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Invitational Summer Institute. July 22, 2014 Day 17. Final revised anthology contributions due for printing BY 3:00 p M. Agenda Tuesday, July 22, 2014. A TC to do the welcome at the Luncheon ?. Daily Log. Author’s Chair. Learned.
Invitational Summer Institute July 22, 2014 Day 17
Final revised anthology contributions due for printing BY 3:00 pM
Learned • I learned about all the amazing opportunities for growth and to impact the direction education takes as a result of the ISI. • That there is life after your first summer institute! • The people who shared their experiences showed a real appreciation for what they learned. • About all of the opportunities for professional development available for interested teachers.
Learned • That there is a future after WP ISI. • The many roles a TC can play after ISI.
Surprises? Questions? • I did some Google snooping and found Brandy Price’s winning essay from last year. There are no words to describe how inspired and how in awe I am right now. I had no idea—the panel is to thank for the discovery. • How continually amazed I am (even more amazed) at how inspiring you all are. I’m fired up! • I want to know about other professional learning opportunities.
Surprises? Questions? • How participation in the writing project has inspired teachers to become more active in their school sites and beyond.
Until10:00 am Anthology Planning
You, as a Leader • What have you done at your school? • What are you thinking of doing next year?
You as a Leader • What have you done at your school? • What are you thinking of doing next year? • 5 Minutes Quickwrite
Conference Presentations • State Level (California Association of Teachers of English)
Alameda County Office of Education English Learner Conference • The ACOE English Learner Conference is an annual event aimed at the improvement of language proficiency and the academic achievement of language learners. This annual event brings to our county panels of distinguished and highly esteemed researchers and language development experts. • February
CATE 2011: Never More Crucial: Transforming Young Writers’ Attitudes toward Writing and Becoming Writers What caused significant attitudinal improvements toward writing and writer identity (as revealed by a pre-/post survey) during a two-week Young Writer’s Camp? Presenters will share the instructional premises that are the foundation of the Cal State Northridge Writing Project camp experience, as well as the pedagogies, strategies, and activities that engendered those improvements. Writing samples will demonstrate the creative expression and energy campers brought to their work. The session will conclude with time for discussion.
CATE 2012: Crossing Over: Teaching to the California Common Core Writing Standards What are the instructional implications of moving from the existing ELA standards to the newly adopted CCCS in writing? What will students (and teachers) gain or lose? In this interactive session, participants will examine the Anchor Standards for writing in grades K-12 (including History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects) to answer these questions. The presenter will provide instructional strategies designed to help students develop the writing proficiencies the CCCS describe.
CATE 2014 Paying It Forward • February (second week) • San Diego
Discussion of Leadership Readings • “Writing for Publication” • “Teacher Advocacy: What Happened in Texas” • “The View from the Chalkboard Ceiling” • “Ten Roles for Teacher Leaders” • About the Writing Project
Reflection • Please spend the next 10 minutes writing to yourself (you may wish to frame this as a “Dear…” letter) about your experiences in the ISI. What have you learned? Have you changed as a writer? As a teacher? If so, how? What are the most important take-aways for you from this experience? • Optional sharing after 10 minutes.
1:00-1:30 Lab 2115 ISI evaluation
Common Core Apps • ELA-Math CCSS • View the Common Core State Standards in one convenient FREE app! A great reference for students, parents, and teachers to easily read and understand the core standards. Quickly find standards by subject, grade, and subject category (domain/cluster). This app includes Math standards K-12 and Language Arts standards K-12. Math standards include both traditional and integrated pathways (as outlined in Appendix A of the common core) and synthesizes Language Arts standards with the Corresponding College and Career Readiness Standards (CCR's).
Common Core Apps • NGSS • The Next Generation Science Standards app gives you multiple ways to view the standards including DCI and Topic arrangements, and also includes convenient search functionality. The app also makes referencing standards in the Common Core simple by providing a linkage between the NGSS App and MasteryConnect’s Common Core App. • As part of the partnership with MasteryConnect, NSTA is providing additional free resources within the app, including several articles from NSTA’s peer reviewed journals, and free chapters from its line of NGSS-related titles, including The NSTA Reader’s Guide to the Next Generation Science Standards and Science for the Next Generation: Preparing for the New Standards.
Common Core Apps • Apps for the Common Core • Overwhelmed by all the Common Core Standards? Apps For Common Core gives you quick access to all Common Core Standards by grade level while saving you time by suggesting apps that solve those standards! Teachers and parents will no longer have to search for apps that help their children learn a particular standard.
Common Core Apps • CS Core • The CS CORE iOS application contains the adopted California Common Core Content Standards in an easy to access format that is organized by content area - grade level – domain/strand – cluster – standard. The application was developed through the Instructional Services Department of the Merced County Office of Education in collaboration with member county offices of education in the California County Educational Technology Consortium (CCETC – http://www.ccetc.net).
Common Core Apps • http://www.scoecurriculum.net/estandards/ • eStandards is designed to provide easy and quick access to the California State Standards. This app includes the K-12 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) & Literacy and Mathematics. The CCSS are organized by content area, grade, strand/domain, and standard. Also included are the newly adopted English Language Development (ELD) standards. The ELD standards are organized by grade, part, and proficiency level.
This comprehensive app includes the following unique features:• View CCSS ELA & Literacy with College & Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standards and corresponding ELD Standards• View ELD Standards with CCSS ELA & Literacy correspondences • Search by keyword • Save favorite searches and standards• Share searches with colleagues and parents• Access recommended websites and downloadable resources for ELA & Literacy, Mathematics, and ELD • Customize view with zoom in and zoom out• Copy and paste text
Common Core Apps • ELA Common Core Reference • NutmegEducation.com • An easy-to-use reference app for the Common Core ELA Standards. Quickly look up standards by grade, read descriptions, and more. Brought to you free by NutmegEducation.com.
Common Core Apps • Common Core State Standards • Now the CCSS app includes a variety of tools to help teachers, including a roster, reporting functionality, advanced search, and more, in addition to the reference information.The Common Core State Standards app is both an interactive reference and a sophisticated tool for teachers. It includes a reference for all of the standards in the national Common Core State Standards Initiative for school systems across the country. This easy to use and concise app allows teachers, administrators, and parents to view the standards, take notes on each standard, create a roster of students, take notes on individual students' progress, create and print reports per standard or per student, mark standards with customizable indicators, and easily search the standards. It also includes the ability to download lesson plans and standards materials to aid teachers. Students can even create reports and do homework using templates and turn them in to be read and stored within the CCSS app.