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GTC instrumentation plan. Science with the 8-10 meter telescopes in the era of the ELTs and the JWST La Palma, July 25th, 2009. Background. Information presented here is based on: Discussions with the GTC science community
GTC instrumentation plan Science with the 8-10 meter telescopes in the era of the ELTs and the JWST La Palma, July 25th, 2009
Background • Information presented here is based on: • Discussions with the GTC science community • Discussions and recommendations from the GTC Science Advisory Committee • Advice and recommendations from an “ad oc” working group (S. Eikenberry, S. Arribas, J. González, A. Herrero & R. Rutten) • Discussions and decisions taken by the GTC Steering Committee
Motivation • GTC user community (Spain, Mexico, and the University of Florida) is broad in its scientific interests and hence its instrumentation needs are also diverse. • GTC must achieve a good balance between hosting general-use workhorse instruments and instruments optimized for a specific capability driven by a very specific science goal. • So, high quality work-horse instruments have long prospective competitive lives. Many future science programs will need basic (but high-quality) optical and near-IR spectroscopic and imaging capability that GTC should provide. • It will be important that GTC’s instrumentation suite covers the most essential instrument capabilities. • GTC can position as a platform for the deployment of visiting instruments. The key reasons for hosting visiting instruments are: • fast-track execution of very specific scientific projects requiring an optimized instrument matching a narrow science goal. • A test bench of novel measuring techniques or observing methods.
100000 30000 10000 OSIRIS 3000 Resolution 1000 300 100 N Q U B V R I J H K L M imaging OSIRIS 0.3 1 2 3 20 30 10 Wavelength (micron) OSIRIS
OSIRISOptical System for Imaging and low Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy • Developed by: IAC, IAA, IFCA, LAEFF/INTA (Spain); AAO (Aus); IAUNAM (Mex); Utexas (USA); NRO (Japan) • PI: J. Cepa • Wavelength range: 0.36 - 1.0 • 2x2Kx4K CCD44-82 (Marconi) • Unvigneted Field of view: 7.8’ x 8.5’ with 0.127 arcsec/pixel • Spectral Resolution: from 300 to 2500 with grisms. • Possible upgrade for R 5000 • Observing modes: • Broad band imaging with filters • Narrow band imaging with tuneable filters that makes OSIRIS unique amongst other instruments in 8-10m class telescopes • Long-slit and multi-slit spectroscopy • Fast photometry and spectroscopy, as well as powerful CCD-transfer/telescope-nodding/tunable-filter combinations • Status: In operation
OSIRISLine images with TFs M101 with broad band filter
OSIRISScience driver • OTELO project • A deep emission line object survey. Tuneable filter tomography • It will allow studying a clearly defined volume of the Universe at a known flux limit • OTELO will produce the deepest emission line survey to date. • 104 expected emitters detected to be distributes as follows: • 10% Hα star forming emitters up to a redshift 0.4 • 70% would be star forming emitters detected at other optical emission lines up to a redshift 1.5 • 5% Lyα emitters at redshifts up to 6.7 • 15% QSO and AGNs at different redshifts • and about 0.5% galactic emission stars.
100000 30000 10000 OSIRIS 3000 Resolution CanariCam 1000 300 100 N Q U B V R I J H K L M imaging OSIRIS CanariCam 0.3 1 2 3 20 30 10 Wavelength (micron) CanariCam
CanariCam7-25 Micron Imaging Spectrograph • Developed by the U.Florida (USA) • PI: C. Telesco • Wavelength range: 7 - 25 • Detector: 320 x 240 Si:As BIB (Raytheon) • Field of view: 25.6” x 19.2” with 0.08 arcsec/pix • Diffraction limited above 8m (spatial resolution: 0.2’’) • Spectral resolution: 100 & 1300 • Sensitivity: 0.06 mJy N band (10.6 m Broadband) 1, 1 h chopped (on plus off source) integration • Observing modes: • Direct imaging • Long-slit spectroscopy • Coronography and Polarimetry • Status: waiting for the required functionality at the telescope. • Scheduled to initiate commissioning in Autumn 2009.
