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Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation in Tanzania. Programme Status To-date. Maliondo, S.M.S. Programme Coordinator CCIAM Programme SUA, Tanzania cciam@suanet.ac.tz. Contents. Programme Overview Progress To-date The Way Forward. Programme Overview. Background.
Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation in Tanzania Programme Status To-date Maliondo, S.M.S. Programme Coordinator CCIAM Programme SUA, Tanzania cciam@suanet.ac.tz
Contents Programme Overview Progress To-date The Way Forward
Background The CCIAM programme is a partnership between URT and the Kingdom of Norway. 5-Year Programme (2009 – 2014).
Background • Collaborating Institutions • Tanzania • SUA, UDSM, ARU & TMA • Norway • UMB and Other Institutions in Norway
PROGRAMME GOAL Better Management of Natural Resources and the Environment through Appropriate Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies and Participation in Climate Change Initiatives
MAIN OBJECTIVE To develop and sustain adequacy in national capacity toparticipatein climate change initiatives and address the effects and challenges of climate change with particular emphasis to the REDD initiatives.
FOCUS AREAS AND ACTIVITIES A: Research Development of appropriate climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in forestry, other land uses, ecosystems and biodiversity management Assessment of climate change impacts on and vulnerability of ecosystem services and livelihoods under REDD initiatives
Policy and legal framework analysis of climate change adaptation and mitigation with emphasis on economic efficiency, ecological effectiveness and wider political legitimacy
B: Capacity Building Develop and Undertake Human Capacity Building: • Conducting Masters and PhD training on climate change issues. • Mainstreaming climate change issues in tertiary institutions curricula. • Developing modules incorporating analytical modelling in socio-economic and ecological issues to be used for analysis of adaptation to climate change and variability.
Short courses and dissemination workshops on climate change for various stakeholders • Enhancement of special skills in modelling for technicians and scientists • Exchange programmes
Develop/Rehabilitate Physical Infrastructure • Establishment of database • Provision of equipment • Provide reliable internet services • Strengthening climatological monitoring system by TMA
Establish modelling laboratories • Availing hardware and software for short courses on modelling • Improvement of field research laboratory at Mazumbai • Strengthening laboratory for aquatic ecosystems and related biodiversity at UDSM • Acquiring tide gauges for monitoring sea level changes by ARU
C: Strategic Intervention Implementation of strategic interventions • Those developed by the programme to contribute mitigation and adaptation, i.e. major strategic interventions • Others responding to requests by grass-root communities, i.e. minor strategic interventions
D: Documentation, Communication and Publicity Disseminate and inform various stakeholders on issues relevant to climate change impacts, vulnerability, adaptation and mitigation needs and practices. Enhancing sharing of electronic information and maintenance of institutional repositories relevant to CCIAM programme and other challenge of climate change
A: RESEARCH Fifteen research project are being funded under the following thematic areas: • Thematic area 1. • Carbon Mitigation by forests (4) • Other land uses (3) • Thematic area 2. • Social-economics (incl. adaptation) (4) • Thematic area 3. • Governance (4)
Potential of research activities in relation to developing and sustaining adequacy in National capacity Forest Carbon Mitigation (MRV, Modelling etc) The four projects under this theme are geared towards developing methodologies for carbon mitigation; monitoring, reporting and verification that will feed inputs REDD negotiations.
Other land uses – drivers of forest degradation and Deforestation and their mitigation The three research projects are aiming at assessing the implication of climate change on: smallholders’ Livelihoods, urban land use and fisheries in mangrove ecosystems. Research in these areas is expected to provide input on matters of adaptation which are key under REDD.
Socio-economics (Economics, Livelihoods and vulnerability assessment) Projects under this theme are intended to provide: mechanisms for community compensation and carbon markets, economic valuation of incremental biomass under PFM and incentive options for forest-based emissions reduction and co-benefit generation. these are crucial in guiding decisions on financing/marketing modalities under REDD initiative preparation.
Governance, Community participation, gender policy and legal framework (5 projects) These research will provide results on: REDD options for Livelihood Security, Governance, incentives and monitoring and Governance challenges in REDD Implementation are crucial. These will provide evidence on REDD Architecture in Tanzania and participation.
Research - ctd Budget per project varies from TZS 154,000,000 to 177,000,000. The projects are implemented over three years. Contracts signed for project implementation The projects are being implemented in the National REDD Sites where NGOs and local government authorities are key stakeholders.
B: Capacity Building 1. Human Capacity Building • Masters Training • 25 applicants awarded scholarships as follows: • SUA – 13 • UDSM – 7 • ARU – 3 • TMA – 2 • PhD Training • A total of 73 applications have been received and 16 PhD scholarships just been awarded
2. Develop/Rehabilitate Physical infrastructure • Five vehicles have been procured. • Funds for improving internet connectivity distributed to participating institutions.
C: Strategic Intervention Programme-owned Major Strategic Intervention Concepts
C: Strategic Intervention • To introduce technologies/innovations for increasing carbon sinks. • To introduce alternative energy sources aimed at avoiding reduction of carbon sinks. • To introduce/promote innovations that will contribute to reducing carbon emissions from productive activities and increasing carbon sinks. • To undertake impact assessment and modelling studies.
D: Documentation, Communication and Publicity Libraries of participating institutions have developed a project titled: • Strengthening Documentation, Communication and Dissemination of Information related to Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation in Tanzania.
WAY FORWARD Researchers have embarked on field work. Major strategic intervention activities have been initiated Another call for 25 Masters scholarship Mid-March 2011. A call for research concept notes and projects for the 3rd year expected in May 2011.