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Greshki Slide Show. GNED 102 Dr. Fike. Greshka (pl. greshki ). Bulgarian: mistake, error. 3 (4?) Errors Here. Being that I am an African-American, I have seen the first hand physical and mental effects of prejudice at a very young age. . Answers.
Greshki Slide Show GNED 102 Dr. Fike
Greshka (pl. greshki) • Bulgarian: mistake, error
3 (4?) Errors Here • Being that I am an African-American, I have seen the first hand physical and mental effects of prejudice at a very young age.
Answers • Being that I am an African-American, I have seen the first hand physical and mental effects of prejudice at a very young age. • Never say “being that.” Use “since” or “because.” • The hyphen in “African-American” is okay for social science as in Webster’s, 11th ed. Do not use it when writing for your English professor. • Use past tense: “I saw.” • Use correct spelling: “firsthand.”
1 Error • As girls get use to the concept of having others, they eventually stop playing with the Barbie doll….
Answer • As girls get use to the concept of having others, they eventually stop playing with the Barbie doll…. • Spelling: “use” should be “used”
2 Errors • Let us take basketball for instance, say your coach is teaching you how to dribble a basketball.
Answers • Let us take basketball for instance, say your coach is teaching you how to dribble a basketball. • Put a comma after “basketball.” • Eliminate the comma splice after “instance.”
2 Errors • It is taken to far when vulgar language and disturbing sexual content is taken into songs that will be heard in CD’s and in movies.
Answers • It is taken to far when vulgar language and disturbing sexual content is taken into songs that will be heard in CD’s and in movies. • Spelling: too • Subject/verb agreement: “is” should be “are.”
3 Errors • But on the other hand, it has been suggested that the American Negro are at least partly responsible for their own situation.
Answers • But on the other hand, it has been suggested that the American Negro are at least partly responsible for their own situation. • Comma after “But” • Wordy: “it has been suggested that” • Subject/verb agreement: “are” should be “is” • Pronoun agreement: “their” should be “his”; a better fix would just put an –s on “Negro”
1 Error • This states that females are programmed genetically to be the sympathetic caretaker and males as the competitive provider.
Answer • This states that females are programmed genetically to be the sympathetic caretaker and males as the competitive provider. • Parallel construction: “to be” and “as” are different parts of speech.
4 Errors • Verbal abuse hurts ten times more than a punch, because the fact that you are punched does not stick in your mind it is the “you’re fat” or “your stupid” that does.
Answers • Verbal abuse hurts ten times more than a punch, because the fact that you are punched does not stick in your mind it is the “you’re fat” or “your stupid” that does. • Omit the comma after “punch.” • Wordiness: “the fact that” • Run-on sentence after “mind” • Spelling: “your” should be “you are”
2 Errors • We had our choice to either do two jumps at one point or a standing back tuck.
Answers • We had our choice to either do two jumps at one point or a standing back tuck. • Split infinitive: “to either do” • Parallel construction: “either do” (+verb) vs. “or…tuck” (+noun).
2 Errors • I was one of the many to experience the off-putting side of favoritism and hopefully I will be able to carry my lessons from this experience throughout the rest of my life.
Answers • I was one of the many to experience the off-putting side of favoritism and hopefully I will be able to carry my lessons from this experience throughout the rest of my life. • Put a comma after “favoritism.” • Dangling modifier: “hopefully” means “in a hopeful manner”; it does NOT mean “it is hoped that.” It is an ADVERB!
1 Error • Referring back to education, some blacks were not fortunate enough to attend school.
Answer • Referring back to education, some blacks were not fortunate enough to attend school. • Dangling modifier: “some blacks” did not do the “Referring” in the first clause, which the sentence does not need.
2 Errors • Girls on the other hand, have been known to participate in more passive, intimate pastimes; which tend to develop within them greater sensitivity and understanding.
Answers • Girls on the other hand, have been known to participate in more passive, intimate pastimes; which tend to develop within them greater sensitivity and understanding. • Put a comma after “Girls.” • Use a comma after “pastimes.”
2 Errors • The childhood of the blacks have a direct affect on the success of the black sprinters.
Answers • The childhood of the blacks have a direct affect on the success of the black sprinters. • Subject/verb agreement: The verb must agree with the subject of the sentence, not the object of the preposition “of.” Therefore, “have” should be “has.” • Spelling: “affect” should be “effect.”
2 Errors • Being apart of a boys team, I noticed a lot of things.
Answers • Being apart of a boys team, I noticed a lot of things. • Spelling: “apart” should be “a part” • Apostrophe: “boys” should be “boys’”
Last One: 2 Errors • Essentially, me remaining in Christ is what enables me to really live.
Answers • Essentially, me remaining in Christ is what enables me to really live. • The word “remaining” is a gerund (an –ing word used as a noun); therefore, “me” should be “my.” • Split infinitive: “to really live” • A better way to cast the sentence: “In short, remaining in Christ enables me to live more fully.”