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HOME and PANEL CONSTRUCTION. Around the World. Global Builders Group, Inc. 685 Bittersweet Trail Atlanta, GA 30350 Paul Beekman – President 804-433-0103.
HOME and PANELCONSTRUCTION Around the World Global Builders Group, Inc. 685 Bittersweet Trail Atlanta, GA 30350 Paul Beekman – President 804-433-0103
GBG is a combination of several successful International Companies with over 40 years’ experience in the design and project management of building strong “GREEN” communities • GBG takes a holistic approach by teaming with the local governments to construct a panel plant in the area and employees local labor to help manufacture and build homes. • GBG has two methods of building green homes. For the low cost homes we use a steel and foam cast panels that will withstand winds up to 160 MPH and will last for over 100 years. For larger homes we use the Azera Blast Proof panels that are patented and can withstand bullets fired from a AK47 up to motor shelling.
GBG Steel SIPS – lower cost to moderate home construction. GBG Armored ForeverGreen System – Secure homes for large construction and military security. We have two systems available depending on requirements. • Foam Core Panels • HyFi Panels • Armor Glass • GBG Construction Services
GBG Steel SIPS • Product Overview • Manufacturing Plant • GBG Construction Services
GBG Platinum Panels - Core Product for Building The Panels Platinum Technology™ patented, the greatest advance in building envelope construction in decades was introduced in 2004. This innovative composite approach combines structural steel strength and high density insulation in a single building product for walls, ceilings and roofs. These advanced products mean you can build homes that are safer, energy-efficient, waterproof, mold-proof and better protectedagainst termites and other wood-destroying organisms. Insulation-values… R-23.4 for 3-5/8” Panels. This is opposed to R5 for CMU block and R-9 to 11 for Stick Frame.
Panels Benefits • Strength… Buildings have been engineered with our products to withstand 160+ MPH winds. • Construction Time… Projects go up much faster. Can dry-in a home in 3-5 days and finish a home in 2 weeks • Energy Efficiency… Doubles the R-values of wood frame with insulation and more than 5 times better than concrete block. • Sound Reduction... reduces the transfer of sound by 6-8 db’s • Indoor Air Quality… air tightness provides a cleaner, healthier and more comfortable environment • Decay Resistant… no wood for insects to attack • Fire Resistant… Minimum self-ignition temp: 932°F, Minimum flash ignition temp: 698°F • Maintains Structural Integrity In Fire Conditions… Polyurethane foam is a thermo set plastic and retains its structural integrity until completely consumed by fire. Melting does not occur.
Steel SIPs Panels Benefits - Continued • Earthquake Resistant... increased rack and shear strength by three times compared with standard stick-built components. Connections are designed to withstand up to 8.0 scaled earthquakes • Mold and Mildew Resistant…protects the structure from termites, mold, mildew, and decay • Indoor Air Quality… air tightness provides a cleaner, healthier and more comfortable environment • Reinforced Polyurethane (closed-cell )… Sprayadds structural integrity throughout the wall system. Testing conducted by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) spray-applied polyurethane foam insulation between steel-studs in wall panels increased rack and shear strength three times when compared with standard stick-built components.
GBG - Steel SIPs Manufacturing Plant
Manufacturing Plant Construction Services Plant Set Up : • Assist in construction site selection and set up • Works with sub-contractors and trades to set up plant construction • Order all needed equipment for set-up • Set up supply line and get all material ready to go into production • Training of manufacturing personnel and supervision • Help line available to work out post installation issues
GBG Steel Manufacturing Process 1 2 3 Picture Descriptions 4 5 1. Taking pre-cut steel members and setting them into place 2. Assembling the panel cast 3. Checking and finishing the panel mold 4. Installing SIPs panel into R.I.M (Rapid – Injection – Molding) 5. Locking down panels to get ready for foam injection
6 7 8 9 Picture Descriptions 6. Most critical step in process - injecting foam into panels – needs temperature and humidity consistencies 7. 20’ panels during drying stage 8. 30’ panel during drying stage 9. Completed panels stacked for shipping
GBG will Design and Build Homes from 38 SM to Over 5,000 SM & Condos Up to 4 Stories
1,008 SF (93.6 SM) 3 BR - 2 Bath Different Exteriors Available on All Models
Global Builders Group, Inc. 685 Bittersweet Trail Atlanta, GA 30350 Paul Beekman – 804-433-0103 Innovative Building Solutions for Today’s World
ArmorSkin ForeverGreen Armor Foam Core Panels HyFi Panels Glass Armor GBG – Armor Systems 20
GBGArmorSkin • One of two US patented products approved by US government for security buildings • High strength energy absorbing super-polymer. • Military grade formulation which possesses extremely high material tear strength and superior toughness. • When subjected to an exothermic explosion, the super-polymer's molecular geometry is pushed to a very high energy state enabling it to absorb the kinetic energy of the blast's shock wave. • Provides containment of underlying fractured substrate preventing the debris of shrapnel fragments. • Military testing has demonstrated blast pressures protection up to 250 psi/ms at 0.25" thickness. • A two component 100% solids formulation with NO VOCs. • Skin thickness has no limitation. • Applied using a 2-component high-pressure liquid spray machine. 21
GBGArmorSkin Click above to play video 22
ArmorSkin ForeverGreen Armor Foam Core Panels HyFi Panels Glass Armor GBG - Armor Systems 23
GBG ForeverGreen System CSIP - Insulated Construction Panels ::: Concrete Structural Insulated Panels (CSIP) that enable rapid construction of homes and buildings. Advantages: strength, long life, safety, disaster protection, and energy efficiency. Site-built or precast.
