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Explore JICA's work in Africa and South Africa, focusing on collaboration with academia and key initiatives like "Quality Africa" and "Resilient Africa". Learn about projects supporting economic growth, health systems, and food security, with a vision for stability and prosperity. Discover how JICA partners with academia and the private sector to foster progress and build resilient communities. Find out how JICA's investments in infrastructure and human development are driving positive change across the continent.
South Africa - JICA partnership and possible collaboration with academia Kensuke OSHIMA Senior Representative, JICA South Africa Office
Today’s Presentation • Who is JICA? • JICA in Africa and South Africa • Collaboration with academia
Who is JICA? Japan International Cooperation Agency • is in charge of administering Japan’s Official Development Assistance. • is one of the world’s largest bilateral aid agency supporting socioeconomic development in developing countries.
Who is JICA? Finance and Investment (ODA Loans and Private-sector Investment Finance) FY2017 Budget in bn JPY (bn USD) * • JICA provides ODA Loans with concessional conditions(similar to development finance provided by Multilateral Development Banks, etc.) for developing countries to finance investment for development. Delhi Mass Rapid Transport System Project in India Assistance in agricultural production in Uganda Exchange rate: USD/JPY = 100 Technical Cooperation Grant Aid • By sharing Japan’s technologies and expertise, technical cooperation aims to foster the human resources who will lead economic and social development in developing countries. • Assistance in the form of grants with no repayment obligations to provide the goods and servicesnecessary for economic and social development in developing countries. Rural water supply in Ethiopia • In FY 2017, 80% of JICA’s overall budget is allocated to Finance and Investment operations.
JICA in Africa and South Africa 3 Pillars of JICA’s Activities in Africa under TICAD (Tokyo International Conference for African Development) “QUALITY AFRICA” Promoting structural economic transformation through economic diversification and industrialization “RESILIENT AFRICA” Promoting resilient health systems for quality of life “STABLE AFRICA” Lay the foundations for peace and stability including education and vocational training for youths
JICA in Africa and South Africa “QUALITY AFRICA” (1)Strengthen connectivity by promoting quality infrastructure investment >Economic Corridor Development >One Stop Border Post etc.. (2)Promote private sector activities through human development and productivity improvement >Promotion of Market-Oriented Agriculture and Establishment of a Food Value Chain (SHEP) >Promotion of KAIZEN Initiative >Human Resource Development for Business and Industry etc.
“QUALITY AFRICA”Strengthen connectivity by promoting quality infrastructure investment Keywords:Relevance (growth opportunities), Partnership, Regional projects • The three Growth Corridors, circled in yellow ovals in the map, were launched in TICAD 6 (2016) as an instrument for “Quality Infrastructure” initiative in Africa. JICA has provided ODA loans and grants to the ports (Mombasa, Nakala, Abidjan) as well as road and power projects. • JICA also supported One Stop Border Posts (OSBP) in the corridors. • The captioned concept aims at realizing the fullest potentials of these regional economic corridors by continuing infrastructure projects as well as building platform for dialogue among traders, governments, and partners on institutional constraints and bottlenecks, in order to enhance the logistics in the corridors. Participation of Japanese private sector will be strongly encouraged.
“QUALITY AFRICA”Promotion of Market-Oriented Agriculture and Establishment of a Food Value Chain Keyword:Relevance (Agriculture), Partnership, Regional projects, Scale-up • SHEP, launched in TICAD 5 (2013), is an empowerment program for famers with the focus on marketing. It was originated in Kenya and now covers 23 African countries. JICA has been extending SHEP approach to over 50 thousand small farmers with its ODA program. • In TICAD 7, we aim at scaling-up to extend the SHEP approach to cover one million small farmers in collaboration with FAO, IFAD, agro-business sector, while fully utilizing Innovative ICT technologies. • For that purpose, JICA has developed e-learning contents like as SHEP Video Game. • Also, JICA concluded MoU with Mitsui Corporation and ETG Group Ltd., to offer SHEP approach know-how to be extended by Mitsui-ETG Group to small farmers on agro-business basis.
