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Kristi M. Mulligan. Final Project Presentation Elluminate Session December 6, 2009. Maps from A to Z: A Guide for the Novice. Presented by: Kristi M. Mulligan December 2, 2009. Image taken from: http://www.dessertseed.com/world_climate_map-large.jpg. A. tlas.
Kristi M. Mulligan Final Project Presentation Elluminate Session December 6, 2009
Maps from A to Z: A Guide for the Novice Presented by:Kristi M. MulliganDecember 2, 2009 Image taken from: http://www.dessertseed.com/world_climate_map-large.jpg
A tlas • Atlases are collections of data about countries or specialized topics. Data and topics include, but are not limited to: • Maps & Photographs • Roads & Populations • Agriculture & Weather • Astronomy www.amazon.com/National-Geographic-World-Atlas-Explorers/dp/1426300883/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1259644838&sr=1-4#noop www.amazon.com/Color-Atlas-Anatomy-Photographic-Study/dp/0781790131/ref=sr_1_53?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1259645294&sr=1-53
Let’s Use An Online Atlas Visit the National Atlas at www.nationalatlas.gov . • Click on “Geology.” Choose “Geologic Maps.” Write a brief description of the map that appears. • Return to www.nationalatlas.gov . Click on “Potentially Active Volcanoes.” Follow the directions to find those in California. What is the name of the potentially active volcano nearest to Fresno?
Boundaries Geographic regions or areas of interest are separated from one another by boundaries. Boundaries can be lines like those that separate counties and states on road maps. Colored blocks can also serve as boundaries as with the map shown below. Let’s practice: What type of boundary might the blue and red blocks of color represent on this map? Hint: the map might be seen in your senior government class. Image taken from: http://illuminations.nctm. org/Lessons/ElectoralCollege/2000map.jpg
Cartography Cartography is the science of mapmaking. It includes acquisition, presentation, and use of data. Let’s Practice: Be the Cartographer Draw a map that shows the route you take to get from your house to school. Provide at least four details that would help someone to know the route whether or not he/she had ever gone that way before.
Distance is the extent or amount of space between two things, places, points, or lines. Let’s Practice! Answer the following questions using the map on the next slide: • What crucial piece of information is included that helps you find the distance between Fresno and Selma? • What is that distance in miles? In kilometers? • What is the approximate distance between Fresno and Madera? Distance
Image taken from: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mapsofworld.com/usa/county-maps/california/maps/fresno-county-map.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mapsofworld.com/usa/county-maps/california/fresno-county-map.html&usg=__V8BohRSsuiCdqg6HbyJock6xG_U=&h=554&w= 700&sz=378&hl=en&start=7&sig2=aMAHLe8OVvAU-p4e4RpXWQ&tbnid=RnYhbxYN4nWSYM:&tbnh= 111&tbnw=140&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfresno%2Bmap%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den&ei=IAIWS8f_EIPGsQOZuvz3Aw.
Elevation Is the altitude of a place above sea level. (Sea level is 0 feet or 0 km). Let’s Practice Use the elevation markers on the following map to identify the: • Highest elevation • Lowest elevation
Image taken from: www.rollanet. org/~conorw/ cwome/hahatonka_topo_map. jpg
A map feature is a visual representation of real-world data. A variety of features can be included on a map. Some common features are: • Cities • Roads • Water Features (blue creeks, rivers, lakes) • National parks (often green) • Restaurants (often represented by a fork and knife) Let’s Practice! Identify two special features on the following map. What do you think they represent? Features
City Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina Image taken from: http://argentiniantravel.com/imag/mapa__map_buenos_ aires__base_MODIFICADO.jpg
Global Positioning This system of 24 satellites can be used by anyone with a G.P.S. unit to calculate their position on the Earth’s surface to within a few feet. System (G.P.S.) • Let’s Practice! • Go online and find four different G.P.S. units & name: • the manufacturer • 3 product details • common uses • a sale price for each
California is rich in resources. It is also rich in the potential for damage due to natural hazards like earthquakes. Cartographers provide maps of these hazards as references for the public. Let’s practice! Look at the map on the next slide. Answer these questions: When was the map created? How many earthquakes had been measured within an hour of the map’s creation? Approximately what magnitudes were the two strongest earthquakes that occurred near Fresno within a week of the map’s creation? According to the data on the map, citizens in what areas of the state were most likely to have felt an earthquake during the week leading up to the map’s creation? Hazard Maps
Image taken from: earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/ Maps/US10/32.42.-125.-115.php
Contour line that is accentuated in thickness and is often labeled with the appropriate measure of elevation. Index contours occur every four or fifth contour interval and help the map user read elevations on a map. Let’s Practice: • The Contour Interval on the following map is 20 feet. What is the elevation of the lake?
