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WIA Youth Common Measure Webinar. Placement in Employment or Education January 12, 2011 9:00 am – 11:00 am. Placement in Employment or Education. Agenda Purpose Introduction Placement in Employment or Education Positive Outcome Calculations ASSET Screens Questions and Answers.
WIA Youth Common Measure Webinar Placement in Employment or Education January 12, 2011 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Placement in Employment or Education Agenda • Purpose • Introduction • Placement in Employment or Education • Positive Outcome • Calculations • ASSET Screens • Questions and Answers
Placement in Employment or Education Purpose DWD is providing this technical assistance webinar for WDBs that failed the Placement in Employment or Education performance measure. The webinar will provide information that will help WDBs improve this measure for Program Year 2010. The main reason WDBs failed this measure is because they did not provide any follow-up services after exit.
Placement in Employment or Education Introduction An individual who has been determined eligible for the WIA Title I Youth Program and has received a WIA funded program element is a participant and will be counted in the WIA Title I Youth Common Measures. Common Measures are an integral part of DOL/ETA’s accountability system and one of the tools used to evaluate success.
Placement in Employment or Education During PY09 several WDBs failed the Placement in Employment or Education Measure. As a result, DWD is required to provide technical assistance to those local Boards.
Placement in Employment or Education What is this Measure? This measure counts the number of youth who are employed; in the military; post-secondary education; and/or advanced training or occupational skills training in the first quarter after exit.
Placement in Employment or Education Who is included in this measure? • Youth who are not in post-secondary education, employment or the military at the date of first service; and • Youth in secondary school education at exit.
Placement in Employment or Education Who is excluded from this measure? • Youth who are in post-secondary education, employment or the military at the date of first service; • Youth who have a documented exclusion at exit; and • Youth who have a documented exclusion in the first, second or third quarter after exit.
Placement in Employment or Education When is this measured? This is an exit measure. It is measured in the first quarter after exit.
Placement in Employment or Education Positive Performance Outcome Youth must be engaged in one of the following five activities during the 1st quarter after exit. • Employment; • Military service; • Post-secondary education; • Advanced training; or • Occupational skills training
Placement in Employment or Education Key Factors Contributing to a Positive Outcome: • Retain youth through service/program completion. • Prior to exiting youth make sure they are ready and have the support to succeed in post program activity.
Placement in Employment or Education Youth Program Results PY09 The State negotiated performance level was 72%, but the actual performance level was 54.4% The following two slides show you how the measure is calculated and also an example using actual numbers plugged into the numerator and denominator.
Placement in Employment or Education Calculation: Number in a positive performance outcome in 1st quarter after exit divided by Number of exiters
Placement in Employment or Education Calculation Example: 142 exiters in a positive performance outcome in 1st quarter after exit ________________________________________ 185 exiters Performance = 77%
Placement in Employment or Education Critical ASSET Fields: • Manage Programs, General Program Summary tab. a. Report education status b. Report employment status (military service is employment). • Manage Exits a. Report exclusion reason if applicable; and b. Education status at exit.
Placement in Employment or Education 3.Manage Follow Ups, Follow Up Status, Entered Employment Overview tab. a. Report exclusion reason if applicable. 4. Manage Follow Ups, Follow Up Status, First Quarter tab a. Report Youth Status: Youth Placement/Retention if known; and b. Report supplemental employment data if available and verified by case manager.
Placement in Employment or Education Questions and Answers • If a youth was recorded as placed into post-secondary education the 1st quarter then worked the 2nd quarter where wages were found… does that override the educational component or doesn’t it matter? It does not matter. • Any updates on making the NAICS and O’NET codes not required for youth? No.
Placement in Employment or Education Resources: • WIA Youth Common Measures Technical Assistance Guide; • WIA Policy Update 06-05: Supplemental Employment Data; • U.S DOL TEGL 17-05, Attachment A and B • U.S DOL TEGL 17-05, Change 2; and
Contact Information Scott Fromader Department of Workforce Development 201 East Washington Avenue, Room E100 Madison, WI 53702 608 261 – 4863 608 267 – 0330 (fax) E-mail: scott.fromader@dwd.wisconsin.gov