CanariCamScience cases • Protoplanetary disks • Debris disk • Low mass stars (brown dwarfs, T Tauri, etc) • Star forming complexes • Luminous IR galaxies & Ultraluminous Galaxies • AGN • High redshift galaxies
100000 30000 10000 OSIRIS 3000 Resolution CIRCE CanariCam 1000 300 100 N Q U B V R I J H K L M imaging OSIRIS CIRCE CanariCam 0.3 1 2 3 20 30 10 Wavelength (micron) CIRCE
CIRCEThe Canarias InfraRed Camera Experiment • Developed by the University of Florida (USA) • PI: S. Eikenberry • Wavelength range: 0.9 - 2.5 • 2Kx2K HgCdTe (Rockwell) • Field of View: 3.4’ x 3.4’ with 0.1 arcsec/pixel • Spectral resolution: 410 (at 1.25) and 725 (at 2.20) • Observing Modes: • Broad band imaging and polarimetry • Low resolution spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry • Status: under construction. Scheduled for end of 2010 • To fill the near-IR gap prior to EMIR at the GTC
CIRCEField of view comparison Keck+NIRC Gemini+NIRI GTC+CIRCE
Expected sensitivities (based on measured sensitivities with WIRC/Palomar; 5s, 1-hr exposure): CIRCESensitivity
100000 30000 10000 OSIRIS EMIR 3000 Resolution CIRCE CanariCam 1000 300 100 N Q U B V R I J H K L M imaging OSIRIS CIRCE EMIR CanariCam 0.3 1 2 3 20 30 10 Wavelength (micron) EMIR
EMIREspectrógrafo Multi-objeto InfraRrojo • Developed by: • IAC, UCM, LAEFF/INTA (Spain); Toulouse (France), INAOE (Mex) • Wavelength range: 0.9 - 2.5 • 2Kx2K HgCdTe (Rockwell) • Field of View: 6’ x 6’ with 0.2 arcsec/pixel • Sensitivity: K~23.9 in 1h @ S/N=5 in 0.6 arcsec aperture • Spectral resolution: 1000 – 5000 • Observing Modes: • Wide Field Direct Imaging with broad and narrow band filters • Multi-object spectroscopy (50 cold configurable slitlets) • Status: under construction. Scheduled for 2012
EMIRConfigurable Slit Unit Fundamentals Multi Slit Pattern
EMIRConfigurable Slit Unit Fundamentals Long Slit Pattern: Spec.: 3% acc. for a 0.6” slit width
EMIRConfigurable Slit Unit Fundamentals 300 x 300 mm FOV
100000 30000 10000 OSIRIS EMIR 3000 Resolution CIRCE CanariCam 1000 300 100 N Q U B V R I J H K L M imaging OSIRIS CIRCE EMIR CanariCam 0.3 1 2 3 20 30 10 Wavelength (micron) UES UES
UESUtrecht Echelle Spectrograph • A collaboration between ING and IAC • PI: R. García • Wavelength range: visible • Field of View: single source (fibre feed) • Spectral resolution: 50000-70000 • Observing Modes • Single object, high resolution spectroscopy • Status: under study
UESFields of interest • Abundances in the ISM at large and intermediate z (L forest, Damped L systems, quasars, starbursts and star forming galaxies) and in the Local Universe • Stellar structure and atmospheres: pulsations, line asymmetries, abundances in slowly rotating stars or low density environments (chromospheres, super- and hypergiants), detection of weak lines • High precision radial velocity studies in all kind of objects, and high-order moments of velocity distributions (e.g. anisotropy, tri-axiality, etc.) in unresolved stellar systems and galaxy nuclei.
