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Student In-Brief

SIMULEX. 2013. Student In-Brief. Overview. Key Events Participants/Objectives Simulation Control Communication Media Diplomatic Process Scenario. Introductory Remarks. Professor Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr. Friday, October 25th 3:30 pm Control Team Arrival (Cabot, Hall of Flags)

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Student In-Brief

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  1. SIMULEX 2013 Student In-Brief

  2. Overview Key Events Participants/Objectives Simulation Control Communication Media Diplomatic Process Scenario

  3. Introductory Remarks Professor Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr.

  4. Friday, October 25th • 3:30 pm Control Team Arrival (Cabot, Hall of Flags) • 4:00 pm Control Team In-brief (Mugar 200) • 5:00 pm Control Team Dinner (Cabot 7th Floor) • 5:00 pm Students Check In (Cabot, Hall of Flags) • 5:30 pm Students Report to Team Rooms • 6:00 pm Student In-brief (ASEAN) • 6:00 pm Control Team - Plan/Train/Organize (Mugar 200) • 8:00 pm Strategy Papers Due/Move “1” (ASEAN) • 9:30 pm Move “1” Ends Key Events • Saturday, October 26th • 7:30 am Continental Breakfast (Hall of Flags) • 8:30 am Move “2” (ASEAN) • 11:30 am Lunch (Hall of Flags) • 12:30 pm Move “3” (ASEAN) • 3:30 pm After Action, Debrief, and Critique (ASEAN) • 4:30 pm Closing Remarks (ASEAN) • 5:00 pm SIMULEX Concludes

  5. Participants • Player Teams • DHP 245 (“Crisis Management”) students • Fletcher Students • Outside participants • Control • Wargaming Experts • Fletcher/Boston-Area Military Fellows • Prior SIMULEX Participants • IT Support • Media • Tufts Undergrads • Senior Mentors • Prior SIMULEX Participants

  6. Objectives • Gain appreciation for developing national strategies and policies • Experience difficulties and constraints confronting international decision-makers in translating national goals into specific policies and courses of action • Gain awareness of internal and external pressures, relationships, and obstacles in crisis decision-making • Understand the benefits and limitations of simulation

  7. Game Structure • 7 Student Teams • Media Team • Hypothetical, but plausible, scenario • Closed-loop communication system • 3 “moves” to stimulate dynamic interaction between student teams • After Action, Debrief, Critique

  8. Team Locations US Cabot 205 China Mugar 231 India Cabot 102 Pakistan Cabot 108B Terrorists Cabot 206 Japan Mugar 235 Russia Crowe Rm Control/Media Groups Mugar 200 Media Computer Lab ASEAN Cabot 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms Cabot107/Murrow

  9. Exercise Map

  10. India Pakistan Japan • Approves all comm/actions • Provides situation updates • Plays other actors • Simulates public opinion Simulation Control Senior Controller Intel Control Ops Media Country Control Cells US China Terrorists Russia

  11. Communication • Teams Communicate thru Simulation Control • All communications via team Gmail accounts • Can request information, action approval, press releases, meetings • Control reviews all messages, requests, or questions and forwards when approved • Need to be concise, logical, with rationale!

  12. MAIN CONSOLE is www.gmail.com

  13. EMAIL


  15. Chatting

  16. Popping out the chat box.

  17. GOOGLE DRIVE (sharing, editing, creating documents)

  18. Emailing a document

  19. Flow of Information Advisor, controller, and team of ONE GROUP will be invited by control.simulex.controlchat@gmail.com to team chat Controllers will be invited by control.simulex@gmail.com to control chat Advisor of one group will be invited by controller of same group to private 1:1 chat Bilaterals: advisor, controller, and team of TWO GROUPS will be invited to bilateral chats by control.simulex@gmail.com REQUESTS for Intel, Video Media, Press Releases, and ACTIONS must go through your controller

  20. Media Universal Control Intel Private Running Document EMAIL Requests to record a video EMAIL Intel requests EMAIL Actions VERBALIZE Bilaterals EMAIL Statements Simulex Media Release Blog Japan Control Pakistan Control US Control India Control Terrorist Control Russia Control China Control E MAIL US Advisor China Advisor Pakistan Advisor Russia Advisor Japan Advisor India Advisor Terrorist Advisor Japan Team Terr. Team India Team Russia Team US Team Pakistan Team China Team

  21. General Ground Rules • You can email media and intel document to your teammates. • Do not start new chats. Chats need to be approved by Universal Control. • Do not go Rogue! Requests, bilats, etc. are made through your team controller. • Only 1 computer can be logged into the team gmail account. • Sabotage is not appropriate for this event! Do not harm/disconnect the classroom technology.

