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Workplace Conversations Seminar for UNISON Activists

Explore effective 1:1 communication strategies to engage members, shape campaigns, and develop activists. Hands-on workshop led by UNISON Strategic Organiser Clair Hawkins. Learn to overcome challenges and maximize impact.

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Workplace Conversations Seminar for UNISON Activists

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  1. Further Education and Sixth Form Colleges SeminarSaturday 16th April 2016 • Workplace Conversations: • How can we effectively use and structure 1:1 conversations to build our base, shape our campaigns, plus identify and develop UNISON activists? • Clair Hawkins • UNISON Strategic Organiser • c.hawkins@unison.co.uk | 020 7121 5421 | 07817 121239

  2. Workplace Communications • How do we currently communicate with members and potential members in our workplaces? • What are the benefits and limitations of each type of communication? • Share examples of successful communications or when you’ve faced challenges. • How dowe measure what works?

  3. Face to face communications • Why are face to face one to one conversations so important? • What holds us back from having more 1:1 conversations in the workplace?

  4. What do we want to achieve through workplace conversations? • Learn about workplace issues (individual & collective) • Inform and answer questions about UNISON • Build our member/activist base • Increase UNISON’s visibility • Call to action – encourage people to act on their concerns • Spread our message and gain support for our campaigns • Assess people’s desire to see change happen and their motivation/ability to make it happen

  5. The Organising 1:1 Conversation ... • ...is about building a relationship • ...is about listening • ...is about moving people from anger to action through a plan to win • ...needs time, planning, mapping, follow up

  6. The 3 step organising conversation

  7. The 3 step organising conversation

  8. The 3 step organising conversation

  9. The 3 step organising conversation

  10. Any concerns? • What kind of challenges, difficulties, objections would you anticipate? • What might help overcome the problems?

  11. Let’s talk ... • - In pairs or small groups take turns to be • A speaker • A UNISON (active listening) activist • Go through the stages of an organising conversation • As the speaker, you may wish to keep it real and be yourself, or you could adopt a role (and play a potential activist, a disgruntled member, an identified leader ...) • Debrief • How was that? Any interesting stories? • What could UNISON do to encourage more 1:1 organising conversations in the workplace?

  12. Targeting and mapping • Who do you want to speak to and how will you prioritise? • Where are these people and when are they there? • How will you approach them to arrange a conversation? • Do you need additional information and how will you get it?

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