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Marc Kuchner Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Keck Interferomet er Nuller Shared-Risk Scienc e Program. Marc Kuchner Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Zodiacal Light Clementine 1994. Radiation Pressure 10 yr. P-R Drag 10 yr. 6. ?. Terrestrial Planet Finder /Darwin. ?. Terrestrial Planet Finder /Darwin.

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Marc Kuchner Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Keck InterferometerNuller Shared-Risk Science Program Marc Kuchner Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

  2. Zodiacal Light Clementine 1994

  3. Radiation Pressure 10 yr P-R Drag 10 yr 6

  4. ? Terrestrial Planet Finder /Darwin

  5. ? Terrestrial Planet Finder /Darwin

  6. IRAM Plateau de Bure 1.3 mm arcsec Vega arcsec

  7. Keck InterferometerNuller Shared-Risk Science Program 1) YSO Disks 2) Exozodiacal Dust 3) Hot Jupiters

  8. Keck Nulling Interferometer Keck Thermal Background Remover and High Accuracy Interferometer

  9. Terms with no Thermal Background Real Source Intensity

  10. TW Hydra, NICMOS 1) YSO disks

  11. star interior rim surface

  12. Magnetic Truncation ? Balbus-Hawley Turbulence? 1500 K Small Grain Sublimation

  13. 6d 3d

  14.  Eridani, JCMT 2) Exozodiacal Dust

  15. ZODIPIC http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~mkuchner Optically-Thin Dust Disk Modeling Software IDL

  16. Image 1-Visibility

  17. Simulate Keck Nuller Data • Photon Noise • Stellar Leak (10% Uncertain) • (u,v) coverage for star • Distribution of i, PA • 0.5 m bands covering 10-12.5m Try to Recover Optical Depth of Cloud from Simulated Data by Fitting Models

  18. simulated measurement error

  19. nights

  20. resulting uncertainty in measurement of 10x Solar Cloud optical depth assumed uncertainty in stellar leakage

  21. >800 K, <20 pc Roaster (<0.5 AU) or Young (<10 years) 3) Hot Jupiters 9

  22. Inside Quadratic Null • star and planet are spectrally • degenerate ( ) • planet  and flux are degenerate • Break with • (u,v) coverage? • knowledge of stellar leak? -4

  23. Observe Now • Simulate Keck Nuller Data • Photon Noise • Stellar Leak (10% Uncertain) • (u,v) coverage for star • 1 night, zenith angle < 45° • 50% Observing Efficiency • Distribution of i,

  24. flux measurement error

  25. Principle Investigators Wesley Traub Marc Kuchner Co-Investigators Dana Backman Matthew Holman Ray Jayawardhana Rafael Millan-Gabet John Monnier Andreas Quirrenbach JPL Collaborators Mark Colavita Michelle Creech-Eakman Chris Koresko Bertrand Mennesson Gene Searbyn

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