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McCarthyism. The use of intimidation and unfounded accusations in the name of fighting Communism. Joseph McCarthy. He impressed few people in first three years in Congress (1947) He had a drinking problem and became violent at times. He was not well liked but he became respected through fear.
McCarthyism The use of intimidation and unfounded accusations in the name of fighting Communism.
Joseph McCarthy • He impressed few people in first three years in Congress (1947) • He had a drinking problem and became violent at times. • He was not well liked but he became respected through fear.
Red Scare • McCarthyism-Named after Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy • Period of intense anticommunism also known as The Red Scare
The FBI supplied McCarthy with the information that he needed to keep his committee hearings effective • Investigate the background of government employees to ensure they had no Communist connections • Fired employees if they had “reasonable doubt” that they were involved or lacked loyalty
McCarthy claimed he had a list of 205 people from the State Department who were communists He also accused them of sharing secret information with the Soviet Union. This list of people eventually was narrowed down from 205 to 81 to 57 to “a lot” Details:
Alien Registration Act of 1940 • This act required: • All aliens over 14 to register with the U.S. government • Had to file a report stating political beliefs and work status • Made it illegal for anyone to plan to overthrow the U.S. government
The Government Committee on Operations of the Senate identified and banned over 30,000 books Many libraries across the U.S. banned books from their shelves that had anything to do with Communism Overseas Library Program
McCarthy supported Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidential campaign in 1952 Eisenhower allowed McCarthy to continue his anti-Communist hearings.
McCarthyism’s Decline • McCarthy falsely accused the Army of various things, which they proved otherwise. • Court hearings were televised and McCarthy was very mean while questioning people • After the hearings, the people saw McCarthy as cruel, manipulative and irresponsible. • McCarthy was condemned in 1954 by the Senate.
http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAmccarthy.htm • http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3403300474.html • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://site.pfaw.org/images/mccarthy.jpg&imgrefurl=http://site.pfaw.org/site/PageServer%3Fpagename%3Drww_in_focus_new_mccarthyism%26printer_friendly%3D1&usg=__vhl2NXb6yxS3i8_Ag0UoF_YPuNI=&h=247&w=299&sz=51&hl=en&start=5&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=Knno2wG0tCh2PM:&tbnh=96&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmccarthyism%2Blist%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26rlz%3D1R2ADBS_en%26tbs%3Disch:1 • http:www.knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/McCarthyism • American Odyssey: The United States in the 20th Century