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Cameron’s Dictionary

Cameron’s Dictionary. careful. Care.ful/ fel / adj /using or taking care. I am careful when I put my game always. angel. an.gel/an- jel / A spiritual being superior to man. I am a angel went I am the house. marvelous. Mar.vel.ous /ma- ve -le causing wonder .

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Cameron’s Dictionary

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  1. Cameron’s Dictionary

  2. careful Care.ful/fel/adj/using or taking care. I am careful when I put my game always.

  3. angel an.gel/an-jel/ A spiritual being superior to man. I am a angel went I am the house

  4. marvelous Mar.vel.ous/ma-ve-le causing wonder . of the highest kind or quality

  5. exception Ex.cep.tion/ik-sep-shenel/ Forming an ception

  6. rubber rub.ber/reb-er/something used in rubbing.

  7. Outwork out.work I always outwork.

  8. nauseous nau.seous/nau/ I am always nauseous

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