Image taken from: http://www.rollanet.org/~conorw/cwome/hahatonka _topo_map.jpg
John Muir • Known as “Father of the National Park Service” • His cartographic work made a lasting and profound impact on our nation and culture. Let’s Practice! Go online and find two additional individuals whose cartographic contributions impacted the study of our world in a lasting way. Describe their work and its impact. Images taken from: http://digitalcollections.pacific.edu/cdm4/document.php?CISOROOT=/muirjournals&CISOPTR=723&REC=13
KAP image of the Ring of Brodgar- ancient burial chamber taken from:http://web.archive.org/web/20050214044533/ www.harb87.fsnet.co.uk/circ/circ.htm • Photos taken from aloft provide a new perspective from which we can view our world. • KAP is both a hobby and scientific method of collecting remotely-sensed images for fun and science! Kite Aerial Photography
Let’s Practice! Visit the KAP website maintained by Dr. James Aber http://www.geospectra.net/kite/applic/applic.htm Name 3 uses scientists have found for images gathered through KAP Explain why each use is preferable to traditional methods of data collection. KAP image taken from: http://www.geospectra.net/ kite/pueblo/pueblo.htm Image of Slains Castle, Scotland, by Pierre Lesage and taken from: www.flickr.com/photos/tahitipix/1464154618/
atitude • Latitude is the distance north or south from a point on the Earth’s surface to the equator. • Longitude is the distance of a point to the east or west of the prime meridian. • Each is represented by lines that form a grid over a map. • Positions on the grid are identified as East/West and North/South coordinates. Longitude
What point is located at 14’ N and 45’ W? What are the coordinates of point C? What are the coordinates of point F? Let’s Practice! Image taken from: http://www.jsu.edu/ depart/geography/mhill/ phygeogone/ltlng.jpg
Map • Maps are visual representations of data • Traditional maps are two-dimensional. Some are hand-drawn, others are digital. Some digital maps are even three-dimensional • Many types of maps: topographic, political, road, weather, traffic, Bigfoot sightings, and more!
Image taken from: http://www. mapsofworld. com/world-language-map.htm Let’s Practice! Name three languages that are spoken in more than one country. Other than English, what are three other major languages of the world?
Nautical Maps Nautical maps represent hydrographic (water-related) features and their surrounding shorelines. Common sources of nautical maps are: • U.S. Oceanographic Society • National Geographic Society Image taken from: http://savanna. mosaicglobe.com/gallery/2723/mid/Carb_ Chart_thumb.jpg
Let’s Practice! • Name 2 ways that this map differs from a road map: • Name 3 features on this map that are ALSO found on road and topographic maps: Image taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NOAA_chart_25664_1976. png
Object-based data is data on a map in which one feature represents one real-world object (such as a hotel, a gas station, or a volcano). • Maps that are created for travel and tourism purposes often supply users with object-based data. Object-based Data
Old Faithful Region of Yellowstone National Park Image taken from: http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/interactivemap/ofdetail.htm Let’s Practice! This map demonstrates the use of Object-Based Data. Please: Name two types of data from this map that you might also find on a city map. Who do you think created this map? (Hint: think about organizations we have discussed during this unit). 3. Name one type of data on this map that is specific to the map’s place of origin.
Photogrammetry • The science and art of making accurate measurements of distance by using aerial photography Image taken from: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://arch.ced.berkeley.edu/kap/images/3rig3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://arch.ced.berkeley.edu/kap/equip/kaprig3.html&usg=__TKHavVgBSfBkfl4lwJ7jVqyPzXQ=&h=472&w=300&sz=27&hl=en&start=17&sig2=w4zJESZTXwl9SWsd8d4VuQ&um=1&tbnid=dxIlGoHXsRZjyM:&tbnh=129&tbnw=82&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkap%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4TSNA_enUS355US355%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=I24XS4erGomIsgP7qLS3DQ
Four-sided area, bounded by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude used as an area unit in mapping. • Quadrangles often illustrate the geographic data of a large land area. Quadrangle
Remote Sensing • The process of obtaining data about an area, while remaining a great distance from the location. • Common tools used in Remote Sensing: • Satellites • Kites (KAP) and Blimps (Blimp Aerial Photography)
Let’s Practice! • This image was taken by the Landsat satellite. It is a view of Mount St. Helens, after its eruption in 1980. • Name 1 similarity between this Landsat image and a topographic map. • Name 1 difference between this Landsat image and a map of your choice. • What do you think the white area in the center of the picture represents? Image was taken from: http://landsat.usgs.gov/images/ gallery/54_M.jpg
1 inch = 70 km 1 inch = 50 miles • Maps must, by necessity, be smaller than the area they represent. • A map’s scale is a ratio of the distance on the map as it compares to the actual distance that the map is representing. • An example of one such ratio is 1:24,000 (one unit of distance on the map represents 24,000 of the same units of distance on the Earth). • Other examples of map scale might be: 1 inch = 1 mile or 1 inch = 2,000 feet. Scale 1 cm = 15 km 1:24,000
Let’s Practice! A map’s scale is 1 inch = 75 miles. The distance between Town A and Town D is 3.5 inches. How far would one have to drive to travel between the two? A map’s scale is 2 cm = 15 km. The distance between Elephant City and Giraffe National Park is 8.75 cm. What is the actual distance between these two locations?