JICA in Africa and South Africa “RESILIENT AFRICA” (1)Strengthen the capacity of responding, preventing, and preparing for public health crises >Accelerate the Initiatives for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa (IFNA) etc.. (2)Promote Universal Health Coverage
“RESILIENT AFRICA”Promoting Initiative for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa (IFNA) for 200 million children Keywords:Partnership, Visibility, Regional projects, Scale-up • IFNA, launched in TICAD 6 (2016), is promoting formulation of nutrition strategy in 12 African countries. In TICAD7, we aim at scaling up the IFNA framework to cover all the children under 5 years old in Africa, who will be 200 million in 2025, together with IFNA partners such as FAO, IFAD, World Bank, NEPAD, etc. • IFNA’s comprehensive approach for food and nutrition security includes JICA’s agricultural initiatives in Africa such as increasing rice production, increasing small farmers’ income by market-oriented farming, enhancing agricultural resilience against climate change, etc. • In addition, IFNA also facilitates grass-roots level activities by JICA volunteers and experts. Case 1: JICA Volunteers (Global) (2017-) Case 2: Livelihood Improvement (Uganda)(2015-) • Established a network of JICA volunteers and experts for improved nutrition. • Utilize achievements of the partner organizations, such as manuals of specialized agencies. • In tandem with market-oriented agriculture, nutrition awareness is promoted to best utilize the improved income. • Japanese experience of livelihood improvement is shared. Learning nutrition-rich foods Nutrition class Promoting nutrition-rich recipes Creating a food-calendar
“RESILIENT AFRICA”Innovative & Sustainable UHC in Africa Keyword:Relevance, Visibility, Partnership • “UHC in Africa,” launched in TICAD 6 (2016) with other partners, aims at accelerating progress toward UHC in Africa by scaling up service coverage and financial protection. • To accelerate global efforts for UHC by 2030, JICA co-hosted the UHC Forum in Tokyo in 2017 with GoJ and other partners. • Toward TICAD 7 and beyond, JICA aims to promote innovative approaches, such as SMS for monitoring, e-learning for training expansion, and Data/GIS for better decisions etc. • To ensure domestic resources for the financial sustainability of health systems, JICA aims to mobilize ODA loans and grants for health as well as technical cooperation through sending advisors to MoH and organizing training programs in Japan on sustainable health financing.
JICA in Africa and South Africa “STABLE AFRICA” (1)Lay the foundations for peace and stability including education and vocational training for youths >Quality Education for All >Safe Water and Sanitation >Doubling Rice Production in 10 years etc..
“STABLE AFRICA”“I love Mathematics” Initiative Keywords:Relevance (quality of education), Partnership, Scale-up Progress of mathematics test score by supporting children’s learning in School for All Project in Niger • JICA has rich experience in basic education projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, notably in science and mathematics education. • This captioned initiative aims at focusing both on quality of education and on scaling-up mathematics learning method improvement for 10 million children, with (i) mobilizing ICTs, (ii) private sector’s know-how, (iii) improving socio-emotional skills, and (iv) partnerships with GPE and WBG.
“STABLE AFRICA”Coalition for African Rice Development (CARD) Phase 2 Keyword:Relevance (Agriculture), Ownership, Partnership, Regional projects, Scale-up • Launched at TICAD 4 in 2008, CARDis a coalition of 23 African countries and 11 donor agencies, initiated by Japan and AGRA . • Its aim of doubling annual rice production in SSA from 14 million tons in early 2000’s to 28 million tons by 2018 is likely to be achieved. • CARD phase 2, planned to be launched at TICAD7, aims at re-doubling from 28 million to 56 million tons in 2030. • CARD 2 will center on the “RICE” approach (Resilience, Industrialization, Competitiveness, Empowerment). • It seeks to involve more countries (to 32 countries) and African institutions (AU/NEPAD, RECs) Rice Production in Sub-Saharan Arica
JICA in South Africa 20 years partnership 1. Enhancement of Human Capacity and Infrastructure Development [Country-wide Cooperation] ・Master’s Degree and Internship programme of the African Business Education for the Youth (ABE Initiatives:2014-)Projects・Project for Inclusive Promotion of Artisan Development in TVET(2018-2022 )・Project for Strengthening the Training Capacity of IBTC on Non-RevenueWater(2017-2020) Advisors・Automotive Industry Human Resource Development Adviser(2015-2019)・Human Resource Development Advisor(2016-2018)・Mathematics Education Policy Advisor(2017-2019)・Public Finance Management Advisor(2015-2018) ・Advisor for Centre for Japanese Studies at Univ. of Pretoria(2016-2018) Volunteers 2 Junior Volunteers and 4 Senior Volunteers at TVETs and schools Preparatory survey for Flue Gas Desulphurization Construction Project for Medupi Thermal Power Plant in Limpopo(2017-2018) 1 Advisor for Smallholder Horticultural Empowerment Project (2016-2018) 2. Participation of the Social Vulnerable in the Society [Country-wide Cooperation] Advisor -Senior SHEP Advisor (2016-2019)Projects - Project for the Promotion of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and Disability Mainstreaming(2016-2020)Volunteers 5 Junior Volunteers and 1 Senior Volunteer at Day Care Centers SATREPS: Project for Production of biofuels using algal biomass w/Durban University of Technology(2016-2021) 2 SATREPS: Project for Establishment of an Early-warning System for Infectious Diseases in Southern Africa Incorporating Climate Predictionsw/Applied Center for Climate and Earth Systems Science(ACCESS)(2014-2019) 3. Development of Southern African Region • SADC- Project for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Management of • Forest Resources(2015-2020) • - Advisor for Sustainable Tourism Development and Regional • Destination Marketing (under RETOSA) (2014-2019) • - SADC-DFRC Development Finance Advisor (2018-2019) • NEPAD- KAIZEN Promotion and Dissemination Advisor(2017-2018) • - PIDA Capacity Building Advisor (2015-2018) • - IFNA Advisors(2017-2019) • DBSA-TICAD Advisor(2010-2018) Capacity Building of Independent Living Centres through Creating Accessible Environment w/DPI(Jp NGO)(2016-2019) 1 Project for building the farming community through the activities at Agricultural Training School w/TAAA (Jp NGO)(2010-2019) 2 as of August 2018
Collaboration with academia - Promoting Joint Research Programme - Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development : SATREPS Japanese Government promotes joint researches on global issues between African and Japanese Universities/Research Institutes • Research Areas: • Environment and Energy • Bioresource Utilization • Disaster Prevention and Management • Infectious Diseases Control SATREPS Projects have been implemented in countries in green (30 projects in 17 countries)
Collaboration with academia - Promoting Joint Research Programme - Joint Research between South Africa and Japan • Prediction of Climate Variations and Its Application in the Southern African Region, 2010-2013 South African side: University of Cape Town and ACCESS Japanese side: Tokyo University and JAMSTEC • Observational Studies in South African Mines to Mitigate Seismic Risks, 2010-2015 South African side: CSIR and Wits University Japanese side: Ritsumeikan University etc. • The Project for Establishment of an Early-warning System for Infectious Diseases in Southern Africa Incorporating Climate Predictions, 2014-2019 South African side: ACCESS, MRC, CSIR etc. Japanese side: Nagasaki University etc. • The Project for Production of Biofuels using Algal Biomass, 2016-2021 South African side: Durban University of Technology Japanese side: Nagoya University etc.
Collaboration with academia - Promoting Joint Research Programme - International Joint ResearchProgramme Research institutes in Japan Research institutes in South Africa Structure of SATREPS Principal Investigator & Researchers Team Principal Investigator & Researchers Team Dispatch of researchers Acceptance of researchers Provision of equipment Support for domestic research expenses, etc. Project management / evaluation Request Ministries engaged in technical cooperation Adoption of Research Proposal Research Proposal • Research Period • 3 to 5 years • Research Funding • Max. USD960,000/programme/year Project management / evaluation Project selection MEXT MOFA JICA JST/AMED Collaboration Portion borne by JICA Portion borne by JST/AMED MOFA: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology JST: Japan Science and Technology Agency, AMED: Japan Agency for Medical research and Development, JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency
Collaboration with academia Promoting Research on Japan and Partnership between South African and Japanese Universities Center for Japanese Studies, CJS • JICA advisor assists the Center Director in various activities 1: Academic Research with Japan 2: Consultation research on Japan *Promoting research focusing on Japan (target: academics, business community & government sector) *Promoting academic partnership between South Africa and Japan *Conducting on-demand research on Japanese market, Business culture (target: business community & government sector of SA & Japan) 3:Training of Japanese Language 4:Education on Japanese Society <DevelopingProfessionals> *Providing Japanese Language Course (@ Pretoria &JNB) <DevelopingProfessionals> *Promoting education & training on Japanese Society(@ Pretoria & JNB) <Promoting SA citizen’s interest to Japan> *Providing short term Japanese Language course (conversation for business, trip etc) (@Pretoria and JNB) <Promoting SA Citizen’s interest to Japan> *Conducting various seminar on Japanese Profile *Planningvarious Japanese Events (@Pretoria & JNB)
Collaboration with academia - Scholarship Programme for S.A. Youth - • Africa Business Education initiative invites young people from Africa to Japan and provides opportunities to study obtain master's degree at Japanese universities and to participate in internship at Japanese companies. • JICA has accepted more than 1,000 participants from all over Africa since 2014. Send-off ceremony for participants with Ambassador of Japan to South Africa and Japanese Private Sector in South Africa 2nd Batch graduates participated as panelists at Japan Africa Public-Private Economic Forum Grand reception ceremony for all participants of the programme with members of Japanese parliament and JICA board • Some Graduates employed by Japanese companies after return to SA. (Bridgestone South Africa / Mitsui & Co. Europe / Mitsubishi Corporation) • Future Activities of Kakehashi Africa (Southern Africa Chapter) are under discussion with Centre for Japanese Studies.
And more… TICAD 7 will be in August, 2019. JICA aims to • promote science, technology and innovation (STI) for accelerated leapfrogging in Africa • partnering more broadly with academia, and networking universities and research institutions between Africa and Japan
JICA South Africa Office in Pretoria [General info.]Kensuke Oshima: Oshima.Kensuke@jica.go.jp[SATREPS]Tamao Shinya: Shinya.Tamao@jica.go.jp[CJS and Higher Education]Keiko Sawada: Sawada.Keiko1@jica.go.jp