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ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: NORTH CAROLINA. Ready, Reliable, Responsive, and Relevant. Key Facts FY13 Federal Army National Guard Spending in North Carolina: $296,405,066 FY13 ARNG Soldiers Authorized for North Carolina: 10,212
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: NORTH CAROLINA Ready, Reliable, Responsive, and Relevant • Key Facts • FY13 Federal Army National Guard Spending in North Carolina: $296,405,066 • FY13 ARNG Soldiers Authorized for North Carolina: 10,212 • As of January 2014, 25 NCARNG Soldiers have given their lives in theater (OEF/OIF) since 9/11 MG Gregory A. Lusk Adjutant General CSM John H. Swart State Senior Enlisted Leader NCARNG Economic Impact (FY13) Military Pay and Allowances: $167,908,966 Operations and Maintenance: $128,496,100 Total Federal Spending*: $296,405,066 *Total includes Active Guard and Reserve pay. Total does not include pay for Soldiers mobilized into full-time federal service, military education benefit spending (i.e. GI Bill), state and other spending. Economic studies indicate that federal spending has an economic impact in a state of up to double the actual federal spending amount. Soldiers of the 5-113th Field Artillery conducting dismounted squad level drills while training in the Sinai Peninsula • Recent Missions and Accomplishments: • The NCARNG mobilized and deployed more than 15,400 Soldiers since 9/11 • The 5-113 Field Artillery mobilized 428 Soldiers in support of operations in the Sinai Peninsula • The NCARNG continue to be a leader in Domestic Operations (DOMOPS). The NCARNG supported the 2012 Democratic National Convention with more than 2,400 Soldiers and Airmen. In preparation for the convention, the NCARNG Citizen-Soldiers led a national-level exercise, from four states and dozens of local, state and federal agencies. • NCARNG rotary wing aviation, as a member of the NC Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team (NC HART); providing a service to the citizens of NC otherwise not supported by any other organization, performed three rescues in FY13. Command Sergeant Major Robert Winzenried, the U.S. Northern Command senior Non-Commissioned Officer, coins Soldiers from the 211th Military Police Company who are standing guard at critical locations during the Democratic National Convention UH-60L from C/1-131 Kill Devils conducts NC HART rescue training in conjunction with NC Emergency Management at Lake James State Park, North Carolina
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: NORTH CAROLINA Ready, Reliable, Responsive, and Relevant • By The Numbers (FY13): • Individual Soldiers who: • Served in Iraq from 9/11 to the end of FY13: 10,805 • Served in Afghanistan from 9/11 to the end of FY13: 1,778 • Served in Afghanistan in FY13: 410 • Served overseas (other than in Iraq or Afghanistan) from 9/11 to the end of FY13: 1,961 • Served overseas (other than in Iraq or Afghanistan) in FY13: 1,427 • Served on federal duty in the continental US from 9/11 to the end of FY13: 856 • Facilities and Equipment • 93 Readiness Centers, 3 Training Sites, 17 Surface Equipment Maintenance Facilities, and 2 Army Aviation Facilities • Major NCARNG Units Joint Forces Headquarters, 60th Troop Command 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team 113th Sustainment Brigade 130th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade 139th Regional Training Institute 449th Theater Aviation Brigade Always Ready –Ready Team!