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Welcome to Hanslope Primary Schools Foundation Stage!

Learn about the EYFS curriculum for children aged 5 and under, including key areas of learning, monitoring progress, activities at home, and general information such as school timings and daily routines.

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Welcome to Hanslope Primary Schools Foundation Stage!

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  1. Welcome to Hanslope Primary Schools Foundation Stage!

  2. Foundation Stage Staff Mrs Lisa Lawrence Mrs Sarah McGarr Foundation Stage Teacher Early Years Professional /Key Stage One Leader Status /HLTA Miss Veronica Cocca Teaching Assistant Mrs Tracey Byott Teaching Assistant

  3. What is the EYFS?Early Years Foundation Stage Early Years and the Foundation Stage is a curriculum for 5s and under. Your child will have been following the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum in nursery and pre-school and some of our activities will already be familiar to them.

  4. The EYFS curriculum has seven areas of learning which are reflected both inside and outside the classroom. • Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Communication and Language • Physical Development • Literacy • Mathematics • Understanding the World • Expressive Arts and Design

  5. PSEDPersonal, Social and Emotional Development The children will be learning to; Make new friends. Learn rules. Learn daily routines. Learn about other cultures. Understand boundaries. Make relationships with adults.

  6. Communication and LanguageThe children will be learning to; Listen to stories, songs and poems. Talk confidently and clearly. Respond to questions from adults and peers.

  7. Physical DevelopmentThe children will be learning to; Develop their gross and fine motor skills. Develop mark-making and pencil control. Learn a variety of skills in their PE lessons.

  8. LiteracyThe children will be learning to; Sing songs and nursery rhymes. Recognise and write their name. Hear and say sounds ~ Phonics (a workshop will take place regarding the teaching of phonics at Hanslope). Read a range of books (Your child will not have a reading book until later in the Autumn Term). Read and write familiar words using phonic knowledge.

  9. MathematicsThe children will be learning to; Develop an understanding of maths through stories, songs, games and imaginative play. Count, recognise, form and use numbers to 20. Become aware of 2D and 3D shapes. Recognise patterns. Recognise and use coins. Solve simple problems. Measure using the language of heavier than or bigger than.

  10. Understanding the WorldThe children will be learning to; Find out about the world around them, asking questions about it. Build with different materials. Discover everyday technology and what it is used for. Find out about past events in their lives and their families lives. Understand different cultures and beliefs.

  11. Expressive Arts and Design The children will explore; Role play. Art. Painting. Drawing. Dance. Music. Singing. Story. Imagination.

  12. Outdoor LearningWe spend a lot of time learning outside. In your child’s outdoor learning bag, that is kept in school, your child will need gloves, a hat, waterproof trousers, waterproof jacket, tracksuit trousers and a warm hoodie/tracksuit top and a pair of wellies.

  13. Monitoring Progress The Foundation Year is the final year of The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) From birth to five. Each of the seven areas of learning have their own set of Early Learning Goalswhich determine what most children are expected to achieve by the endof the Foundation Year. To work towards these goals we monitor and assess children through daily observations. Assessment is always ongoing. Our first parents evening is in October where we will discuss with you how your child has settled into school and the progress they are making.

  14. Activities to do at home Teach your child how to put their own coat on and do it up themselves. Dress without help including turning clothes the right way round. Make sure that your child can use the toilet without help and wash their hands. Encourage your child to ask to go to the toilet…at school they will be allowed to go at any time. Encourage your child to tell us if they have a problem. (They manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs successfully, including dressing and going to the toilet independently).

  15. Other ways you can help? Teach your child to recognise their name. Make sure your child can eat with a knife and fork. Share and tell your child stories. Play games which encourage sharing and turn taking. Today your child came home with a learning pack. The information and resources within it it will help prepare your child for school. Read through the welcome pack you received which will give you more information about how you can help your child in all the areas of learning.

  16. General Information Please label ALL items of clothing (including shoes!) Make sure clothing does not have complicated fastenings! Bring a fruit snack every day in a small named pot. PE kit comes to school on a Monday and is taken home on a Friday.

  17. General Information Your child starts full timeon Monday 9th September. Doors open at 8.45am and the register is taken at 8.55am. The school day finishes at 3.10pm. Talk to your child about what they have done at school. Don’t leave any concerns until parents evenings. Please use the Home School Book, talk to us at the door or email me with any questions, concerns etc. that you have at any time. lisa.lawrence@hanslope.milton-keynes.sch.uk

  18. Uniform School uniform can be purchased from Maisies in Wolverton. PE kit is a blue T-shirt with the school logo on, blue shorts and plimsolls. Earrings must be studs only and should be removed at home on PE days, or covered in micro pore tape before coming to school.

  19. Choose a date and time for home/school visit. If your child has any medical needs please speak to Mrs McGarr, as we have medical forms to fill out. Look around our Foundation classroom. Purchase a book bag. Ask any questions! This PowerPoint will be available on the school website. Please return completed lunch menus for the 9th and 16th of September. If your child will be bringing their own packed lunch please let us know. Tonight

  20. Thank you for coming. We hope that you and your children will enjoy being a part of Hanslope Primary School family over the coming years.

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