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Project «  Taking actions for the full participation of children with disabilities through Education  » Area of intervention : Togo, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Mali, Niger et Senegal. Summary. Global presentation of the project Project Objectives Barriers and expected results.

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  1. Project « Taking actions for the full participation of children with disabilities through Education  »Area of intervention : Togo, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Mali, Niger et Senegal APPEHL Regional Program

  2. Summary • Global presentation of the project • Project Objectives • Barriers and expected results APPEHL regional program

  3. Handicap International’s experience in West Africa before the APPEHL project (jan.2012/dec.2013) Handicap International has worked on Inclusive Education in Burkina Faso since 1998 , in Niger since 2006, in Togo since 2009, in Senegal since 2008. In Liberia and Mali we started in January 2012 with the APPEHL project although we have worked in Mali, in Tombouctou within the education sector for years. APPEHL regional program

  4. Project partners National Federations of Organizations of and for Persons with Disabilities Ministries of Education through the directorates/divisions for the education of children with disabilities APPEHL regional program

  5. It has been ratified in Mali (2007), in Niger (2008), in Liberia (2008), Burkina Faso (2009), in Senegal (2010) and Togo (2010). Legal framework The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRDP) has been ratified by the six countries. Article 24 refers to Education APPEHL regional program

  6. In WEST AFICA, less than 5% of children with disability are enrolled in school APPEHL regional program

  7. Objectifs du projet General Objective(s): Contribute to the fulfillment of the commitments of the governments of Burkina Faso, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo in terms of universal access to primary education. Contribute to the development of a civil society that fully recognizes the rights of children with disabilities and which is responsive to inclusion and diversity. Contribute to the full participation of persons with disabilities in society, especially children with disabilities, through an inclusive approach. Specific Objective: Improved access to quality education for children with disabilities in six (6) countries in West Africa (Burkina Faso, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo) by the end of 2014. APPEHL regional program

  8. Barrier and expected results APPEHL regional program

  9. Childrenwithdisability parents don’trecognizetheirownskills as children APPEHL regional program

  10. The conditions for the inclusion of children with disabilities in their communities and schools and for their retention at school are created. APPEHL regional program

  11. Teachers are not willing to welcome children with disability and into their class and have few skills to do it. APPEHL regional program

  12. Ministries of Education, Organizations of and for Persons with Disabilities and other local stakeholders have the capacity to implement more inclusive educational policies in the light of a clear and concerted strategy. APPEHL regional program

  13. Community members don’t consider children with disability have any skills. APPEHL regional program

  14. Innovative mechanisms for the inclusion of children with severe disabilities in mainstream schools, in conjunction with the specialized schools are fully operational in Togo and Burkina Faso, and opportunities to replicate such mechanisms in other countries are explored. APPEHL regional program

  15. Togo : itinerant teachers APPEHL regional program

  16. Togo : family support APPEHL regional program

  17. Burkina Faso : « transitory classrooms » for inclusive education Last results: 11 children with a hearing impairment from Tanghin Dassouri succeded in June 2012 in their primary studies exams. APPEHL regional program

  18. Public policies don’t consider the inclusive dimension of education. APPEHL regional program

  19. The experiences and good practices developed in the areas of intervention are capitalized on, shared and they lead to the implementation of awareness-raising and advocacy activities at regional and international levels. APPEHL regional program

  20. Project sustainability • The authority has developed an inclusive education policy at different levels (local, regional and international) and standardized procedures and harmonized the law on education reform and sector plan in order to take CWDs into account. APPEHL regional program

  21. A national steeringcommitteeinvolvinginstitutionnal and civil society actorsfrom the educationsectorwillallow countries to understand IE issues. APPEHL regional program

  22. Integration of an IE module in the national curriculum of teacher training will allow a sustainable professional inclusive teaching   APPEHL regional program

  23. Accessibility of schools will allow all children to benefit from an inclusive educational context. APPEHL regional program

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