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Explore North Carolina's official symbols and geographic regions. Learn about famous North Carolinians, interesting facts, and important historical events. Engage in interactive activities and educational resources. Uncover the rich heritage of North Carolina!
Did you know that North Carolina has official symbols to represent it?*Click on the pictures below and find out what some of those symbols are!
Did you know that North Carolina has 3 geographic areas?Geographic means the type of land and climate in a certain area. Click on the map below and find out more about the geography of North Carolina!
Have you ever looked at maps of North Carolina? • Maps can tell you a lot about where you live, how big a place is, and what kind of places are around you! Click on the pictures below to look at different kinds of maps of North Carolina. counties cities physical
It is important to know some of the history of the state you live in. When you learn about what has happened in North Carolina you can understand more about what is happening in North Carolina now!
Did you know that there are a lot of people that have lived in North Carolina or were even born in North Carolina that are famous? Click on the picture above to learn about some famous North Carolinians
Facts about North Carolina I bet you didn’t know…. that the first known putt- putt course was in North Carolina or that the very first airplane flew successfully in North Carolina! Learn more by clicking on our state flag
Pick one of the following activities to complete: Activity 1:each activity with be given 20 minutesActivity 2: Be creative and show me what you learned about North Carolina. Choose one of your favorite facts about North Carolina. Draw a picture representing this fact and write several sentences describing how you think that this fact has affected North Carolina. How would NC be different without this fact or event? Use the graphic organizer to write in words that are related to North Carolina. Then use each word in a sentence to describe North Carolina (it’s people, events, and geography) in your own words.
Teacher Pages Activity 1: Rationale-By participating in this activity students will be able to take something that they learned and found interesting and actually create a product that means something to them. Drawing gives the students another option to express what they have learned. This activity will also allow them to reflect on what they have learned and consider how it has impacted the world outside of themselves. Integrated subjects:Social Studies, Art, and Language Arts. NCSCOS Objectives:Art- 5.01 Identify main purpose for an individual artwork. Social Studies- 4.01 Analyze the effects of change in communities and predict future changes. Language Arts- 2.06 Recall main idea, facts and details from a text. Activity Sequence/Details: Students will choose one of their favorite facts that they learned about North Carolina. • They will then draw a picture representing this fact and will write several sentences describing how they think that this fact has affected North Carolina. How would NC be different without this fact or event taking place? • The paper for them to draw and write on will be pre-made with a box to draw in and lines to write their sentences on. • The activity will take about 20 minutes. Modifications:I will emphasize to students that they do not have to read everything on the website pages throughout the topic page. For those students who have a hard time writing I will make sure that they work more on their drawing than on their sentences- letting their drawing represent the fact that they found most interesting. According to the disability, students will get to talk orally with peers and teacher about their favorite fact and how that fact has impacted North Carolina. Assessment:As students are working on their activity I will walk around and observe the process that they are going through to complete the task. I will talk with students about what they are doing and sort of get a feel behind their thought process. I will also review the student’s product after they hand them in and if I feel that they did not put forth effort I will conference with the child and see what went wrong.
Activity 2: Rationale-Students will be able to translate what they have learned about North Carolina in their own words. The graphic organizer is something that they can always go back to and look at to remember important things about their state. It is always important to get the students to write in their own words. Through this process they are reflecting and showing that their learning goes beyond reading and reciting. Integrated Subjects:Language Arts, Social Studies NCSCOS Objectives:Language Arts-2.06 Recall main idea, facts and details from a text.Social Studies-5.06 Identify and describe the people, vegetation, and animal life specific to certain regions and describe their interdependence. Activity Sequence/Details: Students will use the graphic organizer print-out to write in words that are related to North Carolina. • They will then use each word in a sentence to describe North Carolina (it’s people, events, and geography) in their own words. They can write the sentences on the back of the graphic organizers where there will be pre-written lines. • The activity will take about 20 minutes. Modifications:If students have a hard time writing I will let students draw in the graphic organizer- their drawings can represent things that describe NC. I will also let students talk with one another about what they want to write in their sentences. If they have a disability, depending on what it is- the students may talk with me and their peers orally about what they have learned about NC and express the words they would like to use in their graphic organizer. Assessment:As students are working on their activity I will walk around and observe the process that they are going through to complete the task. I will talk with students about what they are doing and sort of get a feel behind their thought process. I will also review the student’s product after they hand them in and if I feel that they did not put forth effort I will conference with the child and see what went wrong.
Web Resources: • about emerald: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/pubsweb/symbols/sy-emerl.htm • Symbols: http://statelibrary.dcr.state.nc.us/nc/symbols/symbols.htm • Geography: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/kidspg/geog.htm • where NC is: http://www.governor.state.nc.us/Highlights/NCkids/wherenc.html • county map: http://county-map.digital-topo-maps.com/north-carolina-county-map.gif • city map: http://cache.eb.com/eb/image?id=68203&rendTypeId=4 • physical map: http://www.mindbird.com/USGS%20NC%20shd%20678x.jpg • NC history : http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/kidspg/history.htm • famous North Carolinians: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/kidspg/famous.htm • facts about NC: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/kidspg/facts.htm
Image sources: All pictures were found on Google image under the following websites: • http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/departments/nrd-30/ncsa/STSI/37_NC/2005/37_NC_2005.htwww-nrd.nhtsa.dot.govm • www.mmowned.com • www.sciam.com • www.theflowerexpert.com • home.howstuffworks.com • www.jupiterimages.com • photos.somd.com • www.pedigreedatabase.com • statelibrary.dcr.state.nc.us • www.pgc.state.pa.us • ivycreekfoundation.org • www.songwritersrecordingstudio.com • www.dkimages.com • time-blog.com