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Joseph (2), from prison to palace

Joseph (2), from prison to palace. Yoshinobu Namihira, MD, FACG 3000 halls ferry road Vicksburg, MS.39180 Ph 601 6389800, fax 601 638 9808 Email: namihira@vicksburg.com. Quick review of Joseph part #1 Short version. Joseph Was mistreated by his brothers Gen 37:19

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Joseph (2), from prison to palace

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  1. Joseph (2), from prison to palace Yoshinobu Namihira, MD, FACG 3000 halls ferry road Vicksburg, MS.39180 Ph 601 6389800, fax 601 638 9808 Email: namihira@vicksburg.com

  2. Quick review of Joseph part #1 • Short version

  3. Joseph Was mistreated by his brothers Gen 37:19 Coat of many colors, Jocob’s favorite among his sons. Joseph in the heart of Jacob ;Gen 37:3 Was sold to Egypt for slavery by his own brothers The selling price of Joseph to the Ishmaellite =20 shekels of sliver ($2,560) Jesus Was mistreated by Jews and eventually killed;mat 27:35 God’s most favorite in heaven, Jesus in the heart of the Father. Was betrayed by his own disciple (Judah Iscariot) to Jews ; mat 26:14-16 The betraying price of Jesus by Judah =30 pieces of siiver=$3,840 ;mat 26:15

  4. Blood stained garment of Joseph to Jacob , the father to signify the death of Joseph Heir of the wealthy family; Gen 37:31 Many temptations by Egyptian woman , but no record of sinning against God’s principle ;Gen 39:9 Among two individuals , a baker and a butler. the baker died, the butler lived ;”remember me when it is well with you .make mention of me” ;Gen 40:14 Blood stain of Jesus on the cross and blood stain garment left here on earth ;mat 27 :35 King of the kings. Heir of god head, household in heaven, Jesus , god head Jesus was tempted by Satan to sin but to no avail. No record of sinning against God ; mat 4:4”it is written” Jesus between the two individuals, thieves. One thief- dead, the other thief- saved , believing in Jesus. ;luke23:42;mat 27:38

  5. Arose from prison to palace in one day ;Gen 41:14 Joseph instrumental for bringing Jacob and his family ( Israel ) at the time of famine to Egypt and get them out of slavery at Egypt to Canaan , (-)=(+)= (-)=(+) ;Gen 46:1-34 Arose from death to life in one day Jesus ;mat 28:1 instrumental in bringing God’s people from the slavery to sin to salvation , eternal life . (-)=(+); John 3:16 {God loved the word so much He gave his own begotten Son, whoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have an ever lasting life }

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