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Astrophysical and Cosmological Axion L imits

Astrophysical and Cosmological Axion L imits. Sun. Globular Cluster. Supernova 1987A. Dark Matter. Georg G. Raffelt, Max-Planck-Institut f ür Physik, München. Axion Bounds and Searches. [GeV] f a. 10 3. 10 6. 10 9. 10 12. 10 15. keV. eV. meV. m eV. neV. m a. ADMX Search

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Astrophysical and Cosmological Axion L imits

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  1. Astrophysical and CosmologicalAxion Limits Sun Globular Cluster Supernova 1987A Dark Matter Georg G. Raffelt, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München

  2. Axion Bounds and Searches [GeV] fa 103 106 109 1012 1015 keV eV meV meV neV ma ADMX Search (Seattle & Yale) CASPEr Experiments Tele scope CAST Hadronic axions String DW Too much hot darkmatter Too much CDM (misalignment) Too much cold dark matter (re-alignment with Qi = 1) Helium-burning stars (a-g-coupling, hadronic axions) Anthropic Range SN 1987A Too many events Too much energy loss Globular clusters (He ignition), WD cooling (a-e coupling)

  3. Axion Properties Gluon coupling (generic) G a G Mass (generic) Photon coupling g a g Pion coupling p p p a Nucleon coupling (axial vector) N a N Electron coupling (optional) e a e

  4. Solar Axions Globular Cluster Supernova 1987A Dark Matter Sun

  5. Experimental Tests of Invisible Axions Primakoff effect: Axion-photon transition in external static E or B field (Originally discussed for by Henri Primakoff 1951) • Pierre Sikivie: • Macroscopic B-field can provide a • large coherent transition rate over • a big volume (low-mass axions) • Axion helioscope: • Look at the Sun through a dipole magnet • Axion haloscope: • Look for dark-matter axions with • A microwave resonant cavity

  6. Search for Solar Axions Axion Helioscope (Sikivie 1983) Primakoff production N Axion flux a a g g MagnetS Axion-Photon-Oscillation Sun • Tokyo Axion Helioscope (“Sumico”) (Results since 1998, up again 2008) • CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) (Data since 2003) Alternative technique: Bragg conversion in crystal Experimental limits on solar axion flux from dark-matter experiments (SOLAX, COSME, DAMA, CDMS ...)

  7. Pointing a Magnet to the Sun By CAST student Sebastian Baum

  8. Tokyo Axion Helioscope (“Sumico”) m Moriyama, Minowa, Namba, Inoue, Takasu &Yamamoto PLB 434 (1998) 147 Inoue, Akimoto,Ohta, Mizumoto,Yamamoto & Minowa PLB 668 (2008) 93

  9. LHC Magnet Mounted as a Telescope to Follow the Sun

  10. CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST)

  11. Helioscope Limits First experimental crossingof the KSVZ line CAST-I results: PRL 94:121301 (2005) and JCAP 0704 (2007) 010 CAST-II results (He-4 filling): JCAP 0902 (2009) 008 CAST-II results (He-3 filling): PRL 107: 261302 (2011) and in preparation (2013)

  12. Fore-CAST (2013–2015) Renewed CAST running in vacuum mode with new detectors and in future new x-ray telescopes CAST 2013 (Preliminary) CAST 2014 (Preliminary) Sensitivity forecast

  13. Parameter Space for Axion-Like Particles (ALPs)

  14. Parameter Space for Axion-Like Particles (ALPs)

  15. Parameter Space for Axion-Like Particles (ALPs)

  16. Next Generation Axion Helioscope (IAXO) at CERN Need new magnet w/ – Much bigger aperture: per bore – Lighter (no iron yoke) – Bores at Troom • Irastorza et al.: Towards a new generation axion helioscope, arXiv:1103.5334 • Armengaud et al.: Conceptual Design of the International Axion Observatory (IAXO), arXiv:1401.3233

  17. Parameter Space for Axion-Like Particles (ALPs)

  18. Photon Regeneration Experiments Ehret et al. (ALPS Collaboration), arXiv:1004.1313 • Recent “shining-light-through-a-wall” or vacuum birefringence experiments: • ALPS • BMV • BFRT • GammeV • LIPPS • OSQAR • PVLAS (DESY, using HERA dipole magnet) (Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intens, Toulouse) (Brookhaven, 1993) (Fermilab) (Jefferson Lab) (CERN, using LHC dipole magnets) (INFN Trieste)

