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3B News- Ms. Lich Week of December 9th. What We’re Learning: Reading: Students will begin a unit on nonfiction text. This week we will focus on establishing strategies that help us become better readers of nonfiction.
3B News- Ms. Lich Week of December 9th What We’re Learning: Reading: Students will begin a unit on nonfiction text. This week we will focus on establishing strategies that help us become better readers of nonfiction. Writing: Students are writing functional texts. We will write friendly letters. Math: Students will work on preparing for our Unit 4 test. We will be learning strategies for memorizing our multiplication facts. Social Studies: Students will begin a unit on family customs and traditions. We will be learning about our own family traditions, as well as Hanukkah. Science: Students will learn about ways we can measure matter. Homework: Reading- read 120 minutes Spelling-spelling test Wednesday, 12/18 Math-homelink sheets Monday and Tuesday night. Study for test on Thursday Study facts 10 minutes a night if still on subtraction timed tests If you have passed subtraction timed tests, you get a break from studying facts this week. Specials News: In PE- Students are very excited to roller skate. Please have students bring a helmet from home if they have one. @ Rachel Thorp 2013
3B News- Ms. Lich Week of December 9th Classroom News: We were very fortunate to have Fredbird come to GSA on Monday, Dec. 9th for our school assembly. The focus was helping kids say no to drugs. The kids really enjoyed this assembly. We have a class website! Visit our website at http://mslichgsa.weebly.com/ This is a great place to find extra copies of your child’s homework, read about what’s happening in the classroom, and much more. Dates to Remember: 11/27 Early Release 12/3 Third grade field trip- Make sure field trip form and money is returned. What’s Happening: Our 2nd quarter reading party will be Friday, Dec. 20th. Students will be watching the Polar Express. Students will be getting a special treat if they met their reading goal of 880 minutes. If they meet their AR goal, they will get hot chocolate with the movie. All students will be able to watch the movie. Students must be able to meet their individual goals will get the related rewards. cleaning Star of the Week Lauren Willman Wish List Items: Our classroom is in need of:Hand sanitizer kleenex Star of the Week @ Rachel Thorp 2013