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Putting Together a Complete Fitness Program

Putting Together a Complete Fitness Program. Chapter. Putting Together a Complete Fitness Program. Developing a Personal Fitness Program Putting Your Plan Into Action Exercise Guidelines for Life Stages. Developing a Personal Fitness Program. Set goals

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Putting Together a Complete Fitness Program

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  1. Putting Together a Complete Fitness Program Chapter

  2. Putting Together a Complete Fitness Program Developing a Personal Fitness Program Putting Your Plan Into Action Exercise Guidelines for Life Stages

  3. Developing a Personal Fitness Program Set goals Develop general and specific, long term and short term goals Use physical fitness assessment tests to decide which types of exercise to use to attain specific goals Select activities Include exercises to develop each health-related component of fitness

  4. Developing a Personal Fitness Program Select activities Support your commitment Fun and interest Your current skill and fitness level Time and convenience Cost Special health needs

  5. FIGURE 7.1A sample personal fitness program plan and agreement

  6. TABLE 7.1Examples of Different Aerobic Activities and Their Intensities

  7. Developing a Personal Fitness Program Set a target Frequency, Intensity, Time (Duration) for each activity Cardiorespiratory endurance exercise An appropriate schedule is 3 to 5 times per week Heart rate in target zone for 20 to 60 minutes Muscular strength and endurance training Include one or more sets of 8 to 12 repetitions of 8 to 10 exercises Flexibility training

  8. Developing a Personal Fitness Program Set up mini-goals and rewards Break specific goals into several steps Set a target date for each step Include lifestyle physical activity in the program Specify ways to be more active Use a health journal to track activities

  9. FIGURE 7.2A summary of the FITT principle for the health-related components of fitness

  10. Developing a Personal Fitness Program Develop tools to monitor progress Track daily progress to remind you of your ongoing commitment to your program and to gain a sense of accomplishment The results of different fitness tests vary, so be sure to compare results for the same assessments over time Make a commitment Make a commitment by signing an agreement Keep the agreement in a visible spot

  11. Putting Your Plan Into Action Start slowly and increase intensity and duration gradually Be patient and realistic Find an exercise buddy who shares your goals and fitness level Ask for support from others Vary your activities

  12. Putting Your Plan Into Action Cycle the duration and intensity of workouts Adapt to changing environments and schedules Expect fluctuations and lapses Choose healthy lifestyle behaviors

  13. FIGURE 7.3A sample program log

  14. FIGURE 7.4A sample program progress chart

  15. Exercise Guidelines for Life Stages Children and adolescents Provide opportunities for children and adolescents to exercise every day During family outings, choose dynamic activities For children younger than 12, emphasize skill development and fitness rather than excellence in competitive sports

  16. Exercise Guidelines for Life Stages Children and adolescents Make sure children are developmentally capable of participating in an activity Make sure children get plenty of water when exercising in the heat

  17. Exercise Guidelines for Life Stages Pregnancy See your physician about possible modifications needed for your pregnancy Continue mild to moderate exercise routines at least three times a week Favor non- or low-weight-bearing exercises

  18. Exercise Guidelines for Life Stages Pregnancy Avoid exercise in supine position after first trimester Avoid exercise that could cause loss of balance, especially in the third trimester Avoid activities involving extremes in barometric pressure

  19. Exercise Guidelines for Life Stages Pregnancy Drink plenty of fluids and exercise in well-ventilated areas to avoid heat stress, especially during the first trimester Do 3 to 5 sets of 10 Kegel exercises daily After giving birth, resume pre-pregnancy exercise routines gradually, based on how you feel

  20. Exercise Guidelines for Life Stages Older adults Follow guidelines for aerobic exercise as younger adults, but judge intensity on a 10-point scale of perceived exertion rather than by heart rate For strength training, use a lighter weight and perform more (10 to 15) repetitions than young adults

  21. Exercise Guidelines for Life Stages Older adults Perform flexibility exercises at least 2 days per week for at least 10 minutes Drink plenty of water and avoid exercising in excessively hot or cold environments Warm up slowly and carefully

  22. Exercise Guidelines for Life Stages Older adults Cool down slowly, continuing very light exercise until the heart rate is below 100 If you cannot meet the recommendation of at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, do as much exercise as you can

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