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Elements of the Periodic Table

. HeHelium. . LiLithium. . BBoron. . ScScandium. . VVanadium. . NiNickel. . CuCopper. . GeGermanium. . SeSelenium. . YYttrium. . NbNiobium. . MoMolybdenum. . TcTechnectium. . RuRuthenium. . CCarbon. . RhRhodium. . PdPalladium. . InIndium. . TeTellurium. . BiBismuth. . PoPoloniu

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Elements of the Periodic Table

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Elements of the Periodic Table

    2. He Helium

    3. Li Lithium

    4. B Boron

    5. Sc Scandium

    6. V Vanadium

    7. Ni Nickel

    8. Cu Copper

    9. Ge Germanium

    10. Se Selenium

    11. Y Yttrium

    12. Nb Niobium

    13. Mo Molybdenum

    14. Tc Technectium

    15. Ru Ruthenium

    16. C Carbon

    17. Rh Rhodium

    18. Pd Palladium

    19. In Indium

    20. Te Tellurium

    21. Bi Bismuth

    22. Po Polonium

    23. At Astatine

    24. Fr Francium

    25. Np Neptunium

    26. N Nitrogen

    27. O Oxygen

    28. H Hydrogen

    30. Ne Neon

    31. Be Beryllium

    32. Na Sodium

    33. Mg Magnesium

    34. Al Aluminum

    35. Si Silicon

    36. P Phosphorus

    37. S Sulfur

    38. Cl Chlorine

    39. Ar Argon

    40. K Potassium

    41. Ca Calcium

    42. Ti Titanium

    43. Cr Chromium

    44. Mn Manganese

    45. Fe Iron

    46. Co Cobalt

    47. Zn Zinc

    48. Ga Gallium

    49. As Arsenic

    50. Br Bromine

    51. F Fluorine

    52. Kr Krypton

    53. Rb Rubidium

    54. Sr Strontium

    55. Zr Zirconium

    56. Ag Silver

    57. Cd Cadmium

    58. Sn Tin

    59. Sb Antimony

    60. Xe Xenon

    61. Pb Lead

    62. Ba Barium

    63. I Iodine

    64. W Tungsten

    65. Cs Cesium

    66. Au Gold

    67. Hg Mercury

    68. Pt Platinum

    69. Rn Radon

    70. Ra Radium

    71. U Uranium

    72. Pu Plutonium

    73. Hydrogen H

    74. Helium He

    75. Lithium Li

    76. Beryllium Be

    77. Boron B

    78. Carbon C

    79. Nitrogen N

    80. Oxygen O

    81. Fluorine F

    82. Neon Ne

    83. Sodium Na

    84. Magnesium Mg

    85. Aluminum Al

    86. Silicon Si

    87. Phosphorus P

    88. Sulfur S

    89. Chlorine Cl

    90. Argon Ar

    91. Potassium K

    92. Calcium Ca

    93. Titanium Ti

    94. Chromium Cr

    95. Manganese Mn

    96. Iron Fe

    97. Cobalt Co

    98. Nickel Ni

    99. Copper Cu

    100. Zinc Zn

    101. Gallium Ga

    102. Arsenic As

    103. Bromine Br

    104. Krypton Kr

    105. Rubidium Rb

    106. Strontium Sr

    107. Zirconium Zr

    108. Silver Ag

    109. Cadmium Cd

    110. Tin Sn

    111. Antimony Sb

    112. Iodine I

    113. Xenon Xe

    114. Cesium Cs

    115. Barium Ba

    116. Tungsten W

    117. Platinum Pt

    118. Gold Au

    119. Mercury Hg

    120. Lead Pb

    121. Radon Rn

    122. Radium Ra

    123. Plutonium Pu

    124. Uranium U

    125. Neptunium Np

    126. Astatine At

    127. Polonium Po

    128. Bismuth Bi

    129. Francium Fr

    130. Tellurium Te

    131. Indium In

    132. Palladium Pd

    133. Rhodium Rh

    134. Ruthenium Ru

    135. Technectium Tc

    136. Molybdenum Mo

    137. Niobium Nb

    138. Yttrium Y

    139. Selenium Se

    140. Germanium Ge

    141. Zinc Zn

    142. Copper Cu

    143. Vanadium V

    144. Scandium Sc

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