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Models of Cognitive Processes: Historical Introduction with a Focus on Parallel Distributed Processing Models. Psychology 209 Stanford University Jan 7, 2013. Early History of the Study of Human Mental Processes. Introspectionism (Wundt, Titchener)
Models of Cognitive Processes:Historical Introduction with a Focus on Parallel Distributed Processing Models Psychology 209Stanford University Jan 7, 2013
Early History of the Study of Human Mental Processes • Introspectionism (Wundt, Titchener) • Thought as conscious content, but two problems: • Suggestibility • Gaps • Freud suggests that mental processes are not all conscious • Behaviorism (Watson, Skinner) eschews talk of mental processes altogether
Early Computational Models of Human Cognition (1950-1980) • The computer contributes to the overthrow of behaviorism. • Computer simulation models emphasize strictly sequential operations, using flow charts. • Simon announces that computers can ‘think’. • Symbol processing languages are introduced allowing some success at theorem proving, problem solving, etc. • Minsky and Pappert kill off Perceptrons. • Cognitive psychologists distinguish between algorithm and hardware. • Neisser deems physiology to be only of ‘peripheral interest’ • Psychologists investigate mental processes as sequences of discrete stages.
Ubiquity of the Constraint SatisfactionProblem • In sentence processing • I saw the grand canyon flying to New York • I saw the sheep grazing in the field • In comprehension • Margie was sitting on the front steps when she heard the familiar jingle of the “Good Humor” truck. She remembered her birthday money and ran into the house. • In reaching, grasping, typing…
Interactive activation and probabilistic computation • Rumelhart’s first effort to understand context effects in perception was formulated in explicitly probabilistic models. • Although he abandoned this formulation in favor of a neural network formulation, we will see that neural network models very similar to the IA model can be understood in explicit probabilistic terms. • Likewise, neural network models can be related to other sorts of models, including the drift-diffusion model of decision making and exemplar models of categorization and memory. • One of the goals of the course this year will be to explore these linkages more fully.
Synaptic Transmission and Learning Post • Learning may occur by changing the strengths of connections. • Addition and deletion of synapses, as well as larger changes in dendritic and axonal arbors, also occur in response to experience. • [Recent evidence suggests that neurons may be added under certain circumstances.] Pre
Connection-based learning creates implicit knowledge • Connection adjustment affects processing, not necessarily conscious awareness. • But not all learning is implicit. • Connection based learning can also be used to reinstate patterns of activation or to ‘auto-associate’ some elements of a pattern with other elements. • Perhaps we are aware of the patterns, but not of the connections that support their activation.
Cognitive Neuropsychology (1970’s) • Geshwind’s disconnection syndromes: • Conduction Aphasia • Patient can understand and produce spoken language but cannot repeat sentences or nonwords • Alexia without Agraphia • Deep and surface dyslexia (1970’s): • Deep dyslexics can’t read non-words (e.g. VINT), make semantic errors in reading words (PEACH -> ‘apricot’) • Surface dyslexics can read non-words, and regular words (e.g. MINT) but often regularize exceptions (PINT). • Work leads to ‘box-and-arrow’ models, reminiscent of flow-charts
Graceful Degradation in Neuropsychology • Patient deficits are seldom all or none • This is true both at the task and at the item level. • Performance is slower, more errorful, and requires more contextual support. • And error patterns are far from random: • Visual and semantic errors in deep dyslexia suggest degradation, rather than loss of a module or disconnection • Regularization errors depend on a word’s frequency, and how many other exceptions there are that are like it • Effects of lesions to units and connections in distributed connectionist models nicely capture these features of neuropsychological deficits.
Core Principles of Parallel Distributed Processing /h/ /i/ /n/ /t/ • Processing occurs via interactions among neuron-like processing units via weighted connections. • A representation is a pattern of activation. • The knowledge is in the connections. • Learning occurs through gradual connection adjustment, driven by experience. • Learning affects both representation and processing. H I N T
Implications of this approach • Knowledge that is otherwise represented in explicit form is inherently implicit in PDP: • Rules • Propositions • Lexical entries… • None of these things are represented as such in a connectionist/PDP models. • Knowledge that others have claimed must be innate and pre-specified domain-by-domain often turns out to be learnable within the PDP approach. • Thus the approach provides an alternative to other ways of looking at many aspects of knowledge-dependent cognition and development. • While the approach allows for structure (e.g. in the organization and interconnection of processing modules; structured similarity relations among patterns of activation), processing is generally far more distributed, representation is less explicit, and causal attribution becomes more complex.
In short… • Models that link human cognition to the underlying neural mechanisms of the brain simultaneously provide alternatives to earlier ways of understanding processing, learning, and representation at a cognitive level.
The PDP Approach… • Attempts to explain human cognition as an emergent consequence of neural processes. • Global outcomes, local processes • Forms a natural bridge between cognitive science on the one hand and neuroscience on the other. • Is an ongoing process of exploration. • Depends critically on computational modeling and mathematical analysis.
Beyond PDP • Since the PDP work began, several new approaches and communities have arisen • NIPS/Machine Learning Community • Computational Neuroscience Community • Bayesian Approaches in Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience • Many of the models we consider belong more to these communities than to what might be called ‘Classic PDP’ • Much of my own work now involves either • Constucting models at the interface between PDP and other approaches • Attempting to understand the relationship between PDP models and models formulated in other frameworks, including Bayesian approaches. • A good fraction of the course material will cover work of this type, and links between such work and PDP models.
This course… • Invites you to join the ongoing exploration of human cognition using PDP models and related approaches to mind, brain, and computation. • Focuses ultimately on human cognition and the underlying neural mechanisms, rather than abstract computational theory or artificial intelligence. • Includes exercises that provides an introduction to the modeling process and its mathematical foundations, preparing you to join the ongoing exploration.
Assignment for Wednesday Read: • * McClelland, J. L. (2013). Bayesian inference, generative models, and probabilistic computations in interactive neural networks. Draft, Jan. 6. 2013, Department of Psychology, Stanford University. Pages 1-28. and for a primer on real neurons: • † Kolb, B. and Whishaw, I. Q. (1980). Physiological organization of the nervous system. Chapter 2 of Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology (pp. 31-42). San Francisco: Freeman. We will discuss connectionist units and their properties in relation both to Bayesian computations and physiology of real neurons.