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One to one skill enhancement with our experts. One to one counselling regarding what future course is to be followed based upon the aptitude, interest, skill and the scope of the caree<br>Group training sessions for a particular skill development/ enhancement. Awareness sessions for college students and faculty regarding new and upcoming options and their requirements with respect to the skill set and personality attributes.<br>
BADLAAV Badlaavisanefforttochangethe interpersonalandintrapersonallandscape ofcollegestudentsandstaff, makingthem fitfortheruthlesslycompetitive professionalworld. Thereisamajorgap betweenemployabilityandeducationfor today’scollegestudents. Aculturalshock awaitsthemastheyenterthemarket. We worktowardsbridgingthegapand abatingtheshock. Thecollegestaff, dueto lackofresourcesortime, isoftenunableto devotetimetopersonalgrowthand development. Weprovidethemassistance tonavigatethroughandexcelintheir professionalenvironment.
OUR PROGRAMS Succeeding alone in the world is an unrealistic goal. We understand this and seek to support the students and the faculty in identifying goals and finding potential solutions to personal and professional problems, developing skills and improving communication, to maintain optimal mental health and to avoid emotional distress. Our trainings target all-round development of the students and the staff imparting the education that course books do not offer and the experience that trainers gather over years of hardwork.
THESE ARE FURTHER DIVIDED INTO TWO CATEGORIES Individual Trainings One toone skill enhancementwith our experts. One toone counselling regarding what future course isto be followed based uponthe aptitude,interest,skill and the scope of the career. Group Trainings Grouptraining sessions for a particularskill development/ enhancement. Awarenesssessions for college students and facultyregarding new and upcoming options and theirrequirementswith respecttothe skillset and personality attributes.
WHY TRAINING?? Training takesmany dimensions, fromself grooming ,public speaking,learning corporate nitty grittytoupdating the self with latest discoveries and innovationsinone’s chosen field of working .For a college student,training maymean acquiring employabilityskillswhile for a CEO of a multinational companyitmaymean howtoincrease internal economiesor howtoreduce the costperunitproduction butthere isno denying the factthattraining remainsthe mostsought aftersession and the least expensive wayin comparisonstoothermeansof updating the self orthe organisation. To a working professionalorto a student,itis an excellentopportunity available tostayupdated.
CONTACT US EMAIL: INFO@IBADLAAV.IN Phone:+91-9816647794 BADLAAV AN EFFORT TOWARDS CHANGE LINKS LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM FEEDBACK For any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. Improvement in us, means improvement in you!