100000 30000 FRIDA AO only 10000 OSIRIS EMIR 3000 Resolution CIRCE CanariCam 1000 300 100 N Q U B V R I J H K L M imaging OSIRIS CIRCE FRIDA EMIR CanariCam 0.3 1 2 3 20 30 10 Wavelength (micron) FRIDA UES
FRIDAinFRared Imager and Dissector for Adaptive optics • Developed by: • IA-UNAM, CIDESI (Mexico); IAC, UCM (Spain); UdF (USA); OMP (France) • Wavelength range: 0.9 - 2.5 • 2Kx2K HgCdTe (Rockwell) • Field of View: • Imaging mode: 20’’ x 20’’ with 0.01 arcsec/pixel and 40’’ x 40’’ with 0.02 and 0.04 arcsec/pixel • Spectroscopy mode using an IFU unit: 0.6’’ x 0.6’’, 1.2’’ x 1.2’’ and 2.4’’ x 2.4’’ • Spectral resolution: 1000 (ZJ and HK), 4000 (Z,J,H,K) and 30000 (H,K) • Observing Modes: • Near diffraction limited imaging with broad and narrow filters • Integral field spectroscopy • Status: under construction. Scheduled for 2012 • Starting with NGSAO system. Later with LGSAO for full sky coverage
FRIDAScience cases • Solar system an low mass objects, • High and Low Mass Star forming regions • Accretion, outflow and mass transfer phenomena in binary nuclei • Crowded stellar fields and stellar populations • High and Low mass BH • Active Galactic Nuclei • Galaxy dynamics and chemical evolution.
Mid-resolution spectroscopyVisible 100000 30000 10000 OSIRIS EMIR 3000 Resolution CIRCE CanariCam 1000 300 100 N Q U B V R I J H K L M imaging OSIRIS EMIR CIRCE CanariCam 0.3 1 2 3 20 30 10 Wavelength (micron) UES Mid-Resolution Vis
Mid-resolution spectroscopyVisible • A mid-resolution optical spectrograph (R=10000-20000), largely demanded by the GTC community. Planed as the next GTC instrument to develop. • A workhorse, multi-purpose instrument aimed at giving support to a large number of projects. • An instrument with significant multiplexing capability • Now preparing a Call for Proposals
Mid-resolution spectroscopyNear-IR 100000 30000 10000 OSIRIS EMIR 3000 Resolution CIRCE CanariCam 1000 300 100 N Q U B V R I J H K L M imaging OSIRIS CIRCE EMIR CanariCam 0.3 1 2 3 20 30 10 Wavelength (micron) UES Mid-Resolution NearIR Mid-Resolution Vis
Mid-resolution spectroscopyNear-IR • A seeing-limited, NIR instrument with R10000-20000, multiplexing capability of a few samples over a large patrol field of view, and broad wavelength coverage. • It would be an important workhorse instrument with large applicability • Such an instrument has not been planned or available at any other 8- to 10-m telescope. • Now preparing a Call for Proposals
JWST, ALMA and GTM • It is expected that GTC, like other major ground-based telescopes, will complement JWST observations. • High spectral resolution (>3000) spectroscopy. JWST lacks this capability. • UV-Visible accessibility below 0.6 microns. This spectral range is not covered by JWST. This will be particularly important after HST is decommissioned. • GTC+AO has higher spatial resolution than JWST. In the mid infrared, under good seeing conditions GTC will approach the diffraction limit, which is also higher than JWST. • Accessibility to a larger FoV. JWST imaging and spectroscopic (MOS) instruments have few arcminute squared FoV (i.e. 3’ x 3’), while GTC could take advantage of substantially larger values. • Multi-IFU observations. This capability is not provided by JWST. • Upgradeable and versatile. GTC (ground) should take full advantage with respect to the less flexible space facilities to improve and adapt its instrumentation.
JWST, ALMA and GTM • GTC can be considered a part of the synergistic and follow-up facilities for ALMA. • GTC will not be the optimal telescope for ALMA follow-up surveys, but certainly a great tool to study selected ALMA samples and their environment, mostly through NIR spectroscopy and narrow- and broad-band imaging in the optical, NIR and mid-IR. For galactic objects, GTC can help with AO observations of the closest cold objects detected, before the ELTs become fully operational. • The Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT/GTM) in Mexico, for which INAOE plays a leading role, is another important upcoming facility in the millimeter and sub-millimeter bandpass. • LMT shares a similar latitude, and thus sky coverage, with GTC. • Synergies between this facility and GTC should be address.
New and long-term developments • Next steps will be addressed towards AO instrumentation: • Initiating feasibility studies for Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics capabilities, and related instrumentation capabilities. • Initiating feasibility studies for Ground Layer Adaptive Optics capabilities, and related instrumentation capabilities. • Commissioning a study to provide high-resolution measurements of the ground layer properties. • Additional instrumentation capabilities over this terms should expect to be developed. • In a longer-term, we need to be open to fundamentally re-assessing our direction and mission in a time of multiple ground-based ELTs.