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Herbert Hoover. Hoover Mining engineer from Iowa who had never run for public office Quiet and reserved Smith Career Politician who had served four terms as gov. of New York Good at Public Speaking . Election of 1928.
Hoover • Mining engineer from Iowa who had never run for public office • Quiet and reserved • Smith • Career Politician who had served four terms as gov. of New York • Good at Public Speaking Election of 1928
“We in America are nearer to the final triumph over poverty then ever before • America believed this message and were tired of Republican Leadership Hoovers Message
Tried to reassure Americans that the nations economy o.k. • “important thing to remember is Americans need to remain optimistic and go about their business as usual • Believed that depressions were a normal part of the business cycle • Many experts believed, was to do nothing and let the economy fix itself. • Hoover felt the government should play a slight role in helping solve the problem Hoover and the Depression
Engineer and put great faith in reason • Humanitarian • One of the government’s main functions was to foster cooperation between competing groups and interests to society • Americans also valued Individualism Hoovers Philosophy
People should succeed though their own efforts, they should take care of themselves and their families rather then depend on the government to bail them out. • Hoover opposed any federal welfare or direct relief to the needy • Answer to the needy was individual charities, and local organizations should help Individualism
Depression hits and many Americans become frustrated with Hoovers ideals on Individualism • After stock market crash called together leaders in the fields of business, banking, and labor. Wanted them to work together to find solutions • Asked employers to not cut wages or lay off workers • Labors not to demand higher wages or go on strike • Created special organization to generate contributions to the poor. Hoovers Beliefs/Actions
Steps created no change • Economy was still shrinking and unemployment was rising • More and more companies went out of business • Soup Kitchens were rising • Shantytowns • Hoboes A Year Later
One project that Hoover approved that did make a difference was the Boulder Dam • Construction of a Dam on the Colorado River was proposed by Hoover when he served as secretary of commerce • Proposed to fund the river by profits from sales of electric power that the dam would generate Boulder Dam
Farmers begin to burn crops and dumped milk on highways rather then sell them at a loss • Hoped food shortage would make prices rise • Used force to prevent authorities from foreclosing on farms • 1930’s people begin calling shantytowns hoovervilles • Newspapers used to wrap as warmth- Hoover Blankets • Empty Pockets turned inside out hoover flags Growing Problems
Hoover begins to soften policy on government intervention on the economy, took a more activist approach • Backed the Federal Farm Board- tried to help raise crop prices Hoover Takes Action
Election coming soon • Federal Home Loan Bank Act– lowered mortgage rates for home owners and and allowed farmers to refinance their farm loans to avoid foreclosure • Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)– authorized up to 2 billion for emergency financing for banks, life insurance companies, railroads and other large businesses • Money would trickle down to the average citizen though job growth and higher wages • Unprecedented example of federal involvement during peacetime but was to little to late Direct Intervention
1932 incident to make matters worse for Hoover • 10,000 to 20,000 World War I Veterans and their families arrived in Washington D.C. from various parts of the country Bonus Expeditionary Force, or Bonus Army (Patman Bill) • Organized march to send message that they wanted to be compensated immediately for their service • Hoover thought they were communist and persons with criminal records • Gassed more then 1000 people 11 month old baby who died, and an 8 year old boy who was blinded Gassing the Bonus Army
Describe two different projects that Hoover completed or proposed and describe them in detail, then relate them to another project or proposal that you know about or have researched about. • Do you think Hoover is to blame for the economy dropping lower? • USE OUR RESOURCES-- BOOK, PHONE, iOS Device, Ect. Make sure to use factual websites Assignment