  19. Parameter Space for Axion-Like Particles (ALPs)

  20. Latest PVLAS Limit PVLAS seeks B-field induced birefringence (QED effect) Searching for induced ellipticity of linearly polarized laser beam PVLAS Collaboration, arXiv:1410.4081 (15 Oct 2014)

  21. Any Light Particle Search II (ALPS-II) at DESY ALPS-I (finished) ALPS-IIa (2014) ALPS-IIb (2015) ALPS-IIc (2017) ALPS-II Technical Design Report, arXiv:1302.5647

  22. Axion-Photon-Conversion from SN 1987A Axion-photon conversion in transverse galactic B-field SN 1987A SMM No excess g rays in coincidence with SN 1987A Primakoff production in SN core Galactic B-field models Payez, Evoli, Fischer, Giannotti, Mirizzi & Ringwald, arXiv:1410.3747

  23. Parameter Space for Axion-Like Particles (ALPs)

  24. Shining TeV Gamma Rays through the Universe Figure from a talk by Manuel Meyer (Univ. Hamburg)

  25. Parameter Space for Axion-Like Particles (ALPs)

  26. Axions from Normal Stars Sun Supernova 1987A Dark Matter Globular Cluster

  27. Galactic Globular Cluster M55

  28. Color-Magnitude Diagram for Globular Clusters H H He C O He Asymptotic Giant Red Giant H H He C O White Dwarfs Horizontal Branch Main-Sequence Particle emission reduces helium burning lifetime, i.e. number of HB stars Hot, blue cold, red Color-magnitude diagram synthesized from several low-metallicity globular clusters and compared with theoretical isochrones (W.Harris, 2000)

  29. Helium-Burning Lifetime of Horizontal-Branch Stars Number ratio of HB-Stars/Red Giants in 15 galactic globular clusters (Buzzoni et al. 1983) Helium-burning lifetime established within 10%

  30. New ALP Limits from Globular Clusters Helium abundance and energy loss rate from modern number counts HB/RGB in 39 globular clusters Planck Ayala, Dominguez, Giannotti, Mirizzi & Straniero, arXiv:1406.6053

  31. Parameter Space for Axion-Like Particles (ALPs)

  32. Blue-Loop Suppression by Axion Emission Blue loop at the end of helium burning No axions Axion emission near limit Evolution of massive stars with Primakoff axion emission (Friedland et al. arXiv:1210.1271)

  33. Parameter Space for Axion-Like Particles (ALPs)

  34. Axion-Electron Interaction • Axions can interact with electrons, notably in GUT models, e.g. DFSZ model • Strong constraints from stars Electrons Compton Pair Annihilation Electromagnetic Bremsstrahlung

  35. Color-Magnitude Diagram for Globular Clusters H H He C O He Asymptotic Giant Red Giant H H He C O White Dwarfs Horizontal Branch Main-Sequence Particle emission delays He ignition, i.e. core mass increased Hot, blue cold, red Color-magnitude diagram synthesized from several low-metallicity globular clusters and compared with theoretical isochrones (W.Harris, 2000)

  36. Color-Magnitude Diagram of Globular Cluster M5 Brightest red giant measures nonstandard energy loss CMD (a) before and (b) after cleaning CMD of brightest 2.5 mag of RGB Viaux, Catelan, Stetson, Raffelt, Redondo, Valcarce & Weiss, arXiv:1308.4627

  37. Limits on Axion-Electron Coupling from GC M5 I-band brightness of tip of red-giant brach [magnitudes] Detailed account of theoretical and observational uncertainties • Uncertainty dominated by distance • Can be improved in future (GAIA mission) Axion-electron Yukawa Limit on axion-electron Yukawa Mass limit in DFSZ model Viaux, Catelan, Stetson, Raffelt, Redondo, Valcarce & Weiss, arXiv:1311.1669

  38. White Dwarf Luminosity Function Stars formed in the past Gyr Systematic deviations between WDLFs beyond stated errors Miller Bertolami, Melendez, Althaus & Isern, arXiv:1406.7712

