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ANAESTHESIA ANATOMY. Li Xuetao DEPARTMENTOF HUMAN ANATOMY KUNMING MEDICAL UNIVERSITY. BACK (VERTEBRAL REGION). Vertebrae 椎骨、脊柱. Case: Tension Headache. a 53-year-old lorry driver headaches in the occipital region (枕区) Pain start with driving lying down brought relief
Case: Tension Headache a 53-year-old lorry driver headaches in the occipital region(枕区) Pain start with driving lying down brought relief pain for six months Mr. Port
Answer the questions regarding the case at the end of this chapter
1. What classes of joints are there between typical cervical vertebrae? • 2. What are the normal curvatures of the vertebral column? • 3. What movements occur between typical cervical vertebrae? What movements occur at the atlanto-occipital (寰枕关节)and the atlanto-axial(寰枢关节) joints?
4. Where does the vertebral artery lie in relation to the cervical vertebrae? • 5. How might the function of the vertebral artery be assessed? • 6. Why was the headache felt in the occipital region?
1.棘突 :第7颈椎棘突较长,常作为 辨认椎体序数的标志; 两侧肩胛冈内侧端的连线平第3胸椎棘突; 两侧髂嵴最高点的连线平第4腰椎棘突。 • 2.枕外隆凸:颅后部明显的骨性突起。 • 3.乳突:在耳廓的后方。 • 4.肩胛冈:外侧端为肩峰。
5.肩胛骨下角:两肩胛骨下角的连线平对第7胸椎棘突。5.肩胛骨下角:两肩胛骨下角的连线平对第7胸椎棘突。 • 6.骶管裂孔和骶角:骶管裂孔是椎管的下口,裂孔两侧向下的突起为骶角,是骶管麻醉的进针定位标志。 • 7.髂嵴和髂后上棘:两侧髂嵴最高点的连线平第4腰椎棘突。两侧髂后上棘的连线平第2骶椎棘突。
LAYERS • Superficial layers • Deep fascia • Muscles
Superficial layers • Skin • Superficial fascia
Skin Thick Full of hairfollicles, sweat glands & sebaceous glands
Superficial fascia • Dense, especially the Nuchal region • Full of Fat • Cutaneous nerve & Superficial blood vessels
Greater occipital nerve 3rd occipital nerve Spinal nerve (cutaneousbranches of dorsal rami) Superior cluneal nerve (cutaneous branches of dorsal rami) Middle cluneal nerve (cutaneous branches of dorsal rami) Inferior cluneal nerve (posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
Herpes Zoster Infections (Shingles)
Deep Fascia • Nuchal fascia: a deep investing membrane which covers the deep muscles of the back of the neck. Thoracolumbar fascia: a deep investing membrane which covers the deep muscles of the back of the trunk.
Thoracolumbar Fascia • a deep investing membrane which covers the deep muscles of the back of the trunk • 3 layers in lumbar region
Q.L Erector spinae
MUSCLES Superficial group Intermediate group Deep group extrinsic back muscles intrinsic back muscles respiration and movements of the upper extremity movement and stabilization of the vertebral column
Superficial Group Trapezius levator scapulae Rhomboid minor Rhomboid major Latissimus dorsi
Triangle Of Auscultation SUPERIOR INFERIOR Trapezius Latissimusdorsi medial border of scapula
Intermediate Group Serratus posterior superior Serratus posterior inferior
DEEP GROUP Spinotransversales Muscles Splenius Capitis Splenius Cervicis Erector Spine Muscles Iliocostalis Longissimus Spinalis
DEEP GROUP Transversospinales muscles Semispinalis Rotatores Multifidus Segmental back muscles Levatores costarum Interspinales Intertransversarii P59
DEEP GROUP Suboccipital Muscles Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor Rectus Capitis Posterior Major Superior Oblique Inferior Oblique
Suboccipital Triangle • Rectus Capitis Posterior Major • Superior Rectus Oblique • Inferior Rectus Oblique • Vertebral Artery • Suboccipital N (Dorsal Ramus Of CⅠ)
Superior Lumbar Triangle(Triangle Of Grynfeltt-Lesshaft ) • twelfth rib • Serratus posterior inferior • Erector spinae • internal oblique
Inferior Lumbar Triangle(Petit's Lumbar Triangle) • External Abdominal Oblique • Latissimus Dorsi • Iliac Crest
Vertebral Artery Atlas
Deep Nervers • Dorsal rami of spinal nerve • Accessory nerve • Thoracodorsal nerve • Dorsal scapular nerve
Vertebral Column Osteology and Arthrology
Osteology • 7 C, 12 T, 5 L, 5 S (Fused as Sacrum), 4 coccygeal • Primary Curves • Secondary Curves • Anterior/Posterior alignment