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This presentation delves into the correlation between low metallicity environments and ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs), examining statistical analysis and evidence suggesting the origins of ULXs in massive stars within low metallicity regions. Recent advancements in ULX research, including X-ray spectra, binary nature identification, and optical modulations, are discussed. The study also covers quasi-periodic oscillations, critical reviews of massive black hole estimates, and the emerging understanding that most ULXs are accreting X-ray binaries with massive companions. The role of metallicity in galaxy environments hosting ULXs is explored through measurements of star formation rates and metallicities. Overall, the presentation outlines key findings and advancements in the field of ULX research in relation to low metallicity environments.
Low metallicity and UltraLuminous X-ray Sources Luca Zampieri INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Padova M. Mapelli (Universita` di Milano Bicocca) E. Ripamonti (Universita` di Milano Bicocca) S. Bressan (INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Padova) M. Colpi (Universita` di Milano Bicocca) T. Roberts (Durham University) Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
Outline • Possible evidences of preferential location of ULXs in low metallicity environments • Metallicity of the nebula around NGC 1313 X-2 • Results of the statistical analysis of a sample of 66 galaxies observed in X-rays with SFR and metallicities measurements • A fraction of ULXs may originate from massive stars in low metallicity environments • Conclusions Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
X-ray spectra: similar to BHC spectra X-ray flux variability, Lx-spectral variability High L end of the XLF of XRBs ULXs X-ray binaries with massive donors X-ray and optical orbital modulations Often in young stellar environ. QPOs in the power spectrum Detection of stellar optical counterparts ULXs ULXs are pointlike, off-nuclear X-ray sources in nearby galaxies with L >> Ledd for 1 Msun (L>1.0e39 erg/s) Most compelling evidence of binary nature provided by detection of a modulation in the X-ray light curve of two ULXs, interpreted as the orbital period: M82 X-1 P~62 days (Kaaret et al. 2006a,b) NGC5408X-1 P~115 days (Strohmayer 2010; but see poster by Foster et al.)
ULXs: some recent advancements • HLX1 in ESO243−49(Farrell et al. 09), with an inferred isotropic L~1.0e42 erg/s, interpreted as first unambiguous identification of an IMBH (Godet et al. 09; Webb et al. 10; Wiersema et al. 10). But interpretation of the X-ray spectra not unique (Soria et al. 2010) • Jet-inflated bubble around a powerful microquasar in the galaxy NGC 7793, of size and energy content comparable to those around ULXs (Pakull, Soria & Motch 10; Soria et al. 10) Impiombato et al. (2010) • Optical modulation of 6 days in NGC 1313 X-2 (Liu et al. 09) * Significance is low (~3 sigma; Impiobato et al. 10) * System consistent only with a 12-15 Msun main sequence donor dumping matter on a 50-100 Msun BH (Patruno & Zampieri 10) Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
ULXs: somerecent advancements • X-ray quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) at frequencies of 3-4 mHz from a transient ULX in M82 (Feng & Kaaret 10) • Curvature in high S/N X-ray spectra low temperature (T~5-10 keV) optically thick (tau~3-5) coronae (Gladstone et al. 09) • Critical review of available Mbh estimates Mbh >> 100 Msun not required for the majority of bright and persistent ULXs (Zampieri & Roberts 09) • Emerging picture: * Most ULXs are accreting X-ray binaries with massive companions in a rather peculiar state ('ultraluminous state') * Some may host IMBHs, but most of them do not require BHs this massive However, not necessarily all ULXs contain stellar-mass (<10-20 Msun) BHs Definitive answer from measurement of dynamical mass function of ULX counterparts (Roberts et al. 10; Motch et al. 10) Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
Preferential location of ULXs in low metallicity environments? • Subsample of galaxies with X-ray pointed observations (ROSAT, Chandra, XMM) from the Catalog of Neighboring Galaxies (Karachentsev et al. 04) • Specific ULX frequency decreases with increasing host galaxy mass indicating that smaller, lower metallicity systems have more ULXs per unit mass (Swartz et al. 2008; Walton et al., in prep.) Swartz et al. (2008) Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