  22. IT Process

  23. Media • The Media Team is neutral: • we will not gather intelligence • we will not disseminate unauthorized information • 3 Roles: • BBC News Announcement – Control team inject of “truth data” • Country Update – Print or video release advancing the country strategy…may or may not represent “truth” • Documentary – to be presented as part of the debrief • Media releases • Written – country team drafts and submits to Control for approval • Video - notify Control, then go to the Mugar Computer Lab • Media team will publish to the website after Control approves • The Documentary crew will have unfettered access throughout the Fletcher School • Sites.tufts.edu/Simulexmedia/

  24. Diplomatic Process • Establish desired agenda and outcomes in advance • What would you like to gain? • What are you willing to give up? • Consensus is reached and usually formalized in a written document • Media Involvement • Is follow up meeting required

  25. Exercise Honor Code No spying – cannot enter another team room without control’s approval No hacking – cannot steal another team’s username and password No spoofing – cannot represent yourself as another team No stealing – cannot steal another team’s documents Must report – notify your control team if you suspect a team is breaking the honor code or a document/chat is mistakenly posted to unauthorized recipients

  26. SIMULEX 2013 Background Scenario

  27. Crisis in South and East Asia

  28. Scenario Background • The Asia-Pacific arena • China and India are rising powers and rivals • Disintegrating Pakistan • Afghanistan under Taliban control • South and East China Sea island disputes • Scarborough Shoal • Diaoyu/Senkaku/Tiaoyutai Islands • May 2017: The Crisis Begins

  29. Background on Key Players China Russia India Japan USA Pakistan Terrorists

  30. China • Chinese Military Build-up in Tibet • Improved military infrastructure • 5 air bases and several helipads • Extensive rail network • 30,000 miles of roads • Increased military presence in Tibet • Ability to deploy 15 divisions total to the region • 7 “Tier-1” divisions capable of offensive operations • China-Pakistan Relations • Strengthened security/economic ties • Supports Pakistan as a counterweight to India • Openly supports anti-Indian Kashmiri separatists • Growing alarm about disintegration of Pakistan • Enhanced nuclear cooperation with Pakistan

  31. Russia • Russian - Chinese Relations • Informal alliance • Ties with Russia - geopolitical response to US Pivot to Pacific • Joined in offering security guarantees to Iran and Syria • Alignment with Russia = emboldened China • Russian – Japanese Relations • Growing energy markets in China and Japan • Russia seeks stronger relationship w/ Japan

  32. India • Rising tensions with China over disputed Himalayan borders • China claims 120 thousand km of territory under India’s control • Chinese military forces moving into Arunachel Pradesh border region • China’s claims the Provence • Chinese refer to as “Southern Tibet” • Controls Askai Chin - 1962 Sino-India War • Squashing Tibetan independence movement

  33. Japan • South China Sea Crisis • Disputed islands • Spratly, Paracel, Scarborough Shoals • Threat to maritime passage • Important fisheries & seabed energy potential • East China Sea • Armed clashes between Japan/China • Daioyu, Senkaku, Tiaoyutai Islands • China testing US/Japan Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement

  34. USA • Aligned with India and Japan • Stronger China - Russia alignment • Consequence of US pivot to Asia • Diaoyu/Senkaku/Tiaoyutai Islands • Armed clashes between Chinese and Japanese naval forces • Residual 9,000 troops remain in Afghanistan

  35. Pakistan • Disintegrating Pakistan • Failing state armed with nuclear weapons • Consolidation of Taliban power in Afghanistan spilling over into Pakistan • Growing Terrorist Movement • Terror attacks in Pakistan escalated – 8,500 per yr • Attributed to Tehrik-e-Taliban (TTP)

  36. Terrorists • Tehrik-e-Taliban (TTP) • Goal is to turn Pakistan into an Islamic State under Sharia Law • TTP moving closer to ousting the elected government • Taliban • Controls 80% of Afghanistan • Resurgent Taliban spilling into Pakistan • Chechen rebels • Sunni Muslim group seeking independence • Proven capable of ops throughout Russia

  37. Other States of Interest • Philippines • Vietnam • Malaysia • Indonesia • Korean Peninsula • Major source of international tension • Six additional nuclear tests • Warheads and intercontinental delivery systems

  38. SIMULEX 2013 Student In-Brief

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