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Fighting Worldliness: Youth's Search for a Deeper Christian Life

Explore the dangers of worldliness, the lure of worldly amusements, and the scriptural guidance for a pure Christian life. Understand the clash between the church and the world, and learn how to resist worldly trends. Discover ways to please God and avoid compromise in a world full of distractions.

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Fighting Worldliness: Youth's Search for a Deeper Christian Life

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  1. WORLDLINESS AND WORLDLY AMUSEMENTS Youth Search The Scriptures Lesson 739 Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Canada

  2. Memory Verse Main Text Focal Scriptures

  3. Worldliness is any act or attitude that is in line with the evil systems, practices, dressing or adornments of the world. • Worldly amusement is the provision or enjoyment of worldly entertainments such as worldly music, dancing, parties, drinking, smoking, etc.

  4. Christ is coming for a pure Church without spot, wrinkle or any such thing that defiles. • Christ is coming for a pure Church without spot, wrinkle or any such thing. • The church and the world are two opposing systems, hence, the difference must be clear

  5. It begins in the heart as a secret, inward liking. • Colossian 3: 5 • Proceeds to a craving for the fancies and fashions of the world • Finally begins to show forth in the lifestyle of its victim. • 1 John 2: 15

  6. The moment your heart begins to yearn after the sinful trends and contemporary fashions in the world. • When the people of the world (ungodly friends, colleagues, relations, neighbours, etc.) dictate and determine your taste in dressing, choices and decisions.

  7. Scriptural Helps for youths who rationalize worldliness • Join them to win them • Romans 12:2 • It doesn’t really matter • 2 Timothy 4: 10 • The Word of God no more applies today… • Revelation 22:18,19

  8. Worldliness makes anyone the enemy of God (James 4:4). • Leads to loss of conviction on serious biblical matters ; thereby leading to backsliding and compromise (2 Timothy 4:10). • It corrupts the minds of other children of God (Romans 14: 21; 1 Cor. 8: 13). • Hinders the presence and power of God in the Church and brings about carnal competition in the church (1 Cor. 3: 3).

  9. We must show forth our light as true and obedient children of God • We must steer clear of carnal festivities and things that are worldly (1 Cor. 10:7) • We must seek to please God in everything we do (Galatians 1: 10). • We must pray to be totally free from worldliness and worldly amusements. “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

  10. What is worldliness and worldly amusements? • How does worldliness begin? • Mention some common ways worldliness and worldly amusements manifest among youths. • How do ‘modern Christian youths’ rationalise worldliness? • What inherent dangers does worldliness pose to the individual Christian and the church at large?

  11. References for images on the cover slide https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=bHCokddw&id=D5688C9A4769066001CD7E5CB79270D658321ADF&q=Worldliness&simid=608050268235697221&selectedindex=9&mode=overlay&first=1&thid=OIP.bHCokddwmuqSS9ESoIKIwgEsD6

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