (1990)432 FERMILAB- Pub-82/59-THY Nucleus-nucleus yield <Nbinary>/sinelp+p NULL Result AA If R = 1 here, nothing “new” is going on
Suppresion of leading hadrons at RHIC Au + Au Experiment d + Au Control Experiment • Dramatically different and opposite centrality evolution of Au+Au experiment from d+Au control experiment. • New state of matter is produced in central Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200GeV
…and at LHC … ALICE, Phys.Lett. B696 (2011)30
…and compared to pA reference arXiv:1210.4520v1
Single hadron RAA: RHIC vs LHC RAA RAA for both systems looks similar
LHC: Suppression of inclusive jets CMS-PAS HIN-12-004 Fully unfolded inclusive jet RAA pp 2.76 TeV reference Like for charged particles, high-pT jet RAA flat at ≈ 0.5
Dihadronazimuthal correlations at RHIC STAR, PRL 90(2003) 082302 Azimuthal distribution of hadrons with pT > 2 GeV/c relative to trigger hadron with pTtrig > 4 GeV/c (background subtracted). Data are from p+p, central d+Au and central Au+Au collisions.
… and g+jet at LHC Photon (191GeV) Jet (98 GeV) • Photon tag: • Identifies jet as u,d quark jet • Provides initial quark direction • Provides initial quark pT
Energy Dependence of Elliptic Flow ALICE: PRL 105 (2010) 252302
v2(pT): LHC vs. RHIC ALICE: PRL 105 (2010) 252302 The same flow properties from √sNN=200 GeV to 2.76 TeV
The ‘Standard Model’ of high energy heavy ion collisions 1) Quenching All hard hadronic process are strongly quenched 2) Flow Pantarhei: All soft particles emerge from the common flow field
Why to go to lower energies? • 0) Turn-off of sQGP signatures • 1) Search for the signals of phase boundary • 2) Search for the QCD critical point
The RHIC Beam Energy Scan Project • Since the original design of RHIC (1985), running at lower energies has been envisioned. • Possibilities of RHIC running at lower energies were studied with a series of test runs: 19.6 GeV Au+Au in 2001, 22.4 GeV Cu+Cu in 2005, and 9.2 GeV Au+Au in 2008. • In 2009 the RHIC PAC approved a proposal to run a series of six energies to search for the critical point and the onset of deconfinement. • These energies were run during the 2010 and 2011 running periods. QGP Turn-off First Order Cross-Over Critical Point First Order Phase Transition
Suppression of Charged Hadrons … PRL 91, 172302 (2003) (0-5%/60-80%) STAR Preliminary
… and its Disappearance PRL 91, 172302 (2003) (0-5%/60-80%) STAR Preliminary RCP ≥ 1 at √sNN ≤ 27 GeV- Cronin effect?
RCP: Identified Particles STAR Preliminary • Baryon-meson splitting reduces and disappears with decreasing energy • RCP (K0s) < 1 @√sNN > 19.6 GeV • RCP > 1 @ √sNN ≤ 11.5 GeV ForpT > 2 GeV/c:
Baryon/Meson Ratio STAR Preliminary • W/f ratio falls off at 11.5 GeV
<px> or directed flow rapidity Directed flow is quantified by the first harmonic: Azimuthal Anisothropy • Directed flow is due to the sideward motion of the particles within the reaction plane. • Generated already during the nuclear passage time (2R/g≈.1 fm/c@200GeV) • It probes the onset of bulk collective dynamics during thermalization v1(y) is sensitive to baryon transport, space - momentum correlations and QGP formation (preequilibrium)
Directed Flow of p and π p π STAR Preliminary v1 Mid-central collisions: Pion v1 slope: Always negative (7.7-39 GeV) (Net)-proton v1 slope:changes sign between 7.7 and 11.5 GeV - may be due to the contribution from the transported protons coming to midrapidity at the lower beam energies
Energy Dependence of v2 STAR, ALICE: v2{4} results Centrality: 20-30% ALICE: PRL 105, 252302 (2010) PHENIX: PRL 98, 162301 (2007) PHOBOS: PRL 98, 242302 (2007) CERES: Nucl. Phys. A 698, 253c (2002). E877: Nucl. Phys. A 638, 3c(1998). E895: PRL 83, 1295 (1999). STAR 130 Gev: Phys.Rev. C66,034904 (2002). STAR 200 GeV: Phys.Rev. C72,014904 (2005). STAR Preliminary • The rate of increase with collision energy is slower from 7.7 to 39 GeV compared to that between 3 to 7.7 GeV
v2(pT): First Result STAR: Nucl.Phys. A862-863(2011)125 • v2 (7.7 GeV) < v2 (11.5 GeV) < v2 (39 GeV) • v2 (39 GeV) ≈ v2 (62.4 GeV) ≈ v2 (200 GeV) ≈ v2 (2.76 TeV) • sQGP from 39 GeVto 2.76 TeV
v2(pT): Final Result STAR Coll.: e-Print arXiv:1206.5528 ALICE data: PRL 105, 252302 (2010) For pT< 2 GeV/c: v2 values rise with increasing √sNN For pT ≥ 2 GeV/c: v2 values are (within stat. errors) comparable The increase of v2 with √sNN,could be due to change of chemical composition and/or larger collectivity at higher collision energy.
