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Media Literacy Summer Institute. Goals for the Week: to introduce participants to the theory and practice of media literacy education to introduce participants to the use and application of media production technology tools
Media Literacy Summer Institute Goals for the Week: to introduce participants to the theory and practiceof media literacy education to introduce participants to the use and application of media production technology tools to help each participant develop a media literacy Integration Plan for his/her own educational context The mission of Project Look Sharp is to provide materials, training and support for the effective integration of media literacy with critical thinking into classroom curricula at all educational levels. Project Look SharpIthaca College1119 Williams HallIthaca, NY 14850 Phone: 607-274-3471 Fax: 607-274-1925 looksharp@ithaca.eduwww.projectlooksharp.org
Media Literacy Summer Institute Introductions – 1 minute each: Name Educational Context (what you teach/role, school, level) 1 sentence about why you are here The mission of Project Look Sharp is to provide materials, training and support for the effective integration of media literacy with critical thinking into classroom curricula at all educational levels. Project Look SharpIthaca College1119 Williams HallIthaca, NY 14850 Phone: 607-274-3471 Fax: 607-274-1925 looksharp@ithaca.eduwww.projectlooksharp.org
Media Literacy Summer Institute Summer Institute Wiki: http://summerinstitute2013.wikispaces.com for syllabus, schedule, documents, Integration Plan, and each day’s PowerPoints and Prezis (under Resources). Look Sharp web page: www.projectlooksharp.org- all PLS materials s The mission of Project Look Sharp is to provide materials, training and support for the effective integration of media literacy with critical thinking into classroom curricula at all educational levels. Project Look SharpIthaca College1119 Williams HallIthaca, NY 14850 Phone: 607-274-3471 Fax: 607-274-1925 looksharp@ithaca.eduwww.projectlooksharp.org
Media Literacy Summer Institute Daily Schedule – see syllabus: 8:30 – morning sessions start promptly10:15 Break 12:45 - lunch and coaching – at IC cafateria 1:45 - afternoon sessions (+ coaching starting Wed) 4:00- end 5:00 - optionalhike or swim (+ coaching?) 7:30 - optionaldinner The mission of Project Look Sharp is to provide materials, training and support for the effective integration of media literacy with critical thinking into classroom curricula at all educational levels. Project Look SharpIthaca College1119 Williams HallIthaca, NY 14850 Phone: 607-274-3471 Fax: 607-274-1925 looksharp@ithaca.eduwww.projectlooksharp.org
Media Literacy Summer Institute Goals for the Week: to introduce participants to the theory and practiceof media literacy education to introduce participants to the use and application of media production technology tools to help each participant develop a media literacy Integration Plan for his/her own educational context The mission of Project Look Sharp is to provide materials, training and support for the effective integration of media literacy with critical thinking into classroom curricula at all educational levels. Project Look SharpIthaca College1119 Williams HallIthaca, NY 14850 Phone: 607-274-3471 Fax: 607-274-1925 looksharp@ithaca.eduwww.projectlooksharp.org