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World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water

WMO. World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water. EC-LXII/Doc. 4.2 Expected Result 7 ENHANCED CAPABILITIES OF MEMBERS TO PROVIDE AND USE WEATHER AND CLIMATE, WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES Strategic Thrust: Service Delivery

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World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water

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  1. WMO World Meteorological OrganizationWorking together in weather, climate and water EC-LXII/Doc. 4.2 Expected Result 7 ENHANCED CAPABILITIES OF MEMBERS TO PROVIDE AND USE WEATHER AND CLIMATE, WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES Strategic Thrust: Service Delivery (Geoff Love) Director, Weather and Disaster Risk Reduction Services Department (WDS) EC-LXI/Doc. 4.2, p. 3 EC-LXII/Doc. 4.2 www.wmo.int

  2. Introduction • Issues to be discussed in EC-LXII/Doc. 4.2 • User focus; • Improved products and services; • Delivery of services; • Socio-economic issues related to weather, climate and environmental applications; Quality management; and, • Capacity-building and training. • This document covers following WMO programmes: Public Weather Services (PWS); Agricultural Meteorology (AgM); Marine Meteorology and Oceanography (MMO); Aeronautical Meteorology (AeM); Education and Training (ETR); and Atmospheric Environment Research (AER). EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 2 www.wmo.int

  3. The Council is requested to: • Adopt the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery; • Endorse programme initiatives and recommendations of the Executive Council Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction and Service Delivery (EC WG DRR & SD); • Endorse programme initiatives and recommendations of the Quality Framework-Inter Commission Task Team (QMF-ICTT); and, • Take decisions on recommendations and requests contained in the draft text for inclusion in the general summary of EC-LXII. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 3 www.wmo.int

  4. The Council is also requested to: • Approve the publication of Vol. IV of the WMO Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49): Quality Management; • Amend the WMO Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Vol. II: Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation; • Adopt the Terms of Reference (ToRs) of the Executive Council Panel of Experts on Education and Training; and, • Recommend the amendment to the definition of the term “WMO Meteorologist”. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 4 www.wmo.int

  5. Public Weather Services (4.2.2 - 4.2.4) Council to consider and decide on the following issues related to PWS: • Training on techniques to assess user requirements, satisfaction and perception; and, • The Service Delivery aspects in Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP) led by PWS as regards user focus; communication; public education and outreach and user-based assessment. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 5 www.wmo.int

  6. Public Weather Services (4.2.6 - 4.2.7) • Building of strong Service Delivery components within all WMO projects to better serve the public and other user sectors; and, • Study and update of current guidance on colour-coded warning products by PWS Programme as requested by Commission for Atmospheric Science (CAS). EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 6 www.wmo.int

  7. Public Weather Services (4.2.8) • The WMO Strategy for Service Delivery developed by the EC WG DRR & SD, within the framework of: • Evaluation of user needs and decisions; • Development and improvement of delivery mechanisms; • Definition of service outcome effectiveness; and, • Establishment of governance practices. • The leading role of PWS Programme in the implementation of the Strategy. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 7 www.wmo.int

  8. Public Weather Services (4.2.9 – 4.2.11) • Integration of the Strategy into the work of the High-Level Taskforce (HLT) on Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), to promote seamless service delivery across timescales; • Mainstreaming of the Strategy into National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) service delivery strategies; and, • Key Outcome (KO) for Expected Result (ER) 1: “Weather, water and climate products and services meet user needs, as measured by user satisfaction and objective evaluation measures such as timeliness, accuracy and usefulness”. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 8 www.wmo.int

  9. Public Weather Services (4.2.12) • PWS “Learning Through Doing” (LTD) projects: • Madagascar: 2nd year implementation: Weather and climate application to fight Malaria, Plague and Rift Valley Fever; • Panama: 1st year implementation: Weather and climate to combat Dengue Fever; and, • Chile and Peru: 2nd year implementation: Weather and climate to serve agriculture, fisheries, health and transport sectors. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 9 www.wmo.int

  10. Public Weather Services (4.2.12, continued) • Ethiopia: 1st year implementation: Integrating weather, climate and health data to forecast and respond to outbreaks of malaria; and, • Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Nigeria: Planning: Collaboration between the NMHSs and Ministries of Health (MoHs) to tackle malaria and meningitis. Scaling of the projects up to regional projects, and initiating similar projects in other regions. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 10 www.wmo.int

  11. Public Weather Services (4.2.14 – 4.2.18) • Re-vamped ‘World Weather Information System’ (WWIS) Website Google version future.worldweather.wmo.int. Source of official city forecasts; • Severe Weather Information Centre (SWIC): Source of official Tropical Cyclone forecasts and warnings; • Emerging technologies for communication of weather forecasts and warnings; and, • “WMO Forum: Social and Economic Applications of Benefits of Weather, Climate and Water services” leading role in SD and demonstration of value of services. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 11 www.wmo.int

