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Explore challenges, tools, and perspectives in conserving ancestral plant genetic resources for food security. Learn the role of law in protecting indigenous genetic resources and knowledge. Discover the significance in a globalized world.
Legal Research Chair in Food Diversity and Security(Chaire DDSA) Geneviève Parent Full Professor Conservation and Development of Ancestral/Indigenous Plant Genetic Resources: Challenges, Tools and Perspectives Sharing the Canadian, Mexican and American Experiences Laval University, May 10-11, 2016
Plan - Food security: the concept, the importance for indigenous people and communities and significance of indigenous protection of geneticresourcesfor food and agriculture - The role of law in protection of indigenousgeneticresources and knowledge for food and agriculture www.chaire-diversite-alimentaire.ulaval.ca
Food securitydefinition « Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. » FAO World Food Summit Plan of Action 1996
Two important aspects • Importance of the physical and economic access to a certain type of food responding to each person’s preferences, either for religious, spiritual or cultural purposes. • Securing food diversity becomes a fundamental objective to achieve food security.
The significance of indigenous protection of genetic resources for food and agriculture in a globalized world • Lost of agrobiodiversity, biopiracy; • Many traditional practices/know-how are disappearing; • Lack of knowledge about the actual biodiversity for food and agriculture; • In the globalized world economy a country’s ability to build and mobilize knowledge capital, is equally essential for sustainable development as the availability of physical and financial capital (World Bank, 1997) ; • « The basic component of any country’s knowledge system is its indigenous knowledge » (World Bank, 1997)
FAO: International Treaty on plant genetic ressources for food and agriculture and FAO Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of PGRFA : Farmer’s Right - Fair access and benefit sharing- traditional knowledge • Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) The Nagoya Protocol and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation : Fair access and benefit sharing- traditional knowledge
The recognition of indigenous people and community traditional knowledge for food diversity and security in international law
FAO: International Treaty on plant genetic ressources for food and agriculture and FAO Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of PGRFA : Farmer’s Right - Fair access and benefit sharing- traditional knowledge • Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) The Nagoya Protocol and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation : Fair access and benefit sharing- traditional knowledge
UNESCO: Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems- cultural aspects • OMPI/WIPO: Intellectual proprety – biopiracy • Human rights…
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Article 11 1. Indigenous peoples have the right to practise and revitalize their cultural traditions and customs. This includes the right to maintain, protect and develop the past, present and future manifestations of their cultures, such as archaeological and historical sites, artefacts, designs, ceremonies, technologies and visual and performing arts and literature.
International Covenant on on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Art. 11 « Right to food » Right to an adequate food (…) and to be free from hunger Commitee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development (OECD) 3 long-term scenarios for Global Food and Agriculture : • Individual, Fossil Fuel-Driven growth • Citizen-Driven Sustainable Growth • Fast, Globally-Driven Growth OECD. (2016), Alternative Futures for Global Food and Agriculture, OECD Publishing, Paris.
Food diversity in local legal tools The United Nation SpecialRapporteur on the right to food: One of the the way forward is Rebuilding local food systems
The concept of TAS « The Territorialized Agrifood Systems (TAS) constitute an alternative emerging form of the dominant agro industrial model, inspired by an objective of reduction of negative externalities and of valorisation of positive social, environmental and economic impacts. TAS are based on innovative initiatives generally created by producers, consumers and associative movements, followed and encouraged by public political approaches mostly territorial (cities and regions), sometimes national. » (Free translation) Jean-Louis Rastoin, Professeur émérite Montpellier SupAgro [2015], « Les systèmes alimentaires territorialisés : le cadre conceptuel », Journal RESOLIS, no 4, mars 2015. www.chaire-diversite-alimentaire.ulaval.ca
Better promote and protect Indigenous TAS through local and regional law; Contribute to increaseknowledge about the actual indigenous know-how and biodiversity for food and agriculture with legal tools that insure protection of indigenous rights and fair benefit sharing (agreements, contract). Thomas Burelli ….
Contact Website Legal Research Chair in Food Diversity and Security Faculty of Law Laval University www.chaire-diversite-alimentaire.ulaval.ca cddsa@fd.ulaval.ca Twitter: #ChaireDDSA www.chaire-diversite-alimentaire.ulaval.ca