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Bell-work 4/30/13. Describe briefly the role of your Gettysburg participant in the battle!. EQ: What did Lincoln’s address say? How did the war end? . Objective and Scales: .
Bell-work 4/30/13 Describe briefly the role of your Gettysburg participant in the battle! EQ: What did Lincoln’s address say? How did the war end?
Objective and Scales: • Students will be able to evaluate the larger meaning of the Gettysburg address and the underlying ideas as well as the conclusion of the war with 80% accuracy. • Where does today’s objective fit into the unit learning goal scale? • Objective M and N • How do you reach mastery for M and N? • Continue notes on page 126
8. Gettysburg address “…that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people by the people for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” • In November of 1863, about 15k people gathered on the battlefield at Gettysburg to honor the soldiers who died there • In the Gettysburg address Lincoln looked ahead to a final Union victory • Given during the dedication of the cemetery for fallen Union soldiers
9. Closing in on the South “Find out what Grant drinks and send a barrel of it to each of my other generals!” • In Ulysses S. Grant, Lincoln found the kind of commander he had long sought (He got stuff done!) • In 1864, Grant was given command of the ENTIRE Union Army • Grant decided to attack Richmond (5th time) no matter how many soldiers it cost him • Grant’s huge army hammered at the Confederates in a series of battles in northern Virginia in the spring of 1864 • Grant was unable to break through Lee’s troops, but Grant would NOT retreat…he instead continued to attack • **Historical Gossip: During the Civil War, on hearing complaints that Gen. Ulysses S. Grant drank alcohol to excess Lincoln responded
9. Closing in on the South “We are not only fighting hostile armies, but hostile people, and must make young and old, rich and poor , feel the hard hand of war!” • After 7 weeks of fighting, Grant lost about 55k men, Confederates 35k. • Grant had a steady supply of supplies and troops, Lee DID NOT. • Both armies clashed at Petersburg, an important RR center south of Richmond • There Grant began another siege on Petersburg and at the same time he ordered William Tecumseh Sherman advanced toward Atlanta • Like Grant, Sherman was a tough soldier and believed in total war
10. March to the Sea • The South could not stop Sherman’s advance • Union Army marched into Atlanta, GA on September 2nd, 1864 • The capture of Atlanta gave Lincoln a boost for his reelection in the election of 1864 (McClellan ran against him…ha!) • After Atlanta’s fall morale in the North was high • Later in November, Sherman ordered Atlanta be burned. • He then marched up the Atlantic Ocean…along the way engaging total war, setting fires, seizing crops and livestock, and pulling up Southern railroad tracks • He left a path of destruction up to 60 miles wide up the coast
11. The war’s end • In March of 1865, Grant’s army still waited outside Petersburg…Lee knew it was only a matter of time before Grant captured the city • Lincoln too, finally saw that the end was near, in his second inaugural address he asked Americans to forgive and forget • On April 2nd, Grant’s troops finally broke through Conf. lines…by evening Richmond was in Union hands • Lee’s army retreated to the town of Appomattox • There Lee surrendered on April 9th, 1865
11. The war’s end • The terms of the surrender said the Conf. had to surrender their weapons and leave in peace • As Lee rode off, some Union troops started to celebrate and Grant silenced them…. • He said, “The war is over…they rebels are our countrymen again.” • Overall 260,000 Confederate soldiers were killed and over 360,000 Union dead including 37,000 A.A • The war had two key results: It will reunite the nation and put an end to slavery • No officially treaty ever signed between the nations
Progress Chart and Summary • What made Lee finally surrender…and how did Sherman show the hard hand of war • Complete progress chart for M and N