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Joyeux Noël!. Mercredi le 19 décembre . Toy drive ends tomorrow!. http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHkfS6zg8fc. http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiYTaJ2KSIA. http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcDP0wxwhJk&list=PL6ACA59763D644FD4&index=14. F 2. APT Workbook pgs. 45-47-due by end of period!
JoyeuxNoël! Mercredi le 19décembre. Toy driveends tomorrow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHkfS6zg8fc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiYTaJ2KSIA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcDP0wxwhJk&list=PL6ACA59763D644FD4&index=14
F 2 • APT Workbook pgs. 45-47-due by end of period! • ORAL Grade: finishing it today? • Re-Test is tomorrow: 50 questions over unit 2! • PreAP: Borrowed words sentences due for 100 today! Verb review today, then quiz moved to after break due to re-test tomorrow! STUDY!
F 3 • Makeup quizzes? Verbs or vocab??? • APT: 33-34 en classe • Finissons “Le Corbeau et le Renard” • Les devoirs: Finissez APT!
F 1 • Body pages due for 50%, unless absent. • Finish up “O Canada” oral grade, if needed. • Borrowed words “C” sentences due today---work on in class if not done already! • H/W: STUDY FOR RE-TEST and finish sentences!