Preferential location of ULXs in low metallicity environments? • (+) Measurement of the metallicity of the stellar environment also attempted (NGC 4559 X-7, Cropper et al. 2004; NGC 1313 X-2, Grise’ et al. 08) subsolar abundance • (+) Optical spectrum of the nebula of Ho II X-1 Z~0.1 Zsun (Pakull & Mirioni 02), but XMM-Newton RGS spectrum Z~0.6 Zsun (Goad et al. 06) • (-) Analysis of high signal-to-noise ratio XMM spectra of a sample of 14 ULXs, trying to determine the oxygen abundance from the detection of K-shell photoionization edges solar abundance (Winter et al. 2007) Simulated EPIC-pn spectra fitted with same input model with zero oxygen+edge systematically overestimate the abundance (Pintore & Zampieri 10) Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
Metallicity of the nebula around NGC 1313 X-2 Comparison with a grid of photoionization models computed with Cloudy (Ferland 96) • Agreement with metallicity of HII regions in NGC 1313 (Ryder 93; Walsh & Roy 97; Hadfield & Crowther 07) Z=0.15-0.5 Zsun Ripamonti et al. (2010) Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
Galaxies observed in X-rays with measurements of SFR and metallicity • Statistical analysis of a sample of galaxies hosting ULXs plus a number of galaxies of the Local Group (excluded ellipticals) • 66 galaxies observed in X-rays with SFR and Z measurements • SFR average of available estimates • Z from intensity of emission lines of HII regions (calibration of Pilyugin & Thuan 05) Mean Z = 0.22+/-0.11 Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
Galaxies observed in X-rays with measurements of SFR and metallicity • Strong correlation between Nulx and SFR (e.g. Grimm et al. 2003; Mineo et al. 2010) Nulx ~ A*SFR A=1.20+/-0.2 • There is marginal (~2 sigma) evidence of different normalizations between high-red (Z>0.2 Zsun) and low-black (Z<0.2 Zsun) metallicity galaxies NULX Mapelli et al. (2010) Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
Galaxies observed in X-rays with measurements of SFR and metallicity • Is there a residual dependence on Z after subtracting off the dominant effect of SFR? • Fit of Nulx/SFR vs Z using a power-law wrt a fit with a constant: improvement significant at the 96% confidence level Mapelli et al. (2010) Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
ULXs forming in low metallicity environments • Besides SFR, metallicity may be a further ingredient playing a role in forming and/or triggering the ULX phenomenon: How to explain this connection? • Try to explan it within the framework of BH formation from the direct collapse of massive stars in low-metallicity environments: If a massive star retains an envelope more massive than ~30-40 Msun at the time of explosion, it may collapse directly to form a BH (Zampieri 02; Heger et al. 03) The BH mass is comparable to the final star mass: Mbh>30 Msun (e.g. Fryer 99; Fryer & Kalogera 01; Belczynski et al. 10) massive (stellar-remnant) BH Lower Z stars tend to have more massive envelopes because mass loss is less efficient Low Z environment may produce more and bigger BHs Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
ULXs forming inlow metallicity environments Zampieri & Roberts (2009) Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
ULXs forming in low metallicity environments Bressan et al. (2010) • 60 Msun He core (WR star) from 120 Msun star (Bressan, Marigo, Girardi et al. 10) • A possibly independent piece of evidence: Dynamical mass of IC 10 X-1 23-33 Msun (Prestwich et al. 07; Silverman & Filippenko 08) Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
ULXs forming in low metallicity environments mmax=120 Msun maximum stellar mass mprog(Z) minimum MS mass to form a BH through direct collapse from Portinari et al. (98) and Belczynski et al. (10) mprog(0.3 Zsun)=80 Msun; mprog(0.01 Zsun)=60 Msun Distribution of BHs IMF (Kroupa 2001) above mprog mmin=0.08 Msun minimum stellar mass tco=10 Myr characteristic lifetime of a binary companion (typical of a 15 Msun donor) Nbh number of massive BHs that have an active phase Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
ULXs forming in low metallicity environments • Cartwheel: Nulx explained with a reasonable production efficiency and fraction of star-forming mass ending up in BHs (Mapelli et al. 09) • Linear fit is statistically consistent with the observed correlation Mapelli et al. (2010) Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ
Conclusions • Marginal statistical evidence of Z dependence in ULX formation: More, and more accurate measurements needed • A fraction of ULXs (most of the the bright tail) may be originating from the direct collapse of massive stars formed in low-metallicity environments • Binary evolution at low Z? See Vicky’s talk Z dependence possibly connected to: * Evolution of massive stars in low Z environments * Relative strengths of the ULX-HMXB formation pathways (Linden et al. 10) • Hydrodynamics of direct BH formation * How much energy/mass is ejected? * How symmetric is it? What is the typical natal kick? Low Metallicity and ULXs - Crete – Oct 14, 2010 - LZ