Topography • The study of the physical features of the earth. • Physical features represent those both on land and those on the seafloor. • Topographic maps contain features such as: • Contour lines (represent elevations) • Contour intervals (the space between contour lines that represents change in elevation) • Hachures (dashes on a contour line that represent a decrease in elevation that has no outlet, such as at the center of a crater.
Let’s Practice! Image taken from: http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/LivingWith/Historical/LewisClark/Historical/Maps/map_usgs_topo_mount_sthelens_glaciers_1919.jpg Compare and contrast this topographic map of Mt. St. Helens with the Landsat image we looked at earlier.
U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) According to http://www.usgs.gov/aboutusgs/ The Mission of the USGS is that it “serves the Nation by providing reliable scientific information to describe and understand the Earth; minimize loss of life and property from natural disasters; manage water, biological, energy, and mineral resources; and enhance and protect our quality of life.” The Vision of the USGS is that it “has become a world leader in the natural sciences thanks to our scientific excellence and responsiveness to society's needs.” This governmental department supports the study of: Biology,Geology, Geography, Water, and Geospatial Data.
Let’s Practice! Go to: www.usgs.gov. Find the box titled “Science Topics.” Choose three of the topics and: Write the name of the topic. Browse the topic and write down three types of data that the USGS provides for each. Click on the “Education” tab. Name 1 resources that is available to secondary schools.
View Maps provide us with a view of our world that is different than the one we see every day. They condense features down into a manageable size. How much easier is it to imagine yourself hiking into the Grand Canyon when you look at a map than when you look at this image? Different perspectives can be gained through use of both topographic and aerial ‘views.’
Let’s Practice! Image A Image B Compare and contrast Image A with Image B: What do you think the image shows? What type of image might each be? (Hint: None are still photos). (Image sources given in notes.)
Watershed • The entire geographic region supplying water to a drainage basin, river, or lake. • An area of land that drains naturally into a stream or other waterway. • Water usage issues affect: • Daily lives & associated activities • Agriculture production • Biodiversity Image of Central Valley Watershed Monitoring Stations taken from: http://www.sanjoaquinmonitoring.org/ lookup26.php?station=CRS,MST,NEW,OBB,SJRDO-013,SJS,STC507,USFWS023&print=true
Let’s Practice! Image taken from: www.eosnap.com/public/ media/2009/03/usa/20090310-california-full.jpg Go to www.google.com. Type: Fresno AND “freshwater sources” into the search. What are two sources of freshwater? 2) Look at this image. The white region is the snow-covered Sierra Nevada Mountains. The green is the Central Valley. The blue is…? 3) The brown on the right is the eastern edge of California and western Nevada. Why do you think the Central Valley remains green while this area is brown? (Remember: they both have snowy mountains nearby.).
eXtra credit! You have been given a copy of this map. Color each country. Label: • it’s name, • the predominant language spoken there, and • one of its geographic features. Use The CIA World Factbook as your primary resource: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/. Image taken from: http://www.theodora.com/maps/ new4/world_color.gif
You are almost done! Go exploring this awesome website… Image taken from: www.enchantedlearning.com/geography/mapreading/1.shtml
To increase or decrease the detail of a portion of a geographic data set • This is a feature of online maps. • Many times the mouse looks like a magnifying glass when you have an option to ‘Zoom.’ Zoom
Additional References • Central Intelligence Agency. (2009). The world factbook. Retrieved on December 2, 2009, from https://www.cia.gov/library/ publications/the-world-factbook/. • Enchanted learning. (2009). World geography. Retrieved on November 29, 2009, from http://www.enchantedlearning.com/geography/. • Ordinance Survey. (2009). Ordinance survey glossary. Retrieved on November 30, 2009, from http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/ oswebsite/aboutus/reports/misc/glossary.html. • U.S. Geological Survey. (2009). Our mission and vision. Retrieved on November 25, 2009, from http://www.usgs.gov/aboutusgs/. The following resources have been instrumental in the creation of this presentation: