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Explore the origins of morality and the concepts of virtue and vice in Nietzsche's "Genealogy of Morals." Dive into the perspectives of master and slave morality, the death of traditional values, and the will to power as the driving force behind human values and interpretations.

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  1. “Carefree, mocking, violent -- thus wisdom wants us: she is a woman, she always loves only a warrior.” Thus Spoke Zarathustra

  2. Nietzsche • Genealogy--> Perspectivism--> No Inherent Meaning --> Different Conceptions of Good/Bad --> The Possibility: Virtue can be a Vice (and vice versa)

  3. Genealogy • Genealogy: we’re looking for the ancestry of morality; how did it come into being; what are its origins

  4. Genealogy --> Perspectivism Method of genealogy shows how the term good has evolved Continuity to the meaning of moral concepts is an illusion

  5. Inherent Meaning? Example: Punishment a celebration of one’s power, an act of cruelty, an act of revenge, righting a wrong (justice), a sexual act, a learning tool

  6. Contradictory Meaning • Can virtue then be a vice? And vice a virtue?

  7. Two Types of Morality Master Morality Slave Morality Archetype: healthy, strong warrior Archetype: weak, sick ascetic Moral values at first applied to men, and only derivatively and later applied to actions

  8. Master Morality Bonus=good=“the warrior” We Truthful Ones He determines his own values and doesn’t need the approval of others

  9. Slave MoralityChristian Traditional ideals of good stem from revenge, resentment, hatred, impotence, and cowardice Unhealthy morality that makes natural inclinations evil

  10. Ressentiment • Morality created from a sense of inferiority, frustration, resentment

  11. “God is Dead”

  12. Death of God--> • Value does not pre-exist (or pre-date man) • Man is a creator of values

  13. Meaning as Will • Meaning: a will giving an interpretation • Meaning Change: different wills dominating at different times

  14. Absolutes & The Loss of Freedom To believe in Absolutes is to accept only one interpretation and to be dominated by one will Freedom lies in exploring different interpretations and coming to one’s own interpretation

  15. What does no Absolutes mean? • Truth? • Virtue?

  16. One Truth: One Constant:The Will • One Virtue: a will free of domination & ressentiment, a will free to choose

  17. Value of Morality • Present morality born out of ressentiment and hatred of that which is strong/healthy • Is morality then healthy?

  18. Will to Power=Will to Life [Anything which] is a living and not a dying body... will have to be an incarnate will to power, it will strive to grow, spread, seize, become predominant -- not from any morality or immorality but because it is living and because life simply is will to power...'Exploitation'... belongs to the essence of what lives, as a basic organic function; it is a consequence of the will to power, which is after all the will to life. Beyond Good and Evil

  19. Chaos Gives Birth to a Dancing Star Christianity & Democracy: moralities for the “weak herd” “Natural Aristocracy”: celebrates life on earth. A heroic man of merit has the courage to “live dangerously” and thus rise above the masses, developing his natural capacity for the creative use of passion.

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