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Beyond Suspension:

Beyond Suspension:. Using the Disciplinary Process as an Instructional Opportunity to Improve Student Behavior and Build Character. PBIS Team Training for Middle Schools The Conference Center at Sheppard Pratt - July 20, 2010

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  1. Beyond Suspension: Using the Disciplinary Process as an Instructional Opportunity to Improve Student Behavior and Build Character PBIS Team Training for Middle Schools The Conference Center at Sheppard Pratt - July 20, 2010 Dr. Alan F. Hill, Appeals & Mitigation Officer/Supt. Designee

  2. Character education is intentionally and proactively providing opportunities for students to learn what it means to be a good citizen. How can this be done? Modeling positive behaviors/attitudes Instilling the habits of civility and kindnessUsing polite words of respect and tolerance Creating a climate of moral and social excellenceHaving students reflect on what they are doing or have done and need to do Demonstrating pride in self and others Develop a sense of justice and fairness

  3. Discipline & Character Building One of the most important and effective ways to manage student behavior and build character while maintaining safe and orderly schools that promote high standards of student achievement is to _____ students.

  4. 11 Things You Won’t Learn in School Rule 1 - Life is not fair, get used to it! Rule 6 - If you mess up, it’s not your parents fault, so don’t whine about your mistakes, learn from them. Rule 8 – Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. They’ll give you as many times as you want to the get the answer right! This bears no resemblance to anything in real life! Attributed to a speech by Bill Gates

  5. High School – 1957- vs. 2010 Scenario 2: Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school. 1957- Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies. 2010 – Police called and SWAT team arrives—they arrest both Johnny and Mark. They are both charged with assault and both expelled even though Johnny started it.

  6. High School – 1957 vs. 2009 Scenario 4: Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school. 1957- Mark shares his aspirin with the principal out on the smoking dock. 2010- The police are called and Mark is expelled from school for drug violations. His car is searched for drugs and weapons. Source: Unknown Email

  7. Discipline Discipline comes the Latin root of the word disciplina which means to “teach.” Are you using the disciplinary process as an opportunity to teach? “Accepting responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions is one of the essential lessons of life.”

  8. Core Belief Statement: The purpose and focus of the disciplinary policies and procedures in BCPS is designed to help and encourage all students to take responsibility for their actions and to respect the rights of others. On the continuum of interventions, suspension from school should be the last step, not the first option.

  9. Continuum of Disciplinary Actions Minimum actions start here: 1. Student talks with the teacher about behaviors Last school disciplinary actions ends here: 25. Principal may suspend the student to the Superintendents Designee There are least 23 other interventions in between. What do you do?

  10. Alternatives/Options to Suspension Alternatives Options Alternatives Options • There are numerous options beyond suspension. Some of these need special • supervision and previous agreement from parents and administration. Possible • alternatives include the following: • Writing a letter of reflection and apology to appropriate parties • Attending individual meeting on harassment and bullying • In school time out/suspension (supervision must be provided) • Reassignment to another classroom or teacher (discuss with teacher) • Modification of school schedule of classes as appropriate • Modified school day insuring attendance is beyond half day and core • subjects are provided. (Especially for IEP/504 students) • Student works with counselor/speech teacher to develop appropriate school • language skills. Eliminate four letter expletives etc. • 8. The student develops a list of actions or strategies to express frustration • appropriately

  11. 9. Make up class work after school or before school (weekends) 10. Make restitution: pay for damages, clean up*, repair* 11. Loss of privileges: hall pass, last out, first out, lavatory with supervision 12. Adult supervision during transitions between classes 13. Preferential seating in selected classes/lunch 14. Parent supervision during the school day to monitor behavior 15. Participate in conflict resolution/ peer mediation meeting 16. Meet with SRO and counselor to discuss behaviors and potential outcomes via suspension and juvenile justice system 17. Supervised assigned seating in classroom, cafeteria, and on bus 18. Spend time volunteering (service learning) at school: tutoring helping other students as appropriate 19. Confiscation of electronic devices- inform students/ publish actions 20. Assign mentor who monitors student’s action hourly/daily

  12. This is how it starts……….. “He was trying to bank me!” “Don’t do me dirty!” “It was all he said, she said!” “He/she called me a B!” “He/she dissed me!” “I had no other choice!” “She bucked me and then I bucked her!” “He/she mugged me!” “We were only play fighting!” ……….and suspension from school is how it ends!

  13. How would you handle this referral? Situation: You are an administrator and received a Discipline Referral and Feedback Form from the teacher. The student is outside your office waiting to see you. What actions do you take? Outcome: What do you think should happen to the student?

  14. Discipline Referral Form Nature of Offense: Teacher’s Report Davon was going to hit another student with a clipboard and I stepped in between him and the other student and was shoved into a desk Janice Martin, 12/18/2008

  15. Actions Taken By The Teacher 1. 2. 3. 4.

  16. Actions Taken By The Administration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  17. And now the rest of the story….. • The student was suspended to the Superintendent’s Designee* • The A-1 team found no manifestation* • The student was found guilty of all charges • The student was removed from school for two terms by the designee and assigned to an alternative placement *P.S. The case was overturned on appeal to Board of Education

  18. Could this situation have been handled differently? 1. don’t assume guilt – there are two sides to every story 2 let the student speak and you actively listen 3. interview others who witnessed actions 4. consider any of the 23 other options available prior to suspension to designee 5. think about how this incident could provide an opportunity for learning (impromptu lesson) 6. do what is fair and just and promotes the opportunity to change the behaviors of those involved

  19. Resources Available to Schools School Resources: Use these resources at the beginning of the disciplinary process Local Human Resources: Use these resources as needed and in conjunction with school resources Print Resources: Use these resources at all levels of the disciplinary process

  20. Character Building through Teaching Students to Reflect Using Story Boards – Core Values (Critical inquiry, responsibility, truth, honesty, objectivity, reasoned argument) Adults promote these values by: • Asking Open Ended Questions • Listening Actively • Respecting the rights and feelings of others • Providing “due process” • Understanding the dynamics at play • Looking for “win-win” solutions • Using the disciplinary process as a learning experience

  21. Perception is Reality Until Proven Otherwise Dr. Alan F. Hill, Appeals & Mitigation Officer/Superintendent’s Designee Student Support Services at Cockeysville Middle School 10401 Greenside Drive, Cockeysville, Maryland 21030 Office- 410-887-7656 Fax – 410-666-0025

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