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Hamlet William Shakespeare

Dive into the complex themes of power corruption, revenge, moral choices, and loyalty in Shakespeare's Hamlet. Explore the characters, setting, and motifs in this timeless tragedy. Do you agree or disagree with the philosophical statements intertwined in the play?

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Hamlet William Shakespeare

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  1. Hamlet William Shakespeare AP Literature

  2. Agree or Disagree? Power Corrupts.

  3. Agree or Disagree? Revenge is the only way to gain true justice.

  4. Agree or Disagree? A person's immoral choices typically come back to haunt him/her.

  5. Agree or Disagree? A person has to confront death in order to understand life's meaning.

  6. Agree or Disagree? Regardless of their actions, you should always be loyal to family.

  7. Agree or Disagree? “This above all — to thine own self be true” Polonius Act I Sc. iii

  8. Hamlet • Son of a murdered Danish king and nephew of present king (Claudius). • Suffers mental anguish over death of his father, marriage of his mother to his uncle • Torn by desire to enact revenge and his moral sense of right and wrong

  9. Claudius • King of Denmark, Hamlet’s uncle • Becomes King after Hamlet’s father’s death • Hamlet suspects him of the murder Gertrude • Queen of Denmark; Hamlet’s mother and widow of the former king • Her marriage to Claudius within two months of her husband’s death troubles Hamlet…duh.

  10. Ophelia • Daughter of Polonius • Loves Hamlet but his rejection of her during his feigned madness causes a pathological reaction, I.e. she gets a little nutty

  11. Polonius: butt-kissing Lord Chamberlain of King Claudius Horatio: Hamlet’s best friend - remains loyal to Hamlet to the end, “Good night, sweet prince…” Laertes: Ophelia’s brother. His impulsiveness makes him Hamlet’s foil. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern: “friends” of Hamlet from school. They work as spies for the King - Hamlet is quick to smell out their treachery Minor Characters

  12. Setting • Most of the play takes place in Elsinore Castle in Eastern Denmark. Some action takes place in the following places: • A plain in Denmark • A graveyard near Elsinore • A ship bound for England from Denmark (offstage)

  13. Themes • Hamlet’s inability to act (paralysis) • Corruption based on inherited sin (More Cain and Abel) • Revenge as Redemption • loyalty vs. doubt • Madness under the mask of sanity • The Meaninglessness of existence

  14. Motifs: • Ears/Eavesdropping/Spying • Garden/Weed • Reason/Passion • Suicide/Death

  15. Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast, that however high we reach we are never satisfied. -Machiavelli

  16. Elements of a Revenge Tragedy: • Ghost of murdered family member demands hero take revenge • Revenger must take the law into his own hands and commit an evil act to get revenge, which inevitably leads to his own death • Scenes involving real and/or pretended madness • A play within a play • A graveyard scene • Much violence and many deaths

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