v2 vs. mT-m0 STAR Preliminary Corresponding anti-particles Particles • Baryon–meson splitting is observed when collisions energy ≥ 19.6 GeV • for both particles and the corresponding anti-particles • For anti-particles the splitting is almost gone within errors at 11.5 GeV
Particles vs. Anti-particles • Beam energy ≥ 39 GeV • Δv2 for baryon and anti-baryon • within 10% • Almost no difference for mesons • Beam energy < 39 GeV • The difference of baryon and anti-baryon v2 • →Increasing with decrease of beam energy • At √sNN= 7.7 - 19.6 GeV • v2(K+)>v2(K-) • v2(π-) >v2(π+) • Possible explanation(s) • Baryon transport to midrapidity? • ref: J. Dunlop et al., PRC 84, 044914 (2011) • Hadronic potential? • ref: J. Xu et al., PRC 85, 041901 (2012) STAR Preliminary The difference between particles and anti-particles is observed
NCQ Scaling Test Particles STAR Preliminary • Universal trend for most of particles – ncq scaling not broken at low energies • ϕmeson v2 deviates from other particles in Au+Au@(11.5 & 7.7) GeV: ~ 2σ at the highest pTdata point Reduction of v2forϕmesonand absence of ncq scaling during the evolution the system remains in the hadronic phase [B. Mohanty and N. Xu: J. Phys. G 36, 064022(2009)]
Accessing Phase Diagram T-mB: From spectra and ratios
p, K, p Spectra STAR Preliminary Slopes: p > K > p. Proton spectra: without feed-down correction p,K,p yields within measured pT ranges: 70-80% of total yields
Strange Hadron Spectra K0s L X- Au+Au 39 GeV Au+Au 39 GeV Au+Au 39 GeV f, K0s: Levy function fit L, X : Boltzmann fit L: feed-down corrected STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary
Chemical Freeze-out Parameters THERMUS* Model: Tch and mB Particles used: p, K, p, L, K0s, X STAR Preliminary • Centrality dependence of freeze-out • temperature with baryon chemical potential • observed for first time at lower energies • S. Wheaton & J.Cleymans, Comp. Phys. Com. 180: 84, 2009.
Kinetic Freeze-out Parameters Blast Wave: Tkinand <b> STAR Preliminary Particles used: p,K,p Au+Au STAR Preliminary • Higher kinetic temperature corresponds to lower value of average • flow velocity and vice-versa
Overview of the BES I Results • Turn-off of QGP signatures: • NCQ breaks down below 19.6 GeV • High pt suppression not seen below 19.6 GeV • LPV effect not seen below 11.5 GeV • Evidence of the first order phase transition. • v1 sign change above 7.7 • Inflection in v2 and dET/dh at 7.7 • Azimuthal HBT signal inconclusive • Search for the critical point. • K/p, K/p, or p/p fluctuations are not conclusive. • Higher moments of the proton distributions Clear Evidence Strong Hints Hints Daniel Cebra @ APS DNP Meeting – Town Meeting Newport Beach, CA, 10/26/2012
Beam Energy Scan II Add a week between each energy, and BES II program will take about 17 weeks • BES II will focus on the most interesting regions of the phase diagram • Electron cooling is key to the feasibility of this program; without cooling, BES II would take ~70 weeks BES II Daniel Cebra @ APS DNP Meeting – Town Meeting Newport Beach, CA, 10/26/2012
BES Phase-II proposal • Electron cooling will provide • increased luminosity ~ 10 times Proposal BES-II (Years 2015-2017): Fedotov, W. Fischer, private discussions, 2012. At current rates, this would take ~70 weeks of RHIC operations! Isn’t there a better way? Yes! We can cool the beams!
BES Phase-II proposal • Electron cooling will provide • increased luminosity ~ 10 times Proposal BES-II (Years 2015-2017): Fedotov, W. Fischer, private discussions, 2012. 1% Au target Fixed Target Proposal: • Annular 1% gold target inside the STAR beam pipe • 2m away from the center of STAR • Data taking concurrently with collider mode at beginning of each fill No disturbance to normal RHIC running
BES Program Summary √sNN(GeV) Explore QCD Diagram 39 19.6 7.7 5 2.5 BES phase-I BES phase-II Fixed Target Test Run QGP properties 112 206 420 585 775 0 mB (MeV) Large range of mB in the phase diagram !!!
The Alternatives Is there another way? Can another facility do this faster? Or better?
Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) Runn + Running now, that’s good + Energy range is good - But fixed-target - And light ions Not Ideal • Time Line: 2009-2015 • Energy Range: √sNN=4.9 - 17.3 GeV • mB= 0.560 - 0.230 GeV BES I Daniel Cebra @ APS DNP Meeting – Town Meeting Newport Beach, CA, 10/26/2012
Nuclotron based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) • Time Line: Not yet funded. Plan is to submit documents by end of 2012. Operations could not begin before 2017 (probably much later) • Energy Range: √sNN= 3.9 - 11 GeV for Au+Au; mB=0.630 - 0.325 GeV. • + Collider, that’good • + High Luminosity expected • MPD simiar to STAR • Maybe as early as 2017 • - (But probably later) • Energy is too low! • Will miss the critical point Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) Daniel Cebra @ APS DNP Meeting – Town Meeting Newport Beach, CA, 10/26/2012
Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Energy Range: SIS-100: Au+Au @ √sNN=2.9 GeV SIS-300: Au+Au√sNN= 2.7 - 8.2 GeV mB=0.730 - 0.410 GeV Time Line: SIS-100 is funded and will be complete by 2018 SIS-300 will need additional funding (no time estimate) • ++ Very High Interaction Rate • Fixed target geometry • - No time estimate for SIS-300 • Probably after 2022 • Even with SIS-300, the energy is too low! • Will miss the critical point Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) ECAL TOF TRD RICH MVD STS Daniel Cebra @ APS DNP Meeting – Town Meeting Newport Beach, CA, 10/26/2012