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“Beowulf” Assessment . Essay due – Wednesday, 9/18 Prefer it to be typed (12 pt. font, TNR); can be written in ink (blue or black) neatly on front side of paper only Late papers will be deducted 10 points per day . Grading Rubric .
“Beowulf” Assessment • Essay due – Wednesday, 9/18 • Prefer it to be typed (12 pt. font, TNR); can be written in ink (blue or black) neatly on front side of paper only • Late papers will be deducted 10 points per day
Grading Rubric • Development of Topic/Introduction: Insightfully develops the topic and provides relevant and specific background; introduces the central idea with a complex thesis statement • Focus/Development of Ideas: Essay and ideas are well-developed; completely develops the topic with relevant body paragraphs and provides meaningful conclusion. Ideas are logically organized and grouped together effectively, and conclusion is reflective and meaningful articulating the central idea
Grading Rubric • Use of Evidence (x 2): Artfully provides relevant, substantial, and specific evidence from the text; Effectively integrates and cites textual evidence through clear explanation of evidence, shows insightful understanding of content • Application of Conventions: Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are accurate. Sentence structure is varied; sentence types advance ideas and are apt for the analytical purpose; effective use of transitional devices
Introduction example To some people a hero is a sports figure, or the guy on the evening news who stopped a robbery in progress, or the grandmother who raised five children and three grandchildren on the wages of a school janitor. Cultures around the world have admired certain people as heroes—those who are faster, stronger, wiser, in some way better than the common man. The Anglo Saxon culture of the 9th century praised one such epic hero, the title character in the epic poem “Beowulf.” Beowulf shows himself to be an epic hero because he is larger than life, he must accomplish extraordinarily difficult tasks on his own, he exemplified the values of the Anglo Saxon society, and he assumes a role of true leadership for his people.
Body paragraph w/ evidence example Beowulf was the epitome of an Anglo Saxon warrior. He exemplified Anglo Saxon values, such as the value of bravery. For example, as soon as he heard that the horrible monster Grendel was terrorizing the Danes, Beowulf hurried to their king and begged Hrothgar “[t]hat I, alone and with the help of my men, may purge all evil from this hall.” Not only was Beowulf willing to engage their enemy in battle, he would fight the evil without weapons. “I have heard, too, that the monster’s scorn of men is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none. Nor will I.” No one had been successful against Grendel with their weapons, and Beowulf realized somebody would have to tackle the monster bare-handed. Beowulf alone was brave enough to stand up against Grendel and fight the monster on its own terms.
Evidence • Choose quotation of 3-10 words so that text does not overwhelm your idea. • Integrate quotation: make sure that it is a part of your sentence, not standing alone as its own sentence. • Explain rather than rephrase. Describe how the quotation supports the central idea of your paragraph.
State, Prove, Explain • State – the position – use a topic sentence, give whatever background is needed before the quote is used. • Prove – use a combination of relevant quotes and paraphrases of quotes from the text. • Explain – in detail discuss how the quote proves the topic sentence; do not only summarize the quote, but explain how the quote supports the point
Example • In Anglo-Saxon culture, a warrior is described possessing the traits of bravery, loyalty, generosity, and friendship. Beowulf is introduced as Higlac’s follower and the strongest of the Geats, but is also seen as generous. When Beowulf first hears of Herot’s tragedy, he “quickly commanded a boat fitted out…, would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, now when help was needed”. Beowulf did not hesitate to immediately reach out and help others. Also, none of the Geats were surprised by his decision, as they urged him on. This may indicate that this is not Beowulf’s first kind deed.