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Violent Video Games PSA

This video challenges the misconception that violent video games lead to real-life violence by emphasizing underlying issues like mental disorders and personal responsibility.

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Violent Video Games PSA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Violent Video Games PSA Video games may be violent but, that doesn’t mean video games cause people to kill.

  2. Gunman Shoots at Navy Yard Washington • It states in the description about this shooting that the kid had anger issues due to September 9, 2001 which proves it was the terrorist attack that sparked the whole thing. • Games are not the reason that kids go violent, if you go look at their background of why they did it you will see its not the video games that did it. • www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/17/dc-gunman-obsessed-with-violent-video-games-reports-say.html

  3. Don’t Blame Your Kids for Violence because of Video Games • Kids might have a Mental Disorder which means the video game had nothing to do with the violence your kid does its mainly the mental disorder. • Also kids just don’t listen because their kids and that’s what kids do so the violence is not from the video games, kids also do lots of crazy things so your kid is the reason for all the violence. • http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2013/02/the-video-game-industry-needs-to-defend-itself-heres-how/273001/

  4. Anger Issues • This is one very big reason of deaths due to dying on a game or just getting mad at it in general. • If someone gets mad at a game tell them to take a break and if they don’t leave them alone at least you tried.

  5. Video Game Violence Image

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