GBG Armor Key Advantages 2 armor systems for different ranges of applications • EPS foam system 1 – 10 psi blast • HyFi™ precast 1 – 40+ psi blast Fixed and flexible installation versions • precast/pre-molded • cast in place (without forms) No need for coarse aggregate • low cost mortar (7500 psi) sufficient • low strength SCC concrete (16 inch spread) • reduce amount of concrete by up to 80%
GBG Armored ForeverGreen System US Military approved, industrial grade, composite concrete blast proof modular buildings and panels. Blast Proof Panels CSIP (Concrete Structural Insulated Panels) that combine the values of traditional concrete precast with fiber reinforcement and proprietary additives to enhance the strength. Have passed third-party military tests to protect buildings from explosion and projectiles. Available site-built and precast. Is US IRC Code compliant.
GBG Armored Building Systems:Different Designs for Different Jobs Foam Core Panel HyFi Panels Field placeable spray-on; custom fit Fiber reinforced precast or tilt-up
ArmorSkin ForeverGreen Armor Foam Core Panels HyFi Panels Glass Armor GBG - Armor Systems 28
GBGFoam Core PanelsInsulated Concrete Walls ForeverGreen :: A Comprehensive Rapid-Finish Concrete Foam Core Insulated Panelized System GBGhas partnered with a worldwide wire mesh & insulated foam panel fabrication equipment manufacturer to produce a EPS foam core panel that is sandwiched between 2 layers of reinforced concrete • Rapid assembly system with on-site finishing using structural concrete plastering on each side of the foam panel • Energy-efficient, rapid installation, safe, withstands extreme heat and corrosion. 29
GBGFoam Core Panel Overview • EPS foam core (2-8 inches) • 3-D electro-welded galvanized steel (90kis) • 1.5 inches of 7500psi mortar, both sides (up to 18,000 psi mortar available)
GBG – Form Core Insulated Concrete Panels Fast, simple and safe energy-efficient construction system, utilizing structurally reinforced concrete insulated panels for walls, floors, roofs, stairs and creative architectural designs.
GBGFoam Core ArmorBlast Test : 5 psi Blast Pressure : Real Time Click above to play video
Armor Skin ForeverGreen Armor Foam Core Panels HyFi Panels Glass Armor GBG – Armor Systems 37
GBG ForeverGreen Blast Proof Panels Patented Design for Exceptional Performance Building consist of a three-dimensional cage of high-strength, 100 ksi tensile strength micro-rebar electro-welded together Rebar dimensions : 2.5 – 3.0 mm Rebar spacing: 2 x 3 inches (horizontal and vertical) Rebar location – both inner and outer walls, ceilings, roof, and foundation Joints - every joint overlap is reinforced with additional wire mesh rebar: wall panels, wall – floor joints, wall-roof joints wall-foundation joints
GBG ForeverGreen ArmorBlast Test : 5 psi Blast Pressure : High Speed Click above to play video
GBGForeverGreen Projectile Protection BACK FRONT
ArmorSkin ForeverGreen Armor Foam Core Panels HyFi Panels Glass Armor GBG- Armor Systems 41
GBGHyFi - FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE • Precast or tilt-up with new patented fiber • Normal strength concrete, ~ 4000 -5000 psi • No rebar required • 2-6 inch thickness possible • Blast tested to 200 psi – passed • Multiple-hit capability • Low flexure blast wall Fiber reinforced precast or tilt-up
GBG ForeverGreen Armor System = Affordable Safety Rapid Panel Placement – Faster Construction High strength factory quality mortar = 6,000 – 18,000psi Monolithic concrete structure Blast proof – protecting from most explosive dangers Projectile proof – NIJ Level III and Level IV capable Fireproof – concrete won’t burn Earthquake resistant – doesn’t vibrate apart Hurricane/Cyclone, and Tornado resistant Flood Resistant – not damaged by water, won’t mildew
GBG HyFi FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE • New, patented hybrid macro-fiber can be added to any conventional concrete - low strength - high strength • Reduces or eliminates the need for conventional rebar • Mixed using conventional mixers and batch plants • Very little impact to wet concrete slump • Improves blast fragment resistance of concrete by 10X or more • Cost effective blast resistance additive
GBG HyFi - FIBER • Large diameter, nylon bundle fiber • At 1% (by volume) loading of fibers per of concrete, there are ~ 6500 fibers per square foot of armor (at 6 inch thickness) • This high loading of these long, high strength nylon fibers add great strength and flexibility to the concrete structure
Blast Testing • Test design: 6 x 6 feet x 6 inch precast panels 1.Conventional 4500 psi concrete with double rebar cage – no fiber 2.Same as above plus fiber concrete design 1% by weight – with fiber • 75 pounds of TNT • Standoff distance – 5 feet • Panel supported on all 4 sides on steel frame Double rebar cage #5 6 inch centers
Fiber Reinforced Concrete Blast Testing 75 pounds of TNT 6 ft.
1. Post Blast of 6 inch thick,Double Rebar Cage Precast Panel with NO FIBER • Severe damage to side away from blast • Large chance of fatalities from flying fragments BOTTOM TOP
2. Test Results of Same Blast WITH FIBER Reinforcement • Loss of <1% of weight of panel • Very Little cracking on back side • Structure is very Serviceable • Very little injury, very small chance of fatal occurrence • Peak pressure 9000 psi, impulse 2 psi-msec BOTTOM with Fiber