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OUTSOURCING!. DEFINITIONS. Check back through your notes from Core Section 2. Can you clearly say what each of the mentioned strategies are? Possible case studies? You need one for each!

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  2. DEFINITIONS Check back through your notes from Core Section 2. Can you clearly say what each of the mentioned strategies are? Possible case studies? You need one for each! TASK 1: You have 30 minutes to recap or conduct further research. You may summarise your notes ONLY on ONE post-it.

  3. TASK 2: MIND MAP You now need to expand your ideas to create an A3 mind-map. You may only use your post-it to help you.

  4. A few ideas… OUTSOURCING – NIKE http://prezi.com/mvlslepq8h2r/nike-case-study-supply-chain/ http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTEMPOWERMENT/Resources/14826_Nike-web.pdf REMITTANCES – MEXICO / USA and HK / PHILIPPINES http://www.economist.com/node/21553458http://www.pewhispanic.org/2013/11/15/remittances-to-latin-america-recover-but-not-to-mexico/http://www.ibtimes.com/remittances-worldwide-increase-2013-except-mexico-us-crisis-hurting-mexican-economy-1421714http://www.scmp.com/business/economy/article/1365652/disasters-show-philippines-reliance-remittances

  5. DEBT RELIEF – AFRICA / HIPC http://blogs.worldbank.org/africacan/african-debt-since-debt-relief-how-clean-is-the-slate http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887323744604578474653386550248

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