  12. Agricultural Meteorology (4.2.20 – 4.2.25) • Members to develop and implement plans for enhanced communication of Agromet information, including media training; • Key recommendation to establish a West and Central African Network on Climate Change and Food Security (ROCACCSA); • Members to take advantage of World Agrometeorological Information Service (WAMIS) website (http://www.wamis.org/) and the Radio Internet Communication Project (RANET) communication system to disseminate their products; and, • 70 Roving Seminars on Weather, Climate, and Farmers in West Africa with Agencia Estatal de Meteorología de España (AEMET) support. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 12 www.wmo.int

  13. Agricultural Meteorology (4.2.26) • Secretary-General (SG) to continue exploring funding opportunities with donors to assist Members such as: • Rockefeller Foundation grant of US $323,000 to support training of trainers on weather and climate information and products for the Agricultural Extension Services in Ethiopia; and, • One million Euros funding from the European Union’s African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States for the Caribbean Agrometeorological Initiative (CAMI). EC-LXI/Doc. 4.2, p. 3 EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 13 www.wmo.int

  14. Aeronautical Meteorology (4.2.27 – 4.2.29) • SG to prepare a funding proposal for a pilot project on Quality Management System (QMS), to be submitted to Cg-XVI; • Converting “WMO 1001: Guide on the Quality Management System for the Provision of Meteorological Services for International Aviation” into a “generic guide” fit for purpose for all WMO programmes; and, • ICTT on QM to identify Members operating a mature QMS to form twinning partnerships with Members currently planning or developing a QMS. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 14 www.wmo.int

  15. Aeronautical Meteorology(4.2.31 – 4.2.33) • SG to provide a resource list of documentation examples and templates on the WMO-QMF website; • Resolution 4.2/1 (EC-LXII): Publication of Volume IV of the WMO Technical regulations (WMO-No.49): Quality Management; and, • Members to implement QMS in the provision of meteorological services to international civil aviation from November 2012. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 15 www.wmo.int

  16. Aeronautical Meteorology (4.2.33 – 4.2.34) • Working groups, focal points, CAeM, and SG provide adequate support to assist Members in implementing the QMS Standard; • Members to utilize the outcomes of the Tanzania pilot project on QMS implementation; • Regional Associations (RAs) and Members to develop regional QMS implementation projects to facilitate resource mobilization for ISO certification; and, • Discourage Members from implementing alternatives to ISO 9001:2008. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 16 www.wmo.int

  17. Aeronautical Meteorology (4.2.36 – 4.2.37) • CAeM and the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) to address deficiencies in the issuance of Significant Meteorological Information (SIGMET), especially for Volcanic Ash. EC to endorse creation of a multi-disciplinary Inter-commission Scientific Advisory Group, comprising experts in volcanology, and transport; • Adopt Resolution 4.2/2 (EC-LXII) - Amendment to the WMO Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49) Volume II – Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 17 www.wmo.int

  18. Marine Meteorology and Oceanography (4.2.38 – 4.2.39) • Draft resolution for the formation of the World-Wide Met-ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) to be submitted to IMO for inclusion in the regulatory publications; and, • Specialized training be conducted on marine meteorological services, focused on Quality Management Systems. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 18 www.wmo.int

  19. Atmospheric Environment Research (4.2.40 – 4.2.42) • CAS recommendation to increase interactions amongst researchers, users and operators, to test new research approaches and data exchange for research purposes; • PWS and Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) to work with the World Health Organization (WHO) and health authorities to improve Ultra Violet Index (UVI) products and services; and, • Increased coordination between air quality forecasting and heat health warning systems in order to enhance services. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 19 www.wmo.int

  20. Atmospheric Environment Research (4.2.43 – 4.2.45) • New Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Urban Research Meteorology and Environmental (GURME) pilot projects implementation to improve air quality forecasting, observations and information dissemination to the public; • GAW to lead, with regional networks, the technical analysis of climate variability and change and air pollution interaction; and, • WMO/WHO partnership in pursuit of solutions for human health impacts of climate change and air pollution. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 20 www.wmo.int

  21. Atmospheric Environment Research (4.2.46 – 4.2.48) • The call by CAS to Members to continue atmospheric chemistry observations, analysis and assessment related to climate change; and, • The need for NMHSs and other national organizations to pursue a coordinated approach to environmental prediction, applications and services. EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 21 www.wmo.int

  22. Education and Training (4.2.49 – 4.2.51) • Draft Resolution 4.2/3 (EC-LXII) - Definition of a WMO Meteorologist as proposed by the EC Panel of Experts on ETR; • Splitting WMO Publication No. 258 into two separate new publications to: • deal with classifications and qualifications of personnel – (also request Cg-XVI to make this publication a mandatory publication in place of WMO Publication No. 258); and, • aim at educators and trainers; • The revised ToRs for the EC Panel of Experts on ETR; and, • Draft Resolution 4.2/4 (EC-LXII). EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 22 www.wmo.int

  23. Thank you EC-LXII/Doc 4.2, p. 23 www.wmo.int

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