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  1. Baptist Ministers Association of Houston * Houston Area Pastor Council * Houston Ministers Against Crime AME Ministers Alliance of Houston/Gulf Coast Northeast Ministers Alliance * South Texas Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship * South Texas District Council of the Assemblies of God * National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference INSTRUCTIONS ON SIGNING THE REFERENDUM PETITION AND COLLECTING SIGNATURES

  2. Key Points of concern: • WOMEN’S restrooms ARE STILL OPEN to MEN in the ERO passed by city council! • WOMEN’S restrooms ARE STILL OPEN to MEN in the ERO passed by city council! • WOMEN’S restrooms ARE STILL OPEN to MEN in the ERO passed by city council!

  3. Key Points of concern: 2. Mayor Parker’s ERO creates UNequal Rights for a tinyelite group of people by taking away rights of safety and privacy for the vast majority of our women and children!

  4. Key Points of concern: 3. Mayor Parker’s ERO declares that sexual behavior and gender confusion are morally and legally equal to race, religion and sex.

  5. Key Points of concern: 4. Since the Mayor and 10* members of Houston City Council chose to ignore the overwhelming opposition to the ordinance – LET THE PEOPLE VOTE! * - LIST ON LAST SLIDE

  6. Voters do NOT NEED this number to sign! Must be eligible to SIGN to be eligible to COLLECT signatures! Person collecting signatures on THIS petition MUST have it notarized!

  7. SUMMARY: MUST be a registered voter in the City of Houston to SIGN OR Collect signatures Petition signatures MUST be collected AND witnessed by the registered voter who then must have EACH sheet notarized. Petitions can be delivered to a Drop Off Location or mailed (all information listed at www.NoUNequalrights.com . Petitions must be turned in to a No UNequal Rights location by June 27.

  8. .com Houston City Council Members who courageously voted AGAINST the ERO: Please call and email them your thanks and encouragement! www.NoUNequalRights.com

  9. .com Houston City Council Members who voted WITH Mayor Parker FOR the ERO: Please remember them next city election! www.NoUNequalRights.com

  10. .com www.NoUNequalRights.com

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