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Detecting Pedestrians and Bike Riders - Pedestrian Signaling

One of the best things about having this type of technology is the ability to know where pedestrians are. Pedestrian signaling technology has helped a lot. This allows you to see where pedestrians are and change the lights to accommodate them. <br><br>Read more: http://mikebrown01.mystrikingly.com/blog/detecting-pedestrians-and-bike-riders-pedestrian-signaling

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Detecting Pedestrians and Bike Riders - Pedestrian Signaling

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  1.       Detecting Pedestrians and Bike Riders - Pedestrian  Signaling        Every city needs to use technology to be safe. When you are on the road having pedestrian                 signaling and bicycle detection will keep many people safe and alive. Most accidents             happen when people aren’t aware of the situation around them. For example, we see cars               driving onto the pavement and heating someone without them even realizing it. Sometimes             people miss a light or something happens and they get hurt. By having pedestrian signaling,               you see most people figuring out what they need to do and keeping safe. There are many                 ways in which you can do these types of things in a safe and effective manner. One of the                   best ways is through next-generation technology that has few moving parts but they work           seamlessly together to keep people safe and secure. This type of technology needs to be             deployed more widely in order to keep people on the right path and to have them work on               safety in all aspects on the road.    Effective Pedestrian Signaling    One of the best things about having this type of technology is the ability to know where                 pedestrians are. Pedestrian signaling technology has helped a lot. This allows you to see         where pedestrians are and change the lights to accommodate them. This reduces accidents               and keeps traffic flowing in a consistent manner. It is never a good thing to hear that               someone got hurt by a car driving because of the way things worked out with the traffic                 signals. Having this type of technology makes things future proof and it is something you                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

  2. can change with electronics. This is electronic technology that every city or municipality             should have, as it is something that helps everyone get better. The future of ​pedestrian signaling will become very bright as the technology improves as well. Costs will also go               down some more people can have access to it.    The Way to Do Bicycle Detection    Riding a bicycle can be very dangerous depending on which road you are on. Every road               that has a lot of traffic flowing can become a danger zone for someone riding a bicycle.                     What usually happens is the person writing the bicycle decides to not go on the sidewalk.               The results are often disastrous for them. This type of bicycle detection technology helps               fix some of these problems. You’re able to see the bike be detected and the traffic signals                 will be adjusted to keep the biker safe. It is also important to make sure that this ​bicycle detection technology goes to more cities since riding a bicycle will become more prevalent             in the future as people downsize and get away from driving vehicles.      Source:  http://mikebrown01.mystrikingly.com/blog/detecting-pedestrians-and-bike-riders-pede strian-signaling                                                                                                                                                                                                            Contact Us-    EMTRAC Systems  Address: 1201 W. Randolph St. , McLeansboro, Illinois, 62859  Email: sales@suntransformer.com  Phone: (618) 643-4412  Website:​​www.emtracsystems.com       

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