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Ithaca college smoking policy

Ithaca college smoking policy. Jodi M. Ziemba. Smoking Policy .

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Ithaca college smoking policy

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  1. Ithaca college smoking policy Jodi M. Ziemba

  2. Smoking Policy • Second-hand smoke is a known carcinogen and accounts for approximately 3,000 deaths from lung cancer per year (National Cancer Institute, 2011) Recently Ithaca College, along with two other campuses in Tompkins County, denied a policy that would make these college campuses smoke-free despite the 17% of New York campuses that are already smoke or tobacco free (Stern, 2012). Currently, Ithaca College has a policy that designates smoking to certain areas, specifically, 25 feet from any building entrance and all air handling and circulation systems (Stern, 2012). They believe that this provides enough freedom to smokers, yet gives non-smoking students the opportunity to avoid second hand smoke. • Purpose of Survey • The purpose of the survey was to identify attitudes toward the current smoking policy at Ithaca College. • The survey questions surrounded current habits, attitudes, and knowledge around the Ithaca College Smoking Policy. This survey will provide the background information and support to help advocate for a change in the policy. • How was the survey conducted? Smoking policy This survey was conducted online through a free service called Survey Monkey. Fellow classmates enrolled in Graduate Technology 2012 were emailed the survey. The sample included 11 participants and 1 professors. They were instructed to complete the survey within 48 hours.

  3. Survey results

  4. Question and Results • Results • 100% of the survey respondents were no smokers. • These findings suggest that due to the large percentage of non-smokers the results maybe bias towards a smoke-free campus. • Discussion • Do you smoke cigarettes? smoking Percentage of People Who Smoke Cigarettes

  5. Question and Results • Results • Of the 100% of survey respondents that stated they did not smoke, one respondent smokes rarely. This could mean he/she does not believe themselves to be a smoker but partakes in the actions rarely. • Discussion • If answered yes to question one, how often do you smoke? Smoking Frequency of Smoking

  6. Question and Results • Results • 86.5% of the survey respondents strongly believed that when outside, second hand smoke is harmful to their health. Only 12.5% of those surveyed did not believe is was harmful. • These findings suggest that people understand the severity of second hand smoke. Given this finding, there needs to be an effort to decrease exposure to second hand smoke. • Discussion • Do you believe second hand smoke in open air is a serious threat to your health? Attitude towards smoking Percent of People that Agree Second Hand Smoke in the Environment is a Threat to Health.

  7. Question and Results • Results • As you can see 62.5% of respondents are bother by people smoking around them and 0% are NOT bothered. These findings suggest that the need to advocate for a change in the smoking policy is great. Not only may it bother these respondents but could have health altercations. • Discussion • Are you bothered by people smoking around you? Attitude towards smoking Percent of People Bothered by Smoking.

  8. Question and Results • Results • 75% of the survey respondents are aware of the smoking policy. This is a good percentage which shows that people stay up to date with policies surrounding their environment and health. • Discussion • Are you aware of the current smoking policy at Ithaca College? Knowledge of smoking policy Percent of People that Know the Smoking Policy.

  9. Question and Results • Results • The majority of respondents believed that people who smoke follow the current policy yet from the previous question we can see that 25% of respondents do not know the current policy so may not have been able to answer this question with knowledgeable. If the 25% of respondents answered no to this questions then only 12.5% of the respondents would knowingly believe that smokers do not follow the policy. • Discussion • Do you believe students follow the smoking policy? Knowledge smoking policy Percent of People that Believe Smokers Follow the Policy.

  10. Question and Results • Results • The majority of respondents supported the current policy at Ithaca College, allowing smokers specific areas to smoke. Due to previous questions and their results, I am not surprised that people support the current policy, even though it’s not for a smoke-free campus, it does provide non-smokers areas free of smoke. • Discussion • Please rate your position towards the current smoking policy. Support for smoking policy Percent of People Who Support the Smoking Policy.

  11. Question and Results • Results • The majority of respondents agreed that having a smoke-free campus is important with only a small percentage (12.5%) that was neutral. • This shows that a portion of the Ithaca College community would prefer to be a on smoke-free campus. I am not surprised by these numbers since the convenience sample was a graduate health education class. • Discussion • Please rate the importance of a smoke-free campus. Support for smoking policy Importance of a Smoke-Free Campus.

  12. Please provide two reasons why you support Ithaca College becoming a smoke-free campus. • Six respondents answered this question. The responses were reviewed and several common themes emerged. The most popular reasons are listed below: • A clean environment • Health benefits • Better air quality • Please provide two reasons why you DO NOT support Ithaca College becoming a smoke-free campus. Support for Smoking policy • Six respondents answered this question. The responses were reviewed and several common themes emerged. The most popular reasons are listed below: • The difficulty of enforcing a no smoking policy. • If people want to smoke they should be able to while outside and away from others.

  13. Please provide additional comments or observations about the current smoking policy at Ithaca College. Support for Smoking policy • Eight respondent to this question with one response left with a numerical value. All feedback was reviewed and is shown below. A few common themes that emerged were supporting a no smoking policy at Ithaca College and respondents not seeing any issues with current policy. • I like the idea of no smoking on campus. • I support the smoking policy but in a perfect world I would prefer a complete ban of all smoking on Ithaca College grounds to ensure no one is exposed to unwanted second hand smoke. • It is harmful to everyone. If someone else is doing it, they are harming you and you don't really have any choice in the matter. • Many do not follow it. • I don't know much about the smoking policy except I do not see many people smoking on campus. • I have not had any problems on campus with the smoking policy. • As a non-smoker I am not bothered by students smoking outside and do not see why there must be such strict guidelines as to where students can smoke cigarettes.

  14. Second-Hand Smoke Kills! • Act Now! • Summary • Recently, the number of people who smoke has declined due to many policy changes, one being smoke-free campuses, whether they are high school, college, or worksites. Having a smoke-free campus can limit the easy and comfort of smoking. This survey shows the growing concern that second-hand smoke has negative effects on health and environment. • The results show support for both the current smoking policy as well as support to move towards a smoke-free campus. Right now, Ithaca College has continued to try to make the campus smoke-free without success yet still provides limitations on designated smoking areas. With continued support and survey’s that show support, Ithaca College can eventually become a smoke-free campus. Summary

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