  39. Axion Bounds from WD Luminosity Function Limits on axion-electron coupling and mass limit in DFSZ model: Miller Bertolami, Melendez, Althaus & Isern, arXiv:1406.7712, 1410.1677

  40. Period Change of Variable White Dwarfs Period change of pulsating white darfs depends on cooling speed White dwarf G117−B15A White dwarf R548 Favored by Favored by Córsico et al., arXiv:1205.6180 Córsico et al., arXiv:1211.3389

  41. Axion Bounds and Searches [GeV] fa 103 106 109 1012 1015 keV eV meV meV neV ma ADMX Search (Seattle & Yale) CASPEr Experiments Tele scope CAST Hadronic axions String DW Too much hot darkmatter Too much CDM (misalignment) Too much cold dark matter (re-alignment with Qi = 1) Helium-burning stars (a-g-coupling, hadronic axions) Anthropic Range SN 1987A Too many events Too much energy loss Globular clusters (He ignition), WD cooling (a-e coupling)

  42. SN 1987A Neutrino Signal Globular Cluster Sun Dark Matter Supernova 1987A

  43. Sanduleak -69 202 Sanduleak -69 202 Supernova 1987A 23 February 1987

  44. Supernova 1987A Energy-Loss Argument SN 1987A neutrino signal Neutrino sphere Volume emission of new particles Neutrino diffusion Emission of very weakly interacting particles would “steal” energy from the neutrino burst and shorten it. (Early neutrino burst powered by accretion, not sensitive to volume energy loss.) Late-time signal most sensitive observable

  45. Cooling Time Scale Exponential cooling model: T = T0 e-t/4, constant radius, L = L0 e-t/ Fit parameters are T0, , radius, 3 offset times for KII, IMB & BST detectors Loredo and Lamb, Bayesian analysis astro-ph/0107260

  46. Long-Term Cooling of EC SN (Garching 2009) Neutrino opacities with strong NN correlations and nucleon recoil in neutrino-nucleon scattering. Exponential cooling with Barely allowed by SN 1987A Neutrino opacities without these effects (~ Basel case?) Much longer cooling times L. Hüdepohl et al. (Garching Group),arXiv:0912.0260

  47. Operational Detectors for Supernova Neutrinos HALO (tens) SNO+ (300) LVD (400) Borexino (100) Baksan (100) Super-K (104) KamLAND (400) Daya Bay (100) In brackets events for a “fiducial SN” at distance 10 kpc IceCube (106)

  48. Axion Emission from a Nuclear Medium Axion-nucleon interaction: a Energy-loss rate( (axion energy ) Dynamical structure function, in nonrelativistic limit correlator of nucleon spin density operator N N + ... V N N Nucleon-Nucleon Bremsstrahlung Early calculations using one-pion exchange potential without many body effects or multiple-scattering effects over-estimated emission rate, see e.g. • Janka, Keil, Raffelt & Seckel, PRL 76:2621,1996. • Hanhart, Phillips & Reddy, PLB 499:9, 2001. • Bacca, Hally, Liebendörfer, Perego, Pethick & Schwenk, arXiv:1112.5185 (2011).

  49. Axion Bounds and Searches [GeV] fa 103 106 109 1012 1015 keV eV meV meV neV ma ADMX Search (Seattle & Yale) CASPEr Experiments Tele scope CAST Hadronic axions String DW Too much hot darkmatter Too much CDM (misalignment) Too much cold dark matter (re-alignment with Qi = 1) Helium-burning stars (a-g-coupling, hadronic axions) Anthropic Range SN 1987A Too many events Too much energy loss Globular clusters (He ignition), WD cooling (a-e coupling)

  50. Diffuse Supernova Axion Background (DSAB) • Neutrinos from all core-collapse SNe comparable to photons from all stars • Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background (DSNB) similar energy density as • extra-galactic background light (EBL), approx 10% of CMB energy density • DSNB probably next astro neutrinos to be measured • Axions with • near SN 1987A energy-loss limit • Provide DSAB with compable • energy density as DSNB and EBL • No obvious detection channel Raffelt, Redondo & Viaux work in progress (2011)

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