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Academic Structure. Your academic structure must be clearly defined before implementing other Campus Solutions:
Your academic structure must be clearly defined before implementing other Campus Solutions: Campus Community, Admissions, Student Records, Academic Advisement, Financial Aid and Student Financials. All other modules are dependent on the basic structure set up for your institution.
Must have a budget department to pay people from before you can have an HR department. • One budget dept. can have multiple HR dept’s e.g. 1 budget for Health Services & Counseling.
Assign Financial System (FS) ownership(s) for each Department within a business unitAssign Human Resource (HR) ownership to each Department
Academic Organization Structure defines how the institution is administered from an academic perspective. At the lowest level, an Academic Organization can be compared to an Academic Department. At a higher level, an Academic Organization can represent an Academic Division. At the top of the tree is your university.Use the Tree Manager to define a hierarchical representation of this structure. One of the primary uses of the tree is to partition an institution administratively for security purposes. Academic Organizations “own” Academic Subjects, Courses, and Facilities. The run controls for several processes throughout SA use Academic Organization as a potential selection parameter. Run controls are used for running reports as well.
Academic Career • Academic career is a concept used in Campus Solutions to designate all course work undertaken by a student at an academic institution, which you group together in a single student record. • define an undergraduate career, • You might also make extended education or continuing education its own academic career, • Academic careers have these common characteristics: • All credit is granted under a common unit type, such as semester hours or quarter hours. • There is a single repeat scheme. • A student’s coursework, transfer, test, and other credit are associated with the student’s career; this information appears on the transcript(s) for that academic career.
A term is an administrative time period within which session are defined, students are billed, and statistics are accumulated for individual students and the entire academic institution. Different academic careers within an institution can have different term structures.
Academic Program • Academic Programs are options within an academic institution and career, chosen by the student that reflects their academic goal(s). An Academic Program is the entity to which a student is admitted, and ultimately graduates. • Careers contain one or many Programs. Academic Programs are defined within Academic Groups for tuition-calculation purposes. • An Academic Program also defines the values and calculation rules for the following critical items applicable to each student admitted to the program: • Academic Level (freshman, sophomore, and so on) • Academic Load (full-time/part-time) • Academic Group for tuition calculation purposes • Admissions Evaluation Schemes • Academic Calendar • Grading Schemes (which define all valid grading bases) • Academic Standing • Academic Honors • Etc. • At the program level you indicate which programs are financial aid eligible. A separate program may be necessary so students who are enrolled in non-financial aid eligible majors do not receive financial aid funds
Academic Plan An Academic Plan must be linked to either an Academic Program or an Academic Career. Linking Academic Plans to Academic Programs requires that students be admitted to a specific Program before declaring a Plan within that Program. Linking Academic Plans to Careers may be a preferable option if no such constraints exist. An Academic Plan becomes unique by means of the Academic Plan field (a.k.a., ‘Plan code’). All Plan codes within a single institution must be unique.
Academic Group Academic Group is used for two very important purposes: • It identifies the highest-level breakdown of course-offering entities within your institution. Usually each school or college within an institution is defined as an Academic Group. Sometimes, units such as Extended Education are defined as an Academic Group if Extended Ed offers classes separately from the standard colleges or schools. • Academic Group is also attached to programs in the Academic Program Table. PeopleSoft Enterprise Student Financials uses academic groups for tuition calculation. • It is not essential for Academic Groups to follow the same hierarchical structure as academic organizations. Although this will be the case for some institutions, you may want to use Academic Groups and academic organizations to represent different dimensions of a matrix organization. The Academic Group captures the 'purpose' the course was developed. A student does not choose an Academic Group during enrollment; instead a course offering identifies an appropriate Academic Group. (A course offering can belong to one and only one Academic Group.) • Academic Groups can be defined based on your campus business process needs.