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The Age of Exploration

Essential Question: How have the nations of Europe changed the world following the Age of Exploration?. The Age of Exploration. Objective: To identify and understand the motives for exploring and the lasting effects that the nations of Europe had on the world. Background:.

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The Age of Exploration

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  1. Essential Question: How have the nations of Europe changed the world following the Age of Exploration? The Age of Exploration Objective: To identify and understand the motives for exploring and the lasting effects that the nations of Europe had on the world.

  2. Background: 1450s- 1700s Nations of Europe explore world  Sail the globe  Map out oceans and landmasses • Gain might and wealth- control territories they conquer • Superior technology • Conquered people exposed to disease • Nations of Europe gain geographical, navigational & scientific knowledge • Colonization helps European culture become dominant

  3. Background Contd: • Moral price to pay- at expense of native people • Exploration/ Colonization went with war, greed, prejudice, religious tolerance, and slavery • Many parts of the world remained under European control for 100s of years.

  4. Europe’s “Backwardness” Prior to 1450 • Why & How did the Europeans become the 1st to explore the world around them? • For centuries less advanced than counterparts in the M.E. and China • Middle Ages- manoralism, Black Death, poor classes • 1400s – Limited understanding of world around them (Knew the Mediterranean, Baltic and North Seas) • Africa, M.E. Russia and Atlantic still largely unknown

  5. Economic Motives: • Primary motivation = economic • During Middle Ages know of wealth of Far East • Mediterranean trade • Crusades • Marco Polo *** All give Euro. Ideas of China, Indies and Jpn. -Thirst for silk, spices, fruit, jewels, slaves and metals

  6. New Technology: • Use loadstone from Chinese to make compasses • Better knowledge of stars (Arabs) • Better navigational tools (astrolabe a& sextant) • Improved naval technology (bigger ships, longer heels) • Gunpowder & Artillery

  7. The 1st Wave of Exploration: Spain & Portugal: • Spain and Portugal had knowledge of Mediterranean (wars with Ottomans) • Portugal head around tip of Africa & sail around India • Spain looks for route to China by sailing west -Discover Americas & Pacific • By 1520 sail around the globe for the 1st time

  8. Prince Henry The Navigator: • Portugal begins Exp. w/ Prince Henry • Attempt to find sea route to India & bypass trades of the Middle East • Claim islands in Atlantic, coastal areas of W. Africa • 1400 Bartolomeu Diaz – reaches southern tip names it Cape of Good Hope

  9. Spain: Christopher Columbus & The New World: • Spain wants to find own route to Asia • 1492 Columbus voyage- sponsored by Ferdinand & Isabella • Columbus sail west in order to reach China- Atlantic is small enough to do so? • Leaves August lands in Caribbean on Oct. 12th 1492 • Convinces he found the Indies- Sp. & Port. aware new lands • Amerigo Vespucci formally maps Americas thus -name from him • Line of Demarcation 1493 by Pope

  10. Other Explorers: • 1488 Portuguese Explorer Vasco de Gama reaches India • 1513 Balboa discovers Panama- see both oceans – inspire Magellan • 1520 Portuguese Cptn. Ferdinand Magellan sailing for Spain transverse Atlantic – goes around the globe • The Conquistadors: Cortes- the Aztecs, Pizzaro- the Incas • Ponce de Leon- Florida • Spain & Portugal take land in West Africa, the Far East and the New World • Spread of Roman Catholicism • Roots of slavery- when natives in new world die turn to Africa

  11. The Northern Wave of Exploration The English, French & Dutch 1500-1600 • Use Spanish & Port. Knowledge of New World- rivalry • Search for Northwest passage to China and India through the Arctic

  12. Northern Wave Colonization & Exploration: English • 1520s • Giovanni Verrazano • Jacques Cartier – St. Lawrence • Canada animal furs • Sam Champlain • Great Lakes & Mississppi • Joliet & Marquette • Robert La Salle • Louisiana • Seize colonies from Portuguese • Dutch East India Co. in Asia • Indonesia- Sumatra, Java • Henry Hudson • 1624 New Amsterdam (Manhattan) Dutch French • John Cabot- Northwest Arctic passage • Naval wars with Spanish Armada • Sir Francis Drake • Colonies from Carolinas to Canadian border • Jamestown & Puritans • South Asia • India 1608 • British East India Co

  13. Links • http://www.quia.com/quiz/264141.htmlName that Explorer Quiz • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScsguX-zqeM&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL44D6F0E327336860 • Magellan BBC Special

  14. Sources • Google Images • BBC

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